Ways to Get an Online Presence for Your Business

Technology is getting bigger and better and this means that the world is gradually becoming a global village. Today, anyone can sit in their homes in the Nigeria or Ghana and be able to know the latest news in India, United States of America or even Venezuela. Yes, this is the power of technology that we are gradually learning to deal with and also acknowledge in our lives. Today, businesses are looking like the best beneficiaries of technology especially due to the internet. Yes, today every business is gaining and trying to gain online presence to ensure that they are always on top of their rivals. The internet has helped to make small businesses very huge and also known in the parts of the country they never thought was possible.

Also, many people are having great fun sitting in the comfort of their homes to shop from the internet. The truth is that, the influence of technology in the world is growing and will be much bigger than it is now; this is why businesses are advised to catch up and make good use of these new ways of business marketing and promotion. Today, there are so many small businesses that have so many clients all over the world that they have never met before but do business with all the same. This is great because; you offer better services to people you do not even know. There are so many ways however; to get the right online presence you need to get your business on the road.

You can start first by designing or having a business website designed for you. Yes, this can be done by professionals or software’s you can download from the internet. Your website is what speaks to clients or markets your products on the internet for you. This is why you need to ensure it is in the best of condition at all times with the right information. Make sure all information with regards to your services; charges, etc are not left out.

Another way you can boost your online presence is by using online social media networks like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and the many others available. Doing this can give you an opportunity to see some of the international customers you have and also get more people knowing about your business and the services you offer. Online presence can be got through so many processes however; it will be best to ensure that you do exactly what you is needed and the best for your business.

Easy Ways to Find Content For Your Social Media Network

Finding fresh an interesting content to post on your social media network or for your blog can be a difficult and frustrating venture. Sometimes your brain goes into overload, and just doesn’t want to come up with something innovative or original.

That’s OK. We can’t all be geniuses, and original geniuses at that, during every waking hour and thinking moment. To help ease the overload, here’s a few tips on how to easily find content to publish across your social media network and on your blog that will help drive traffic to your pages–without busting your brain.

Other Facebook Pages

Sharing posts by other business Facebook Pages is a great way to easily post content on your Facebook page. You can also post to your other social streams by using Buffer, which is integrated with Facebook’s sharing options. Log in as your business Facebook Page and click on Home (upper right corner) to get the news feed featuring posts from other Pages that you have Liked. Scroll through the feed to find interesting and relevant content for your page, whether it be a community event, news item or just a fantastic photo. Click the Share link–you now have the option to share it immediately to your page, or you can schedule it for later using Buffer (the green button), which can also post to other networks.

Google Reader

Google Reader aggregates fresh content from Web sites and blogs based on search terms that you define into one easy-to-read page. You must have a Gmail account to set up Google Reader. On Google’s toolbar, click on More (on the right) and then Reader. You can subscribe to prepackaged feeds that Google has set up, or input your own specific search term to find feeds. Scroll through your feeds, then share using Buffer if you’ve got the app extension installed on your browser, or use Google+.

Google Alerts

Stay up to date on all Google search terms related to your business across the Web with Google Alerts–and gather content for your social media network and blog. These alerts can be emailed to you or you can add them to your Google Reader list, which may be an easier option rather than trying to keep track of emails. Again, you must have a Gmail account to sign up for alerts and to add them to your Reader. It’s easy as one, two, three–go to google.com/alerts, sign in, and add any search term related to your business. You can narrow the results by choosing only News, Blogs or another taxonomy, or subscribe to Everything, which I recommend, if you want to track your industry across all spectrums.

Trap!t and Zite

These two apps are fantastic to use with an iPad to search for content relative to your business and your interests. They gather content from around the Web, based on topics you choose, and present them in a magazine format with headlines, summaries and photos.

Zite allows you to share content directly to Twitter or Facebook, or save it through Evernote or Pocket for later referral. The only problem is, there is not an option to share on a Facebook business Page. You can only share to your personal Facebook page. You can’t schedule posts either.

Trap!t utilizes Buffer so you can schedule posts of content you find to your social streams, including Facebook Fan Pages and LinkedIn. It also saves content to Evernote and Pocket, as well as to its own reading list. Trap!t can also be used on a regular browser.

There you go, brain-fried-free content to share and grow your business’ Web presence.

40 Sure-Fire Ways to Market Your Virtual Assistant Business

Marketing is understanding the needs of your customer, then finding a way to fulfill those needs.

  1. Continually educate yourself, learn new skills to extend your services.
  2. Have a website created by a professional. Portray your “brand” with the look and feel of your business, and that appeals to your type of customer.
  3. Continually add informative articles and updated content (a new page every week?) to your site, information that will HELP your customer.
  4. Create a news feed to offer resources, news, and information about current events that benefit your users.
  5. Optimize your pages’ specific content using the keywords people use most to search for your information. Use keywords at the beginning of your descriptive page title, headings, subheadings, and content for every page. But don’t overuse them, they should sound natural, not “stuffed.”
  6. Research businesses that compliment your product or service and contact them to suggest reciprocal linking opportunities.
  7. Publish informative video tutorials for your customers.
  8. Have a sign-up form on your website, give away something for free of value in exchange for their contact information.
  9. Keep your contact list up-to-date, use a double “opt-in” on your sign-up form to confirm they want to receive email from you.
  10. Send out newsletters on a regular basis. Most clients prefer once a month, some twice per month. Quarterly is fine too, just be sure it’s consistent. Don’t forget to include an un-subscribe option in your message, and never send spam.
  11. Start a forum to create a community of clients helping other clients and for providing new user generated content for your site.
  12. Learn how search engine advertising works, research relevant keyword opportunities, and experiment with the different types available.
  13. Research your target market, learn about their needs to determine the best marketing opportunities. Where did they find their employees, their vendors, where do they socialize, where do they advertise? Be where they are.
  14. Advertise honestly-your main goal should be to HELP people. If your just trying to sell the something they’ll resist and you will lose credibility.
  15. Advertise in local business newspapers and small magazines. Sell your benefits instead of listing your services.
  16. Have professional business cards with you at all times, ready to hand out at any opportunity. Give them two.
  17. Dress for success. Always look the part – you never know when opportunities will present themselves, so be ready.
  18. Ask for referrals from family, friends, clients, and prospective clients. They may know someone who needs your services now, or will remember you when they do.
  19. Join local business organizations, Chamber of Commerce, networking groups.
  20. Attend local business events, offer to do a presentation about your services, teach a class.
  21. Be a great communicator. Use correct grammar and punctuation in emails or any correspondence.
  22. Be a great VA. Find opportunities to offer information, stay in contact, and go the extra mile for your clients. Word of mouth is your best form of advertising!
  23. Be consistent, let your clients know they can count on you.
  24. Under promise – over deliver. Never miss a deadline, and if you think you might, contact them immediately to discuss your situation so you can come to an satisfactory agreement.
  25. Be enthusiastic. It draws people like a magnet.
  26. Have professional business media available for events, thank-you gifts, and marketing opportunities; brochures, business cards, calendars, magnets, mouse pads, pens, etc.
  27. Create a professional marketing letter and send to local businesses via direct mail.
  28. Contact every business you send a letter to, following up with them shows your professionalism.
  29. Visit local businesses in person with your business card and brochure in hand.
  30. Volunteer for your favorite charity, help someone in need.
  31. Offer your services free, as a prize in a drawing or fundraising events.
  32. Create your “elevator pitch.” Memorize your short “mini-commercial” that clearly describes the benefits and how you can fulfill the needs of your clients.
  33. Listen to what people say. If an opportunity to promote yourself comes up – take it!!
  34. Place a magnetic sign on your car or have a decal made for your back window or bumper.
  35. Stay updated on new technology emerging, contact clients that may benefit.
  36. Write Press Releases about news and upcoming events in your business.
  37. Be prepared, organized, prompt, and confident.
  38. Share your knowledge to help other Virtual Assistants.
  39. Live by the Virtual Assistant code of ethics.
  40. Believe in yourself!

