Five Time Saving Tips Using the Computer for Information Management

Everyone is looking for more time to do the things they want and need to do. One way o accomplish more time is to spend less time on tasks that could be done better and easier using another method. For instance, using a computer wisely can greatly reduce time spent looking for information or doing repetitive tasks. Almost everyone has access to a computer and most computers will have one or more time-saving applications available. Here are just a few ideas on how the computer can save time.

1. Use spreadsheets to make lists, build budgets, and track multiple items.

Spreadsheets have built-in functions to help make math easier without a calculator. If database functions are used too, the information stored in the spreadsheet can be viewed in multiple ways.

2. Use standardized forms and checklists for work and planning that is repetitive.

This saves time because some of the thinking is taken out of the process. Instead of trying to remember everything, the form or checklist acts as a prompt for the necessary information.

3. Use email instead of the phone to save time and increase accuracy.

Stating what is needed or giving the message in an email is faster than picking up the phone and playing phone tag or leaving an unplanned voice mail. It also provides an opportunity to spell check and review the text before it is sent to avoid possible confusion.

4. Use a contact management database for quick lookup of key information on people.

Contact management databases have address information, notes, and reminder capabilities for keeping up with customers, suppliers, and other key people. Most email or calendar tools have a built in mini-contact database called an address book, which allows saving of name and email ID. Many also include phone number, company, title, and areas where other data may be entered. Using a contact database reduces the time needed to create emails and prevents typos.

5. Use form letters in a word processing application to reduce time spent in developing similar communications.

By creating form letters time spent sending the same type of letters, memos, and emails can be greatly reduced. If the application has a merge utility, it may also be able to add names and other data into printed documents using a contact management database or data table. Also use the grammar and spell-checking on messages before copy/pasting into or sending to an email tool. For emails where a word processing application is not available, save the standard email in the “draft” folder, then just edit key information before clicking send.

If it is hard to find out what an application does, try using the “Help” feature which is usually on the top menu bar of the application. If computer training is necessary to feel comfortable about using the tools mentioned, then invest the time wisely by taking a course or reading a book. It may take some time, but beginning to explore the computer-based options for using time wisely may be the best option for improved time management in the future.

Next time before looking up information, check out that computer and see which of these few ideas are available. Then find more time to accomplish the desired and necessary things by spending less time on repetitive tasks that could be done better and easier using the computer. Remember; don’t let available time be lost whenever there is another method to try.

Six Tips for Prepping a Great Virtual Meeting

Great virtual meetings do not just happen. They require planning and preparation just to be good. Web meetings, teleconferences, and, video conferences can be complete failures and a waste of valuable time and resources without proper prep. To prevent this, as a virtual meeting planner, consider the six items for prepping your meeting and attendees suggested below.

1. Determine technology to use. Use only what is needed for an effective meeting. There are lots of options offered by various meeting tools, but using too many can cause confusion, create problems, and make the meeting run long. If using chat, instant message, tweet, or text features, it is a good idea to arrange for someone to monitor that information stream so the facilitator can concentrate on the meeting process. Be sure to allow spaces in the agenda to respond to questions and comments from those using the communication features. If webcams are being used for the meeting, then a few additional things need to be considered:

  • Main room should be properly lit so speakers are not in shadows or appear washed out.
  • Those speaking should know to look at the camera when talking as if they are conversing with a person. Check microphones or headsets to be sure everyone can be heard.
  • Everyone should check their appearance and clothing before going on air. For example white, red, and stripes are not usually good on camera.
  • Use slides to emphasize presentation points that have little text in large fonts or images such as pictures and charts. Avoid lots of numbers or verbose text.

2. Schedule meeting times that are convenient to most attendees. If attendees are scattered across time zones, consider making ongoing team meetings at different times so everyone gets a chance to meet during their standard business hours. It is better to schedule less than two hours for virtual meetings and plan to hold more meetings than try to squeeze too much into a day as people get distracted after a short while. One hour meetings are even better!

3. Invite only the people who need to participate in the meeting. Having too many people involved can cause things to go off-track. When sending the invite, include the purpose of the meeting so people can opt-out if they do not believe their participation is required. If a document needs to be reviewed or downloaded before the meeting time, include that as a link in the invite or as an attachment. Be sure the invite includes how to get into the meeting and information on installing any necessary software prior to the event start. Also, consider including URL links to any on-line help for the tool being used. This information may prevent last-minute calls from frustrated attendees trying to get into the meeting. If planning to invite people outside the organization, consider security requirements of corporate documents and information before doing so.

4. Create an agenda in advance. Try to limit topics to be discussed to two key items per hour. When making the agenda, use the 3T’s: Time the item will start, Teller is who will be speaking, and Topic is item being presented or discussed. Send the agenda to meeting participants with their meeting reminder at least two days before the meeting. This helps attendees to prepare for presentations and discussions.

5. Plan for note-taking. Either ask someone to record the meeting outcome or select a tool that allows recording within presentation documents. Having someone besides the facilitator record meetings insures they facilitator can concentrate on keeping the agenda moving along and that the minutes get out quickly after the virtual event is over. The alternative of having the facilitator or presenter record comments, changes, and decisions directly into the presentation lets the attendees know they were heard and understood.

6. Send a reminder one to two days before meeting. The reminder email should include the URLs or phone numbers and any login information required to attend the meeting first. Followed by the agenda and a reminder of information of any documentation to be reviewed prior to the meeting. If presentations slides may be accessed prior to the meeting, include how to get those. Suggest that meeting participants log-in 5-10 minutes prior to meeting start so they have time to fix problems that may occur and are ready to participate when the meeting starts.

Using these tips as a virtual meeting organizer should prevent wasted meeting time and frustration caused by not being properly prepared. Consider which of these ideas will move virtual meetings from poor to good, or from simply good to great. Excel in prepping virtual meetings and discover how effective and efficient these types of meetings can really be.

Admin Professionals: Discover Hot Time Management Tips to Increase Productivity and Get More Done

The reality is: Increased workloads are here to stay. However, there’s powerful ways to manage your workload through calendar management and productivity tools so that administrative professionals and employees at all levels of an organization can take on new, expanded roles to achieve peak productivity.

It’s time to rethink the way you work. In recent years, businesses have been asking employees at all levels to take on new projects or roles, and basically do more work.

The reality is: Increased workloads are here to stay. If your job has turned into a “stretch job,” you may be wondering if there’s a better way to get more done in less time, relieve stress and avoid taking work home at night. And while you can’t create more hours in the day, you can learn how to use your time to the best advantage.

Here are few ways employees can work reasonable hours, prioritize tasks, track productivity, organize their calendars and use tech tools and software to manage projects efficiently.

–Manage projects, not time. Match the task with the person. Give snappy introductions. Cluster related projects. And make ‘just in time’ decisions.

–Managing interruptions. Don’t allow your open door policy to be abused. Let people know when you really can’t be interrupted. Discourage upward delegation. Encourage workers to make decisions for themselves. Put a curb on venting time. Arrange your office strategically. Stand up when an unannounced visitor enters. Learn to dismiss irrelevant interruptions. Use silence as a weapon.

–Master Delegation. Learn what to delegate versus give to yourself such as: Routine and repetitive jobs. Jobs requiring special expertise. Pet projects. Crises. Policy making. Personnel matters. Symbolic acts.

–Embrace technology. Simplify with apps: Getting the right apps can help you get lots of things done without ever needing to open the computer. Apps can make it much easier than navigating websites. Digital archiving: The Internet is great for keeping track of content and capturing ideas. Sites like let you bookmark websites to come back to later. Having a digital archive can save you time when you need to go back and find something later.

How Top Performers Employ Their Time

Most people think the key to being productive is working flat-out 100% of the time. Not so. A recent study on highly productive people indicate a few techniques to help virtually anyone increase their productivity:

-Vary the pace. For unfamiliar new activities, they slow down and work methodically until they’ve learned what they need to know. Yet, in activities in which they’re already experts, they work quickly-sometimes, with blinding speed.