Ways To Market Instead Of Using News Release Services

Years ago, a press release was the best tool to use if you want your story to be picked up by media outlets. This is still what many new business owners believe which is why their first thought in marketing their company is by sending out a press release.

The question is, do journalists actually read them today? People rarely read nowadays so it might be time to consider new ways to market instead of using news release services.

The competition for a journalists’ attention is pretty stiff, almost everyone is vying for the much-coveted pick up by news reporters and be used as their next big scoop.

There are DIY methods that are also effective in getting media mileage. Let’s take a look at some of them.

You need to build relationships with your target journalists and editors. Start coming up with pitches that are personalized. Doing this will show the journalist that you did your homework in researching about them and their publication. It takes time and effort to do this and journalists appreciate this being done for them. A pitch that is targeted to their publications audience is heaven sent because it makes their job a lot easier.

Find out the name of your target journalist and make a pitch that is personal to him or her. Don’t send copy and paste pitches that are impersonal. Know more about the journalist and how your content will help him and the publication that he is working for. Show interest in his work by coming up with an introduction that you have read his work.

Use a subject line that can get attract attention. Don’t use generic “For your information” or “To whom it may concern.”

You can format your email as a blog post or article. Break the ice by being conversational, try to tell a story. Tag your email with keywords and include a link to your company website.

Before you send your email pitch, try to engage the journalist by sending a tweet. You can also turn your email content into one or two tweets. After sending your tweet material, you can follow up with your email pitch.

You can also try sending a message on Facebook. Add known journalists and influencers to your Facebook friends list. Start engaging by following them, liking their posts and commenting.

If you have the guts to do it, you can give a journalist a phone call to see if they are interested with your release. This will save you a lot of time and effort, getting a positive or negative reply will help you focus your efforts to other journalists or build upon what you have already started.

Why not go a step further and meet up with the journalist over coffee and make your pitch face to face. There are journalists who would take advantage of this invitation as a way to get out of their offices.

If you have built a relationship with the right reporter then you can reap the benefits of that relationship by giving an exclusive story. Reporters love getting exclusives which are newsworthy and relevant. Once they write your story there is a huge chance that you will get publicity on a lot of other publications. You get to achieve PR results without having to write a press release.

There is a trend of people preferring to watch videos than reading. There are over 500 million people watching videos on Facebook every day. A quick video can take the place of a free press release distribution and get better results. You can start sharing your video on the various social media platforms for better exposure.

4 Simple Ways To Promote Your Business Online

There are many ways to promote your business on the internet without having to spend tons of cash on advertising. You may not have wads of cash when you are starting out your business venture, but with a little bit of creativity you can still effectively advertise your products and services online. Before the advent of internet, small businesses had only a few ways to market their products cheaply, using methods like printing out and distributing fliers or by sponsoring local events. Now there is a big world of opportunities open for you on the world wide web – you just need to know where to look.

Let us discuss below a few ways to promote your business online without needing to spend lot of money.

1. Register with Google, Bing & Yahoo – The first step which you shouldn’t skip is to register your business with ‘Google Places’. This will allow your business to show up on Google Maps as well as be found easily on Google searches. The process is very easy – all you have to do is fill up a simple form and then verify yourself through either phone or email. Also register your business with ‘Yahoo Local’ and Bing as these 3 are the leading search engines and they have huge databases of businesses from around the world.

2. Press releases – Whenever your business does something which is newsworthy, do not hesitate to make a public announcement of it through a press release. Press releases can be very effective in generating publicity for your business. There are many news websites which allow businesses to submit free press releases. Try out sites like ‘PRLog’ or ’24/7 Press Release’. If you want added exposure you can go with paid press release distribution.

3. Participate in online communities – You can find online communities in almost every possible niche where people gather to discuss problems and other things related to that niche. Register an account at a few of these online community sites. They are usually free to join. You can get awesome amount of exposure through active participation on these community sites. You can passively promote your business through a link in the signature or by mentioning about your website whenever the context is appropriate.

4. Photo-Sharing and video sites – Sites like YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram and Flickr are not just for photographers or teenagers alone. Any business can make use of these sites to generate traffic and get free exposure. You can post images or videos of your office, staff, events, products or any other newsworthy content related to your business.

Wondering How to Make Money Online? Learn 5 Ways to Earn Online Cash

If you are considering to starting your own internet business to earn money online, there are many types of internet business that you can choose from to earn online cash. Below is a brief explanation of 5 of the best ways to make money online.


Blogs started out years ago as some sort of online personal diary as a means to connect with people, share pictures, stories and experiences.

Today, blogs have evolved to become excellent marketing tools as well as a medium to make money from.

You can make money online with blogging through running Google AdSense ads, writing product reviews, placing advertisements, or even selling your own products! Blogging can be an easy way to earn some extra cash if you work hard at marketing it. You should learn all the ways to get your blog well known in the internet communities. You can only make good money with blogging if you have a blog that receives high traffic.

Selling on eBay

Selling on e-Bay is an excellent way to start your own online business. In fact, many people made their first make-money-online attempt with eBay. E-Bay is a popular online auction website that millions of people use every day to find good deals on items they are looking for.

If you don’t wish to sell items using a drop ship method, just sell anything you have at home, which could be used items or brand new items that come from wholesalers. You can also buy items from flea markets or garage sales at a low price and resell them on eBay for a profit. As long as you are offering people what they are looking for, they are willing to pay good money for the items.

Service-based business

If you have experience in a particular area, you could offer it as a service by starting your own business. For example, if you have some writing experience and can write well, you can offer writing services to companies who need writing done for their company websites, or to business owners who want their marketing materials written within a tight time frame.

Other types of service-based business that can be run online are such as:

  • Web designing;
  • Accounting or bookkeeping; and
  • Wedding planning.

Service-based businesses are in demand because there are many small business owners out there having a difficult time getting all of their business tasks completed by themselves. As such, they outsource some of their projects to someone else who can offer the relevant services.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is an online business where you, as an affiliate, promote a product from a merchant’s site, and earn commissions from sales generated by you. Sometimes you can also earn money by just getting customers to sign up for things on the merchant’s site, such as newsletters etc.