-Orient themselves toward garnering big returns, fast. When possible, their goal is to seek the biggest advantage in the least amount of time.

-Eschew monolithic project management. When handling complex projects, they multitask by letting different implementation teams handle different parts of the project.

-Take frequent breaks to rest and recharge. That might be why top execs haven’t abandoned lunches.

-Accelerate different parts of big projects, whenever possible. Example: If the research they conducted last year gives them a leg up on a big project currently on their plate, they plug it in.

Employees need to work smarter while embracing technology to speed tasks. The payoff is more efficiency, less stress, improved performance and career wisdom – which ultimately helps you, your boss, your staff, and your organization’s bottom line.

Tips on How to Grow Your Business

It is easy to start up a business but to maintain it and see it grow is a difficult task. There are several tips on how one can grow his or her business. Growing a business needs a lot of preparations which involves motivation, capital, time and patience. There are issues that you need to consider while you’re starting it up and make future plans on how you will help it grow.

You need to consider your costs and challenges. There are different costs that are incurred while starting up a business and those that are incurred while the business is operating. These costs include, man power, taxes and general expenses like electricity. Draw a proper plan on how you will be able to handle those costs so that they do not consume a large proportion of your profits. Aim at minimizing expenses in order to increase profits which you will reinvest back into your business hence giving it a chance to grow.

There are also challenges that business is likely to face for example competition. Make sure you research more into the market that your business is aimed to serve and how to out compete the likely close competitors. Be creative and do not stick to one method competing, you can adopt price differentiation or selling quality and standard products, even the way you brand your products matters.

Increase your clientele base. You can do this through many things; customer care is a major factor that most customers depend on to get attracted to your business. Respect customers because a customer is your boss in the business world. Listen to their desires do whatever they are requiring you to do. Most of the customers give you ideas on promotions you can run so do not ignore them

Also follow up your customers ask them how the products you should to them have been helpful and always design products that will make them purchase more.

Advertising is another key to any growing business. Advertise in newspaper, business magazine, social media and the internet.

Acquire affiliates to reach more people and down sell your prospects that will reject your initial offer

Choose a right location for your business. This depends on which products or services you’re selling and to which kind of people. Locating a business in a right place will help you to determine the prices to charge for your products and the type of the customer base your serving.

Tips On Picking "Sleeper" Real Estate Property

Real estate investing is all about perception. Your perception of where the market is going, in conjunction with where it’s actually going. The aim, as always is to buy low and sell high.

You want to buy a cheap tract of dirt and sell it as a high priced piece of developed real estate, after it’s appreciated enough to turn a tidy profit. Selling the property is an art in and of itself.

Buying an initial tract of dirt lends itself to some solid, rational guidelines:

First, look at trend lines for housing prices in your area. While most housing markets are in decline (and the housing markets in Florida and California are adjusting from more than a decade of over-valuation), there are markets where the housing prices are going up. This is a decent leading indicator that there’s a market for expansion.

Second, look for job related news. Home purchases require a steady source of income. New employers moving into a city, or a government branch office opening up are a strong indicator that good, well paying jobs are likely to come up. Where well paying jobs roost, home purchases follow.

Related to this, talk to your local city planning office. Are there recent purchases of “right of ways” to lay down sewer lines? Is the local telephone cable making plans to run out fiber optic lines – a “must have” trend in new home construction. These things point to areas where home growth is immanent. Other big tip offs are school bond issues (found in your local news paper) and new parks being opened up.

Before you look at the land, check out the adjacent commercial real estate usage. Look for “family friendly” or “residential friendly” commercial properties: Houses that are close to grocery and clothes shopping tend to fetch a higher price than ones that are farther away. If there’s a movie theater nearby, or plans for an elementary or middle school, factor that into the size of the homes you build, and what their amenities will be; buyers looking for those features are looking for “mover upper” homes – with a bit more floor space, and two (or three) bedrooms for the kids. Other spots to look for are anchor stores, like Wal-Mart and Best Buy. These companies spend millions on surveys of purchasing patterns before buying a store location; if they’re buying a plot of land, you’ve got about a year to a year and a half window to look into nearby real estate for single family residential and rental residential properties.

You can even flip this on its side – if you can talk to a group of commercial real estate investors, building a shopping center as the nucleus for home development is also a viable combined strategy. This also applies to highly urban areas. Many downtown areas that have been abandoned by businesses can be converted to apartment buildings, and some of the older housing projects are being torn down for mixed-use spaces with combined commercial and residential areas. In particular, you can often get block grants to help with the financing on projects like this, and there are programs from HUD that can help out a great deal with “urban renovations”.

Another source to investigate is the demographics in your area. Look at the US Census figures (and local county figures) for median age, and median birth rate per capita. You want to invest in areas where the population is growing already. High skews in the ’40s and ’50s indicate that you’ve got a bunch of people who are going to retire soon, and retirees are highly prone to selling properties off. Places to watch carefully are most of the urban parts of California, and great swaths of the rural Midwest, where demographic trends have been changing entire towns since the 1950s as the country’s population has shifted to urban areas.

If there’s a local planning council, or urban development council, make it a point to get the minutes of all the meetings from the past year. The city council offices will have them on file as a matter of public record. Also try to get into the next range of meetings as an observer. Discuss with the city and county managers where they see housing and construction trends moving. What you’re looking for is real estate that will be desirable in two to three years; look at road planning atlases, and look for all the data you can find. Also look for real estate that will be scenic – lake front property is as close to a guaranteed bet as you can get in real estate investing, particularly if there’s a lake that’s at the “far end” of a development axis. Likewise, if there’s land that the city council is looking to acquire for parks, buying the adjacent lots now means you’ll be able to sell them later.

Lastly, talk to the professionals in your communities. Talk to architects who can tell you if they’re busy or not. Maintain professional contacts with engineers, bankers and attorneys. They will usually know about projects well before the general public. Also make a habit of reading the local newspaper’s business section. Often times, the first clue that a business may move in to your area is buried at the bottom of a column on page 8.

Using the guidelines suggested above will help you to find “sleeper” raw land properties. These “sleeper” properties are perfect for the buy low, sell high strategy used by successful commercial real estate investors.

Useful Lead Generation Tips For Small Businesses

Owners of small businesses will always try to find ways to save money on various processes. They would often try to do or handle key business aspects or operations and when they see that they are not capable of doing these, only then would they consider the option of hiring new employees or outsourcing their requirements.

One of the business processes that small business owners can handle or manage is lead generation. This marketing process refers to the practice of getting more queries from potential customers or clients. This can be done by employing different strategies and following useful tips.

If you are the owner of a small business, below are some tips you can follow to achieve success with your lead generation campaign:

Group or divide your market. If you have a business, you would assume that everyone can be a client or customer. This is true. However, you need to know how to gauge the interest and communicate with each group of potential consumers. As such, you need to segment your market into target groups of prospects who share the same qualities and habits and determine what communication will work best with each group. Business experts say that B2B telemarketing is an effective segmentation tool. You can consider outsourcing this job if you want to properly segment your market.

Optimize lead nurturing. One of the most common reasons why many of your leads never convert into paying customers or clients is because you did not do enough to guide prospects through the sales cycle. Lead nurturing is therefore important in turning more leads into clients or customers. Prospects may not convert since there may not be enough contact or communication during the critical decision-making phase of the sales cycle. One popular lead nurturing strategy that is still effective today is sending your leads personalized follow-up emails.

Post only quality content. Lead generation also depends greatly on social media and other online campaigns. As such, it is important to always have outstanding content since this is helpful in capturing sales leads. In addition, in online lead generation, having interesting content on your website, landing pages, and social media sites can spell the difference between a quick glance and a double take or an ignore and subscription.

Lastly, don’t disregard your existing customers or clients. Happy, satisfied customers are always excellent sources of referrals. Business experts say that prospects that are referred to a company by a friend or colleague are four times more likely to make a purchase than those who encounter your business on their own. As such, your existing customers or clients are a valuable pool of leads that you should never neglect or overlook.