Affiliate marketing is one of the best ways to make money online. Today there are many people who are earning a decent online income by running affiliate marketing business full time from the comfort of their home.

You can start this business any time, as it requires only a very small start-up capital, and you can do it part timely at home (e.g. 2 hours after work everyday).

Selling informational-type products

There are many people searching the Internet for information; this makes the web is a great place to sell your knowledge. When people are desperately looking for a very crucial piece of information to solve their problems, they are willing to pay anything to grab the solution.

If you have the knowledge or skills or experience that people are looking for, you could earn a substantial income by selling them in the form of:

  • E-books;
  • E-courses;
  • Tutorials;
  • Guides; and
  • Podcasts.

Creating informational products cost you very little, but you can sell them for a nice profit, since the product is in a digital format that can be delivered electronically (e.g. PDF file sent via e-mail). This is definitely an excellent way to make money online with while you can still enjoy spending time with your family.

So, which of the 5 ways do you prefer to use to start making some online cash?

First Step to Successful Entrepreneurship: 12 Ways to Cut Off High Business Startup Loans

When it comes to startups, the common problem that most entrepreneurs face today is the money to start a business. Being an entrepreneur is not easy, you have to take risks and move forward with optimism psychology. You need to think of ways by which you can obtain maximum output with minimum input. Well, that’s the basic rule of the business and widely followed by entrepreneurs all over the world. You need to be creative in what you do and innovative in your decisions. Few opt for business start up loans while few look for different alternatives. Bright ideas make a better future and some good initiatives can lead a foundation for you to become a successful entrepreneur. If money is scarce, that does not mean that you put your dream on hold, you always have better options to look forward. So, here are some creative ways to finance your business.

Steps to a Better future

• Sell your product to raise money – Well if you resale your product and find a suitable buyer, then you can raise funds for your business in an effective manner. No doubt there are many successful entrepreneurs all around the globes who started this way and once they complete their target, they expand their business with funds they collect.

• Support from family and friends – It is the traditional way and the most effective way in this contemporary world. You can convince your friends and family to invest or provide small business startup loan which may help you to implement your ideas better without any pressure. This way is much better than taking loans from any other alternative.

• Double Dipping – You can always start a side business to raise funds for your business startup. In this way you will not be under any kind of debt and burden and thus it is the safest way to start the business.

• Selling stuff – Well, sometimes it’s hard to sell out your stuff, but as Jarod Kintz said “Instead of burning the midnight oil, you should try to sell it”. Sometimes you have to compromise to achieve success. You can make good money out of it.

• Credit card – You can use a credit card to finance your money. This is an easy way, but it involves risk. If something goes wrong, then the interest rate goes up at a very high rate.

• Angel investors – It is one of the recommended methods and many leading companies like Google and Yahoo have used it. Angel investors give you the required amount to start up the business. You get a friendly environment and moreover a better and quicker way to deal with business.

• Microloans – You can lookout for various firms providing small loans for the young entrepreneurs. These firms are generally better than taking business startup loan from a bank.

• Get new order and deliver – There are a number of entrepreneurs who receive the order from the customer, but they are not able to supply due to lack of money for the production. There are some companies who provide loan in this scenario. With this you will be able to raise funds for your startup in a better way.

• Real estate – This is one investment which provides greater output if done after a research. Before investing your money, always do a little work to find out the current rates etc and do the right thing. With this you can raise money successfully without complications.

• Cut out liabilities – Well, it’s another creative way to earn good money. For example, you can rent your home for some time and raise a good amount of money by doing that. Many entrepreneurs have employed this way and were successful to earn enough money to start their business.

• Crowdfunding – It is a very popular way among entrepreneurs. In this you can make a good use of internet by finding people having similar thoughts on investing with small amounts. Collectively, these small amounts on adding up will provide you with a better alternative to startup your business.

• Financing by vendors – This is very helpful to obtain the material to sell your product. The manufacturers do not take any payment from you till your product is sold. In this way you get a better extension to sell your goods much efficiently.

After reading these 12 ideas, you must be very confident about your startup. But remember that things aren’t that easy as they seems. You need to work harder to achieve the best out of it. Moreover, just by visualizing ideas in your mind you won’t be able to implement them practically. You must be able to adapt according to the situations and work practically to achieve the requisite aim. Risk is always involved for young entrepreneurs, but that does not mean that you can’t do it. Overcome your fear and be creative and innovative and always ask yourself that do I have what it takes to become a successful entrepreneur?

Make Money Online – 2 Simple and Effective Ways Without Paying a Dime on Advertising

Do you want to make a decent income part-time or full-time from the comfort of your home? Most people do. Who don’t want a home business with a well-loved hobby? Will your internet dream come true?

But, how do you make money online if you have little money or no money to start? Oh, you may say, don’t “BS” me and give me high hope. So, is it really possible to start an online business with no money at all? Based on my internet marketing experience, I will share with you 2 simple and effective ways to make money online without paying a dime on advertising.

1) Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is probably the easiest online business to get involved with. For a start, there is no product or no website to begin with. For those of you who have no advertising budget, not to worry, there are many free ways to advertise your online home business. Free advertising such as writing articles and submitting to EzineArticles.com, creating your signatures at internet marketing forums, free advertising at classified ads, MySpace,YouTube, Craigslist, Squidoo, etc.

However before you start to promote any affiliate product online, you need to know about Clickbank.com. Why Clickbank? This is because Clickbank is a favorite marketplace which sells digital products, and as a Clickbank affiliate, you get to to sell many ebooks of your choice. Clickbank’s registration is free. You will get paid a commission whenever your prospect buys your Clickbank product. There are literally thousands of Clickbank products you can choose from. So, do your research, find out what is your passion or well-loved hobby, then choose a product of your choice.

For example, if your well-loved hobby is about animals such as dogs, and you want to do article marketing, you may want to write an article on “Ten Simple Secrets To Effectively Train Your Dog” and submit it to article directories. All you need to do is to include in your resource box your name and brief summary of your expertise and of course your affiliate URL links too. So, that is to say, you should select an affiliate product at Clickbank that has to do with your well loved hobby, and in this example, selecting affiliate products which are related to your favorite hobby, ie. dogs.

2) Blogging

Blogging is another favorite way to make money online. You can start blogging by signing up with Blogger.com which is free. The best way is write articles on your affiliate products which you like or have passion about on your blog. A review of the product if possible which should include your affiliate links. If you blog frequently, at least several times a week, you should be able to to get some free search engine traffic to your blog because search engines loves fresh contents.

There are a few great article directories which you can submit your articles such as EzineArticles, GoArticles, ArticleMarketer, etc. EzineArticles.com is my favorite article directory to submit my articles as it is a really great place to get good exposure; and EzineArticles.com is also most internet marketer’s favorite resource place to get backlinks to their blogs. Anyway, since generating traffic via search engines is free,why not make full use of it? It will definitely boost your PR (Page Rank) of your blog. The reason why EzineArticles.com is so popular is because their web pages often rank very high in the Google SERPs. So, take full advantage of this free article directory.