Helpful Tips on How to Build Your List on the Internet

You may have set endless friend requests in Facebook and Twitter. You may have copied every email address there is in every individual profile. You may have posted endless comments on other people’s blogs with a link to your website. And yet, these methods are still not enough to create that gigantic network you have been trying to build. You need more traffic for your website. You need more contacts. You need more customers.

One technique on how to build your list on the Internet is through subscription. Always grab that chance that your site has been visited by a potential customer. Don’t ever let them leave your site without first signing up to your content or subscribing to an offer. Always offer them the chance to sign up on each and every page they visit on your site, and always remember to place your subscription box in areas where visitors could easily see them. The more they are reminded to sign up, the greater chance that they really would.

Another technique on how to build your list on the Internet is by not asking too much information. Don’t be aggressive in asking for your visitor’s email address to the point that they could only enter your site by giving the information you need. Definitely, they will click away from your site because you’re prompting them to do something that would need too much effort and as a result, you lose potential customers in the process. Don’t ask too much information when asking for subscription or you will frighten your visitors away. A long-page subscription form to be filled out would be a hassle to the customer’s part and they might even question why they need to give out too much information, they might just leave your site in the end. Always keep in mind that the subscription box is not for market research — a name and email address as a requirement would be enough.

Building your network requires a lot of time and patience. Just follow the above techniques and eventually you will see an increase in the number of subscribers!

Tips Finding Effective Free Recruitment Software

Free recruitment software is a cost-effective and efficient way to find the most qualified candidates for positions easily. When you are looking for the best programs to accomplish your goal to find employees that will be a good fit with your business and meet the requirements of the position, there are some important features that should be included in the program.

This type of software uses a database structure that maintains and provides information, reports, and forms that you will need when you are recruiting. However, finding a program that is user-friendly and offers the technical and customer support you need, when you need it, will be very important. The program should include training modules and navigation systems that can be easily understood and modified if needed.

In selecting a program your selection should centralize all applications for recruiting in a single location. Creating branded job ads and posting to major job boards and social networks will be easy. In addition, it should provide the templates you need to send personalized communications such as on-click rejections, invitations and offer letters.

The database must contain all of the applicant information that you will require to select the most qualified candidates and allows you to easily optimize outsourcing by providing pre-programmed search defaults to sort by specific skills in a few simple steps. An excellent program will also give you the ability to attach widgets in various online locations such as blogs and product pages.

Most free programs offer basic services that will allow you to test the software to see if it will meet all of your needs and requirements. In most cases, full access to all of the functions and features of the program will require a one-time fee or subscription service that may include regular updates, greater functionality, and expanded features.

It is important that you check the history and reputation of the provider offering the free recruitment software to make sure that the program you select is EEO compliant and meets the unique needs and requirements of your industry. The ability to streamline your recruiting efforts will save you time and money as well as give you a greater field of candidates from which to choose.

Tax Tips for Freelance Writers: How to Lower Your Bill – 5 Things You Probably Didn’t Know

April 15th, the deadline for filing taxes for Americans, is almost here. If you’re a freelance writer — especially if you do your own taxes like I do — it’s critical that you get all the deductions you can to lower your tax bill. Why? Because running an online business can be very low cost, which is one of the reasons many are so attracted to the profession. If you have a computer and an internet connection, you’re pretty much ready to go.

So, following are five things you probably didn’t know that can help you lower your tax bill — making the difference between owing (possibly a lot) and getting a smidgen of a refund.

1. PayPal Fees: Do you deduct these? Almost very time you receive a payment, PayPal deducts fees, which are mostly 2.9% + $.30 per transaction.

For international sales, the PayPal fee is 3.9%, plus a fixed fee based on currency received. FYI, PayPal’s fees can be less if you sell more.

Visit PayPal to learn more about their transaction fees, and don’t forget to add this column to your expenses sheet moving forward, OK?