Before you start a blog on your free Blogger.com, you will need to think of the name of your blog and have your email account with you as you will be asked to enter your email address. Do your research on the keywords of your blog. You may want to try this free software, Goodkeywords.com for some good keywords. Once you set-up your blog, you can start posting your first article. Preferably put your keywords in the title of your blog.

Ok, that’s all, just 2 simple and effective ways to make money online without paying a dime on advertising. Of course, there are many challenges starting an online business but you need to be very patient and persistent with your online business.

So just keep trying and be very focused on your Internet business. But remember, it’s persistence that will lead you to the fulfillment of your dreams. There may be times of struggles and disappointment but if you stick with it on your Internet business… dreams do come true!

99 Ways to Think Like an Entrepreneur, Even If You Aren’t One

CONSIDER THIS PHRASE: “Everyone is an entrepreneur.”

Do you think that’s a valid statement?

I don’t.

Not entirely, that is.

See, I don’t think everyone is an entrepreneur. However:

I DO believe everyone could benefit from having entrepreneurial thinking.

HERE’S WHY: The term “entrepreneur” comes from the French word, entreprendre, which means, “to undertake or manage some task.”

Notice it didn’t say anything about business. Or commerce. Or websites. Or running your own cupcake store.

Just a task. Just something you do. Work related or not.

So, next time you find yourself managing some task (which I imagine happens fairly often), keep these 99 entrepreneurial thoughts in mind:

– – –

1. Never stop asking, “What’s next?” When you finish one project, activity or endeavor, celebrate and then move on to the next one.

2. In January, ask yourself, “How could I spend ZERO money this year?”

3. Recognize that the only person who can make you get up, get out of bed and go to work is YOURSELF.

4. In the customer’s eyes, YOU ARE the company.

5. ASK YOURSELF DAILY: “Is what I’m doing right now consistent with my #1 goal?”

6. Speaking of things to do daily, you must market yourself every single day.

7. Ideas are your major source of income.

8. Finish this sentence: I wish there was a _______ so people wouldn’t have to ________.

9. Invest money; don’t spend it.

10. Recognize that most people do not know who you are or what you do. You need to educate them. Everyone who knows you should know what you DO, what you’re DOING and what you’ve DONE.

11. Pioneer in obscure areas.

12. With every new experience or accomplishment, ask yourself, “Now that I have this, what else does this make possible?”

13. If you’re the only employee, you need to set healthy boundaries. Because if you don’t set them, other people will set them for you. And then they will violate them. And that will set a precedent that it’s acceptable for other people to do the same. REMEMBER: Boundaries are saviors.

14. ASK YOURSELF: “Is this an opportunity, or an opportunity to be used?”

15. Figure out what you know that other people find valuable. Then enable them to buy it from you.

16. Figure out why your competitors get more attention than you.

17. You are not your customer.

18. Don’t be stopped by not knowing how. Knowing why is enough. Just go. You’ll figure out the how later. Launch and learn!

19. Don’t be so in love WITH or so close TO your idea that you can’t see its weaknesses. Ask objective outsiders.

20. When you get stumped, experiment with every known fragment of your answer.

21. Make creativity your daily (er, hourly) practice. Don’t make it something you just “turn on” every once in a while. Creativity is an attitude and a lifestyle.

22. ASK YOURSELF: “Is this the most prudent use of my time right now?”

23. Operate on multiple planes of consciousness. Take on various roles of the artist, the mechanic, the CEO, the janitor and the customer service rep.

24. The more you learn, the more valuable you are.

25. The more imitable you are, the less valuable you are.

26. Diversity is equity. Are you a one trick pony?

27. Refuse to discard hunches. Your gut is smarter than you think.

28. Think ridiculously big thoughts.

29. The only way to become more successful is to get BETTER at what you do and/or, to do MORE of what you do.

30. Learn to juggle.

31. Duplicate, clone and multiply yourself. Find a way to deliver value without actually being there. Access isn’t presence.

32. Figure out at what point you’d rather grow your business than make money.

33. Figure out at what point you’d rather make a contribution than grow your business.

34. Ask yourself how YOU can do it before asking how it’s already been done.

35. Study your own discovery process.

36. If everybody loves your idea, you’re doing something wrong. Stop trying to please everybody. Stop trying to be so well rounded. Stop trying to appeal to the masses. Pick a lane, narrow your focus and start polarizing some people. It won’t kill you. There’s a LOT of potential customers out there.

37. If everybody says you’re crazy, you might just be onto something.

38. If you’re not pissing off (some) people, you’re not doing your job.

39. If nobody’s trying to steal, copy or parody your idea, it’s probably not that good.

40. If you can’t explain your idea to a five year old, it’s not simple enough.

41. If you can’t explain your idea on the back of a business card, it’s not simple enough.

42. If you can’t explain your idea in eight words or less, it’s not simple enough.

43. If people aren’t talking about your idea, it won’t spread and therefore, won’t be successful.

44. ASK YOURSELF: If someone was going to pay you $1000 an hour, what are the questions they’ve got to ask you to get their money’s worth?

45. Make sure you are being stretched and forced to grow. Daily.

46. One of the most difficult things for an entrepreneur to do is press The Off Button. To (not) check email at 10:30 PM, for example. What about you? Are you addicted to email?

47. Going solo can become a vortex. So, be careful to walk the line between being immersed and submersed. REMEMBER: Tread, don’t drown.

48. Be the one with the most information. You will win.

49. Tooting your own horn is acceptable and necessary. Blowing your own horn? Not so much.

50. ASK YOURSELF: Are your friendships, relationships, and your emotional life suffering as a result of this task?

51. Everything you do should lead to something else you do. Make sure your ideas have movement value.

52. Continually develop options and answers. This will make the solution easier to find.

53. ASK YOURSELF: How can you do the work once and benefit many times? Yes, yes, yes, YES!

54. It’s a tough road, being on your own. Sustaining ambition, commitment and dedication will be your biggest challenge. So, you better build a solid support system of multiple mentors, mastermind groups, loved ones, colleagues and other valuable relationships.

55. Execution is probably the biggest secret to all successful entrepreneurs. How do YOU turn your ideas into action? And how long will it take?

56. Be careful not to spend all your time talking about your new idea. See, sometimes an entrepreneur will talk the energy out of an idea then and have nothing left for action. Be careful.

57. GREAT QUESTION: How much could you be charging for that?

58. ANOTHER GOOD ONE: How often does perfection keep you from starting? Because there’s never going to be a “right” time. Just when you get there, “there” disappears.

59. Constantly upgrade your qualifications. In what ways are you currently obsolete?

60. State your fee confidently and then shut up. He who talks next loses.

61. Another trait of successful entrepreneurs is the ability to notice things. Trends, patterns, anomalies and the like. This helps you recognize opportunities. What are YOU noticing?

62. What’s your “currency?” Because it might not be money. It could be time with your kids, for example. And you need know what your currency is before undertaking any new endeavor.

63. Your calendar is your inventory. Protect your days.

64. You are what you charge.

65. Listen to everybody or listen to nobody.

66. Find out where you suck. Then decide whether you need to improve in that area or hire someone else to do it for you.

67. Entrepreneurs take risks. Period. And NOT taking risks is an even BIGGER risk. So, you must learn to love your zone of discomfort.

68. Don’t say, “That’s impossible!” Instead, ask yourself, “How can I do this?”

69. Think about what you’re BUILDING, not just what you’re MANAGING.

70. Being an entrepreneur is all about freedom. Freedom to be yourself. Freedom from corporate politics. Freedom to work in your PJ’s all day. Freedom to leave work early and go to a movie on Tuesday afternoon. Freedom to do what you want, when you want it and how you want it. So, constantly ask yourself, “What am I doing TODAY to increase my freedom TOMORROW?”

71. Don’t accept the same type of assignments and clients you worked with two years ago. That means you haven’t grown much.

72. You aren’t a salesperson, a businessperson or a service provider. You are a resource. An expert. A trusted advisor.

73. Look into the future and examine what the type of people who do what you do often become. Then ask yourself if that’s the type of person you want to become.

74. Deliver insight, not just expertise.

75. Learn the rules so you know how to break them effectively. NOTE: Consider googling the rule first, just to make sure it’s not illegal.

76. Always think of yourself as self-employed. Even if you work for some huge corporate monolith. This type of thinking will help you take greater ownership and personal responsibility over your job. Who knows? Maybe someday you’ll be one of the lucky ones who gets to work in his pajamas all day in the middle of his living room while drinking Fennel Tea and listening to Morphine. Um, not that I would know anything about that 😉

77. Sell people on YOU first. Then sell them on your idea.

78. There is no finish line. You’ve never arrived. Instead, you constantly expand your skills and abilities to add more value to your self, your services and your products.

79. Be like the sharks, which start dying when they stop swimming. See, they have to ask themselves, “What’s next?” because they can’t eat, breathe or breed unless they stay in motion.

80. Screw up. Like, a lot. Love your mistakes, because mistakes reveal individuality. Also, find a way to incorporate mistakes into your work. Make them mindfully. REMEMBER: Mistakes are springboards.

81. Don’t attach yourself to a business plan. In fact, consider not even HAVING a business plan! You’d hate to limit yourself.

82. Having a MARKETING plan, on the other hand, isn’t a bad idea.

83. Having a cool company name goes a LONG way. So please, for the love of God, don’t use something unoriginal and generic like “Daniels & Associates.” Nobody knows the name Daniels. And you don’t even HAVE any associates. You can do better. Have some fun. Get a cool company name.

84. If you’re the kind of person that constantly needs certainty, your entrepreneurial road will be really, really rocky.

85. Being an entrepreneur isn’t a characteristic or a personality trait. It’s a way of life, a type of attitude, a style of thinking and a pattern of behavior.

86. Learn to kick your own ass, because nobody else will.

87. Focus on creativity, not efficiency.

88. Don’t just think about leveraging what you have. Think also about what else you could do with what you’ve unexpectedly landed with.

89. Figure out what types of people you need to listen to, as well as what types of people (not) to listen to.

90. Criticism comes with the entrepreneurial territory. Learn to accept or discard it; or even sometimes, embrace it.

91. Questions are the most valuable resource you have. Ask lots of them. Daily.

92. As an entrepreneur, you get paid according the amount of value you deliver, not the number of hours you put in. Which means 90% of success isn’t seen. Which means you will work your ass off, and most people will only see that final 10%. Ouch. Better make sure it’s good.

93. Invest your money; don’t spend it.

94. Say no more.

95. Take your core business, build a wall around it and then go be the best.

96. Don’t waste your time dealing with potential customers and partners who (clearly) don’t know how to value you yet.

97. Define your optimal workday and workweek. Stick to it.

98. In a commoditized market, the key differentiator is service.

99. In a commoditized market, customers are just going to pick the best choice. So, if you’re not going to be the best at what you do, why even bother?


Are you an entrepnreur or just think like one?


For the list called, “22 Questions to Sidestep Entrepreneurial Atrophy,” send an email to me, and I’ll send you the list for free!

115 Ways to Be Your Own Boss


of ordinary objects pays well. Their value is often quadrupled. Prepared stencils and designs are available from hobby shops. You can work in attic or basement and need invest very little in supplies. Saleable items are initialled tumblers, stools, trays, jugs, boxes, waste-baskets, greeting cards, toys. Sell your work to gift shops on a sale or return basis.


This work can be obtained by writing or telephoning department stores, retail and mail order firms, addressing bureaux, and direct mail services listed in the telephone directory. You can advertise your service under “Employment” in local newspapers and in the telephone book.


Coin collecting is booming. Supplying collectors is a profitable home business. Get to know values by reading books and catalogues. Buy carefully from reputable dealers and from private sources through classified ads in local papers. Sell through private contacts and mail order advertisements in “Coins” and other collectors’ and hobby magazines, and in “Exchange & Mart ” Weekly, under “Coins”. See No 113 on Home Mail Order Business . Combine with No 79.


Your income is from fees charged for people to join the club to receive the names of others who wish to correspond. In this home mail order business you cater for some special interest: hobbyists, coin or stamp collectors, booklovers, prize contest enthusiasts, writers. (5) PROFITABLE SEWING AT HOME

There is money in a home dressmaking service. It often pays to specialise. Some do well re-modelling old dresses, or making novelties or children’s wear. A sign in your window, a card on Y.W.C.A. notice boards and students’ bulletins, classified ads in the local newspaper and calls on dress shops and gift stores bring business.


at home pays well, as they often sell for many times the material costs. Lamp shades can be made in home workshops from linen, plastics, silk, paper and parchment. Local public libraries have manuals on the subject. Outlets are gift shops and department stores. Co-operate with interior designers.


This has mushroomed into an attractive new business opportunity. People like to borrow, do-it-yourselfers rent professional equipment. Many men are doing well these days by acting as rental agents for all manner of things – power tools, trucks, cars, electric generators, etc.


Pedigree dogs and other pets command high prices today. It is important to start with the right stock and keep to the instructions given in handbooks available at local public libraries. Two females mated at different times of the year could prove profitable. (9) BASKETRY AND CANE WORK

can be successful if you keep a good standard of workmanship. Use bright enamel paints for finishing and keep to standard designs and articles. Study the market and offer your products on sale or return to gift and novelty shops, stores, women’s exchanges etc.


Suitable if you are a good ‘mixer’ and have good local knowledge and write plain English. Start by sending local editors specimen reports.


Profitable if you are keen, have some flair, and study writers’ manuals. Advertise in “The Writer”, “Writer’s Review”, and “Writing”.


Writers, lecturers, business companies and others need free-lance specialists to look up information which can be found in public and special libraries, museums and trade associations. Get work through classified ads in literary and writers’ magazines. Home operators can earn oe2.50 to oe3.00 per hour. Your local reference libraries will help.


Start with an outbuilding or store room until you can take a small shop. No knowledge of your goods is necessary. Take a commission of 15% to 25% on everything you sell. Suppose a customer brings in a table, chair, or camera for which he asks a certain price. When you have found a buyer you notify your client, who collects the cash and pays your commission. Your only expenses are for the space, and classified ads. Furniture, T.V. sets, cameras, typewriters, prams, sell well.


Cartoonists pay well for ideas and gags that suit their style. Write to cartoonists care of the magazines in which their cartoons appear.


is an increasing in-demand spare-time activity. Mothers bring their child to the baby-sitter’s home, some taking seven or eight at once, charging by the hour, plus something extra if a meal is given. Combine with No 92.


working from home are wanted by Buying Protection Services, 20 Gorham, Rottingdean, Brighton. BN2 7DP.


This service is popular and rewarding because it salvages costly garments at considerably less cost than would be needed to replace them. There is particularly good scope in small community neighbourhoods.


for business firms and other advertisers can be profitable. Door-to-door delivery can be arranged with senior school-children. Sales letters sent to department stores and other local advertisers can bring good results, also advertisements in “The Trader”.


is a growing business. In America especially, more and more people own and operate an ‘on location’ rug and furniture cleaning franchise, such as Service-master, 2117 North Wayne Ave., Chicago 14, Illinis. In England similar firms advertise in “Exchange & Mart”, “Sunday Times”, and “The Observer”.


This requires no office and it can be evening work. Write to publishers requesting the right to get subscritions. Approach schools, hospitals, offices and private people in their home and at their business. Solicit orders by telephone and direct mail advertising. Or concentrate on back numbers which can be bought and sold through advertisements in


Many saleable products can easily be made at home, and sold through gift shops and other retailers.


at reasonable prices are in demand and several people in America are running this type of mail order business. They include second-hand instruction manuals and self-improvement books in their lists. Advertise under “Educational” in “Exchange & Mart”. Combine with NO 114.


Once you have learned the “know-how” this can pay well. Public libraries have some good books on the subject and a lot can be learned from craft and hobby magazines. Many start with just a box of hand tools and some special equipment.


calls for, of course, artistic ability and skill with tools, plus imagination. It is advisable to get tuition in the subject at evening classes.


and sell through gift shops. Popular items: weather vanes, ships, squirrels, dogs, birds, row-boats, name and address backgroungs, picture puzzles, jigsaw puzzles, jewel boxes, comic plaques, doll furniture.


Many women in the suburbs of London and other cities run a children’s clothing exchange, where mothers exchange children’s unwanted, out-grown garments for others and pay an exchange fee. This project can be combined with the sale of boys’ and youths’ wear such as shorts, T-shirts etc., of your own make, or from wholesale suppliers listed in “The Trader”.

(27) BOOK INDEXING Indexing books for non-fiction publishers is pleasant, profitable work. The technique can be learned from handbooks in public libraries. Work is obtained by writing to non-fiction publishers listed in the “Writers and Artists Year Book”.


Needs skill and a gift for teaching. Local classified ads bring pupils. Teach in your own home at first. Special classes for middle-aged people pay well.


This is a service which can be profitably advertised with classified ads in magazines and newspapers. The skill can be acquired from manuals on graphology.


With such a service you undertake for an annual fee to remind people of birthdays, wedding anniversaries, dates for payments, etc. You get your customers through “Personal” ads in “Sunday Times” and “Observer”.


has the advantage of three markets: selling fur, breeding stock, and meat. This project can be started in a large backyard free from local restrictions against raising animals. Get “know-how” from local library.

(32) ENTERTINING in the form of singing, recitations, magic, dancing, doing a comedy act etc., calls for skill in your particular line, and a “way” with an audience. To get bookings it is necessary to become well known in your area by giving benefit performances for charitable affairs, hospitals and orphanages. (33) EMBROIDERING

beautifully decorated cigarette cases, velvet compacts, pin cushions, baby dresses etc., is profitable. Sales are through gift shops. Get “Embroidery” magazine which advertises opportunities and a correspondence course from Embroiderers Guild, 73 Wimpole Street, London W.1.


Cartoons are well paid today and there are some excellent handbooks and correspondence courses on the subject. Some cartoonists do well by specialising in supplying industrial magazines with cartoons. Markets are listed in “Writers and Artist Year Book”.


These are good sellers to gift shops. Study craft magazines, visit gift shops, and try to turn out something different.


You supply public relations help to small businesses in your area, arranging press parties, preparing news releases, arranging interviews, etc. Know-how can be obtained from handbooks on public relations at your public library.


For this home business you need artistic ability, finger dexterity and knowledge of the market. Handbooks give full information. Sell through friends, neighbours, church groups, members of women’s clubs, gift and novelty shops, dress shops and beauty salons.


If you have the gift for it and the necessary know-how from books on dog training you can get this kind of profitable work with regular advertising in the local press. This can be combined with the sale of dog requisites.


Local newspapers often contain part-time vacancies, or you can approach grocers, service stations, clubs, public houses and various retailers who may need a home book-keeping service, rather than a more expensive firm of accountants, to help prepare and maintain tax forms and records.


This means calling in independent and chain retail stores of all kinds and soliciting volume orders. You handle no merchandise but send the orders to the factory which then ships the order direct to the retailer. There is no selling door-to-door to consumers. You need no office, only a telephone and some stationery.


using 3/8″ or 1/2″ plywood, is profitable if you can make such items as attractive bedside cabinets and kitchen fixtures, and charge not more than 100% above the cost of the materials. Consult your local library for books.


for single men, business girls, school-teachers, professional people and over-worked housewives can pay well. Advertise at week-ends in the classified section of your local newspaper. This work can be combined with some other sewing.


You need a sunny room, starting with one or two pairs of birds. Sell the offspring to friends, neighbours and local pet stores.


This pays handsomely. Items in demand are cakes, jams, jellies, maple syrup, apple cider, cheese, cookies, candies, etc. Sell through gift shops, tea rooms, hotels, grocers, and by small classified advertisements in national Sunday newspapers and women’s magazines. It is usual to fix prices by doubling the cost of ingredients.


Photographers, art schools, advertising agencies, moving picture agencies, department stores, T.V. stations, want women, men and boys as models for advretising, illustrations for clothes and other products, magazine illustrations.


This is a home activity that pays well. Women buy sweaters, dresses and two and three-piece suits; men need mufflers, gloves, socks, jackets, sweaters; and children’s knitted wear is also in demand at good prices. Sell privately through local babywear shops, gift shops and other suitable retail outlets; by mail order; also by approaching suitable firms.


Many women with the necessary experience with children earn good money operating a nursery school simply by making their services known through local classified advertisements. :FORTYEIGHT (48) NOVELTY, TOY AND BRIC-A-BRAC SHOP

Interesting if you can make articles in demand that also sell to wholesalers, mail order houses, stores, souvenir shops, gift shops. Typical items: paperweights, desk sets, book-ends.


Details of an attractive range of luxury skin care products for demonstrating from your own home at generous profits are obtainable from B & G Delaney, 18 Wellington Square, Chelsea, London SW3. Agents to sell beauty preparations are wanted by Avon Cosmetics Ltd., 84 Baker Street, London W.1.


to friends and workmates at actual wholesale prices is a popular spare time activity. A free starting outfit of actual shirting samples, coloured illustration, etc., is offered by K.L.Shirts, 349 Edgware Road, London W2.


and novelties made at home sell well in local shops. Lamp and vase mats, handbags, hot dish mats, seat covers, toilet seat covers, backrests and slippers are in demand. Rugmaking kits are obtainable from Winwood Textiles, Kidderminster, Worcs.


is profitable. If you have transport you can start by collecting scrap in your locality. Your local library will have a book on metal identification that will tell you how to identify steel, lead, zinc, bronze, brass, iron, etc. Your librarian will help you to track down buyers.


There are many outlets, stationers, friends, and by mail order. Books giving the know-how are obtainable from your public library and new and secondhand printed machinery is advertised weekly in the “Exchange & Mart”. Profits are good and reliable work much in demand. Start spare-time and develop into full-time.


This can be conducted in a shed or basement. A thorough knowledge of the subject is essential. Sales can be made through a sign in your window; through local newspaper advertisements or a roadside stand; and to local greengrocers, restaurants and hotels. (55) MAKING CURTAINS AND RUGS

is a pleasant home occupation. Many people are glad of such a money-saving service. Get business through telephone and personal calls, letters and classified advertisements in local newspaper, sell privately and through gift shops. Get supplies at trade rates through wholesalers listed in the telephone book and in craft journals.


can be a very profitable occupation, especially in the summer. You can work from home and get business by offering chemists 25% commission to act as agents.


Some women have developed a profitable second income by turning one of their rooms into children;s playroom, fixing it up with bright walls, games, puzzles, toys and books. (58) CURIOS AND NOVELTIES

Made at home, these items can be sold directly to the public or through retail outlets such as gift shops, novelty and curio shops.


These can be picked up, often cheaply, from estate sales and secondhand bookshops, also by writing to famous people telling them how much you appreciate something they have done or written (such letters often bring a thank you note).


A baby sitting (and invalid sitting) agency is well worthwhile. Operators advertise for baby sitters in the local newspaper and check their suitability. The agency mails postcards to parents, women’s groups and church groups making known its service.


It is possible to make good profits by buying certain types of old china and glass from secondhand stores, auction sales, etc., and selling them privately and to antique dealers. (62) FURNITURE AND APPLIANCE REPAIRING

If you have the ability there is good scope in this field because everywhere people like to be able to call in someone to salvage old furniture, remodel lamps, fix chairs and sofas, etc. :(63) MANAGING BLOCKS OF FLATS

Owners of apartment houses are often glad to pay 5% of the rent to someone who will collect monthly rents, place income in the bank, superintend maintenance and show people over vacant flats.


it is quite easy and often highly lucrative. Home operators obtain low-priced kits from supply houses, scraps from departent stores, milliners and mills, and make toy animals, table mats, handbags, holders, hot dish pads, slippers, hats, belts glass cases, felt flowers, purses. Sell to gift shops.


Details of various agencies from Wessex First Aid Co., 6a Royal Parade, Kew Gardens, Richmond, Surrey; Progressive Insurance Brokers, 7 Judd Street, London W.C.1; Garden Estate Nurseries Ltd., 4 Station Road, Wytleaf, Surrey.


Thousands of magazines pay well for articles and stories that suit their public. Many beginners get into print with the help of manuals such as “Write for Money” (from your authorised distributor). Markets are listed in “Writers and Artists Year Book”.


for toys, dolls and household items is appreciated in most towns. Such a service can be made known with announcements on notice boards, a sign in your window and with classified advertisements in local newspapers.


on your home P.C. and printing out on daisy-wheel or laser printer. Very prestigious results are achieved thus materially assisting job candidates. Fees of £25 – £50 can be collected for the finished product. Advertise your service in local/national newspapers.


from home using P.C. appropriate software as ‘Wordstar’ and a daisy-wheel printer. Reports, special letters, quotations, invoices can easily be produced using state-of-the-art peripherals. Customers will be small businesses such as builders, doctors, accountants. Demand will be regular.


Because so many people cannot wear the standard-sized costumes sold in shops, this is an excellent speciality.


Children love novel computer games thus creating a constant demand for new and better arcade quality software. If you have programming skills (or these skills can be acquired through local college courses) then writing these games using computer language could prove a very profitable venture.


There is money in this. Build up a collection of colour slides on two or three popular subjects. Read up these subjects over a period. Then write offering to give illustrated talks to clubs, civic organisations, educational institutions and employees of business firms. Projectors can be hired.


A number of women in small and larger towns add to their income by giving ‘new life’ to hats, changing the style to make them look new and different.


If you have the inclination and the space, plus some ability for buying and selling you could look into this possibility, studying the journals and manuals on the subject at the local library.


This field bristles with opportunities and involves only very modest expenditure to start. One operator claims to make an average of oe15,000 to oe20,000 a year and he started with very little capital. The necessary know-how is easily acquired; there are reliable manuals on world trade, showing how to start, how to get government help, how and where to buy, how to sell locally and by mail, etc. (76) PRINTING SERVICE

Selling printed items (letterheads, envelopes, forms etc.,) through local solicitation involves no equipment, no stock, no financial investment, no figuring. You find a wholesaler printer who will supply a catalogue and samples; these do the main job.


If you have the ability to prepare speeches there is well paid work to be obtained from persons active in trade associations, literary clubs, political groups and social clubs. A letter, with your business card, sent to the secretaries of such associations may well lead to interesting work. Payment can be quite high according to the type of speech and the amount of research needed .


It is necessary to be over 21 years of age and to possess a driver’s licence. Apply to local taxicab companies.


gives plenty of scope today with the ever-increasing interest in stamp collecting for pleasure and profit. There are over 3 million collectors of stamps in the British Isles and about 12 million throughout the world. Even if you confine yourself to supplying collectors in Great Britain, you can make a good income.


if you can do it well, is a wanted service. Insert classified ads saying you will decorate houses at low rates (get the know-how from library books). Request a discount of 20% on wallpaper supplied by retailers.


can be carried out on a card table at home. Manuals are readily obtainable showing how to make jewel boxes, paperweights, candleholders, pen-holders, cigarette boxes, costume jewellery and ornamental plaques for gift shop outlets.


first in selling used or new cars, second in running a motor insurance agency. You can buy used cars cheaply at weekly auctions and sell for excellent profits from home. Advertise in your local paper under cars for sale.


Many women do secretarial work at home for dentists, doctors and lawyers who do not require a secretary all day. They call for the client’s recordings from a dictation machine and perform the work at home, at a considerable saving for the client. (84) POTTERY CRAFT PRODUCTS

can now be made at home at low expenditure on kits and clays from craft supply houses. There is a good market for gaily-decorated tiles for hanging on walls, decoration of fireplaces, etc., small pitchers and mugs, vases and flower bowls.


There is a demand for this service because so many people have documents and papers they want to preserve from deterioration by having them covered with a layer of plastic that is airtight. Business firms want photos, cards, maps, charts, clippings, etc., protected. Firms that show you how to get started advertise in “Exchange & Mart”.


Shampooing and boarding pets is a sought-after service in higher-income areas. Poodle clipping is also in demand. Your local public library probably has books on dogs and clipping. Cards displayed at newsagents and classified advertisements in local newspapers bring this kind of business.


This pays well. You place two-line classified ads in literary periodicals such as “Books and Bookman”, “Times Literary Supplement”, “Time and Tide”, offering to find scarce books a “free search service”. You insert other ads indicating specific titles wanted in “The Clique”.


Such services are used by lawyers, doctors, repair men, contractos and others who are not always able to have someone to answer ‘phone calls’. Many housewives, shut-ins, married couples and others find that a telephone answering service pays well. A monthly fee is charged.


Using a home P.C. and software such as “Sage” or “Pegasus” accounting packages you are able to offer a fully computerised book-keeping and accounting service including; purchase ledger, profit and loss accounts, sales ledger, nominal ledger, profit forecasting.


calls for a keen interest, market study and initiative; in demand are: tricks, games, game boards, masks, educational toys, models, puppets and any other types. Felt for soft toy-making is obtainable at low prices from Griffiiths & Co., 6 Hanover Street, Merthyr Tydfil


Many stenographers take a typing class at home in the evening, using rented typewriters and ads in local papers.


can provide a good income, spare-time or full-time. List Broking is big business in America and is a fast growing field in the U.K. It is the use of one firm’s mailing list by another non-competing firm. Operating such a Mailing List Exchange is easy and profits are high.


is equally profitable. This can be undertaken at home since most people have a spare corner or cupboard under the stairs to keep the cages. Chinchillas are becoming extremely popular animals hence this can become a very profitable croft business.


offering a personal video of this special occasion is a profitable usage of a “camcorder”. Many young brides want a living memento of their wedding-day. oe20-oe30 per copy can be realised for 1-2 hours work. Up to a dozen copies can be sold from each ceremony. Advertise in your local paper. A “camcorder” can be purchased as cheaply as oe450.


A home typewriter repair service can pay well. Get business through office supply stores and small classified advertisements in local papers at weekends.


can be highly profitable. A watch repairing course is offered by Watchcraft, 121 The Broadway, Wimbledon, London S.W.15.


for churches, clubs and business firms pays well. It is simply typing on to a wax stencil (without the typewriter ribbon). Erasures and corrections are made with a liquid which may be bought at any office stationery shop. (98) SELLING OCCULT AND METAPHYSICAL BOOKS BY MAIL

is interesting and can be profitable. In England a reliable advertising medium for such books is “Prediction”; in America “Fate”.


can be excellent home business. The process is used for greeting cards, posters, show cards, personalised place cards, etc. This method of printing by stencils through tautly stretched silk in a frame is easy to learn and there is no scarcity of manuals.


is a good spare-time business. There are useful manuals on the subject.


This is growing enormously and the future market is very great. Most insurance companies have training facilities. Men and Women act as sole proprietor, operating their own business in their own time.


is usually seasonal work. It is necessary to be a fluent talker and know how to handle people. Become familiar with the points of interest you will talk about from handbooks at your public library. Apply to sight-seeing companies in your area.


Books can often be bought cheaply at private sales, from markets and side-street secondhand bookshops, and through classified advertisements in “Book Market” and “Exchange & Mart” (under books). They can be sold to specialist booksellers and through classified advertisement under “Books” in “Exchange & Mart”.


Armed with an Apple Macintosh computer and software such as “Pagemaker” and a laser printer (total outlay for second-hand equipment ….see ‘Computer for Sale’ in “Exchange & Mart”….as little as oe3500) and a few hours home training from the ‘user friendly’ manuals accompanying this equipment you have the basis for a ready made business. Charge oe25 – oe40 per hour for preparing the artwork for letterheads, manuals, business cards, etc. Customers will be small printers, large printers with overspill, mail-order dealers.


Sizeable incomes are being made by free-lance photographers. Clubs often want group shots of the membership. Home portraiture pays well. Local business firms buy pictures of their products. Retail stores want photographic show cards.


Profitable odd jobs for local householders include furniture repairing, patching up cement, simple plumbing, washing cars, sharpening lawn mowers, garden tidying, fixing labour-saving devices, shelves, etc. With the help of the popular manuals available anyone can give first aid for the metal fitting and utencils in the house. It is often possible to pick up commission through work obtained for paper hangers, plasterers, carpenters, etc.


Many small and medium sized companies place much emphasis on group training. This is very time consuming in terms of staff employed on training tasks. Offering a ‘training video’ service will attract such customers. A training session is ‘video recorded’ and the company use this to impart the required skills to groups of their employees.


Most people can write tips on household management, cookery, child care, etc. Jokes, anecdotes, children’s sayings, business-building gimmicks, etc., are in demand. Many such items receive sizeable cheques from magazines. (109) MAKE AND SELL COSTUME JEWELLERY

Home-made costume jewellery sell well to jewellery outlets, gift shops, hairdressers shops, clothes boutiques, and by direct mail. It is possible to start with limited capital. Read books borrowed from the local library, study trade journals, and literature issued by manufacturers of fittings and supplies. Catalogues from Leisurecrafts Ltd., Romford Road, London E.12. Write also to Gemcraft, 96 Grove Vale, London S.E.22.


pays well if the right techniques are followed. Business firms, professional people and associations in your area need typing done by free-lance typists. Authors need novels, short stories, plays, non-fiction books and articles typed and they are easily reached through classified ads in writers’ and literary magazines. T


Many people with the ability to write good letters have done well helping business firms with their overdue accounts. Sample collection letters given in handbooks from public libraries can be adapted to suit various types of businesses. Charge customers from 10% on all money brought in.


Communication and fast coying are vital requirements of modern businesses and executive professionals. Second-hand fascimile and photocopiers are cheaply available. You can charge 10p per photocopy, oe1.00 per minute for fax transmission and oe1.50 per min for telexing. Advertise your service in classified sections of local newsapapers.


You can start and operate a profitable mail order business at home with limited capital if you go the right way about it. Starting with almost no capital it is possible to make oe100 a week part-time and oe700 (and much more) full time. “I’ve found mail order a wonderful, a proven way to make high profits in spare time, at home. I think it is the finest spare-time business of all”, writes James Carr, author of a well known Mail Order Course. “You can start anywhere”, he writes, “using your kitchen table for an office. You do no personal selling.


This is the most satisfactory type of mail order business. Easy, pleasant and profitable, it is an ideal spare-time or full-time activity, especially suitable for the beginner in mail order. We do not know of anything else that can be sold as easily and with as little capital as books. They bring continual repeat business for related books. No licence is needed to sell books.


Because good craftsmanship is scarce today home craftsmen can readily sell attractive work through gift shops, furniture stores and other retailers, also privately. Unusual bookshelves, bookracks, bookends, novelties, wireworks, marquetry, leatherwork, etc. Addresses of handicraft materials and hobby kit suppliers are usually obtainable at local public libraries.

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