2. Banking Fees: For example, let’s say you’re a travel writer and you go away and use an ATM that charges you fees for withdrawals. This is a legitimate, deductible expense — because you’re on assignment.

3. Recurring Fees: For example, I publish ebooks. So I use an ebook cover-making site to help me with the designs. The monthly fee for this site is $9, which comes out of my PayPal account every month. I may go for three or four months without using the site (because I also outsource some of my ebook covers), then two or three where I use it all the time.

My point? It’s easy to forget these expenses and if you have two, three or four accounts like this (eg, magazine subscriptions, software subscription sites, paid newsletter subscriptions, etc.), it can really add up to $400, $500 or more per year — that you could be deducting as legitimate expenses.

4. E-File: If you’re in danger of missing the deadline (which could cost you penalties and interest if you owe), consider e-filing your taxes. Why? Because returns filed in this manner tend to be processed faster.

5. Don’t File & Save Money! Did you know that if you are owed money my by the IRS (ie, are expecting a refund), that there’s no penalty for filling late? Well, it’s true! According to the CNN article, Owed a refund? There’s no penalty for filling late:

If you’re owed a refund and you don’t file your taxes by Tuesday, you won’t get hit with a penalty. This has always been the case, but many people don’t realize it. The IRS is chomping at the bit to get its tax revenue. It’s less concerned about doling out refunds to people who haven’t claimed them yet.

So if you have a deadline you’re trying to meet (where you make money), and don’t have time to file taxes (which costs you time), by all means — meet that deadline. If you’re owed money, the IRS is not going to penalize you if you file your taxes late (wish this applied to me!).

Happy filing, and if you’re going to file late and owe, here’s a great tax calculator for estimating what you should send in.

Permission Email Marketing Tips for Offline Small Business Owners

Unless your small business is situated under a rock, you’ve probably heard something about email marketing by now, and you may have even wondered if it’s time for your small business to get into it.

In its simplest terms, email marketing means communicating with consumers through email. But there’s a big difference between trying to talk to consumers who never asked to be talked to in the first place, and talking to your own customers, who at some point have said, “Yes, I’d love to hear from you.”

That’s where permission email marketing comes in. Permission email marketing means giving valuable information to consumers who have requested to receive it. It is the ONLY legitimate way to send an email marketing campaign, and it is the only way your small business can benefit from email marketing.

But how do you get your customers to say “I do”?

If you have an online business, or if your offline business has a website that receives many visitors, compiling subscribers can be as easy as adding a subscription box to your website. You would offer users something valuable, like a periodical newsletter or emails with discount coupons and, in return, your users would subscribe to your mailing list.

Sounds great. But what if your business is primarily offline, and what if you don’t even have a website?

Many businesses think that’s reason enough to step out of email marketing altogether. But what they’re missing here is that compiling a permission email marketing list offline can be as easy, if not easier in some instances, as building a list online.

We have advised many clients on tips to collect email addresses at the point of purchase. Here are some of our favorite tactics:

– Collect business cards, Offer a prize.

This is one of the oldest, most proven methods of collecting customer information in-store. Your prize doesn’t even have to be huge. If you own a restaurant, it can be as simple as a free dinner for two. If you own a hair dresser, it can be as easy a 50% off coupon towards their next cut. The beauty here is that customers who submit their business cards have expressed genuine interest in your products or services. So when you contact them by email with further offers, you know you’re talking to people who want to buy what you’re selling.

The one thing to keep in mind here is that you MUST inform users that by submitting their business cards, they are agreeing to receive email communication from you. This can be as simple as adding a sign to the business card drop-off box saying: “We will send you an email to notify you if you have won. We may also send you periodical emails with special offers and announcements. If you do not wish to receive emails from us, please write ‘No Email’ on your business card.”

– Start a V.I.P. Club

Many consumers like the idea of belonging to something exclusive, and receiving offers that are extended only to a select group of people. The labor on your part is minimal. It’s as easy as keeping a notebook by the cashier. As a customer comes up to complete a purchase, casually tell them about your businesses’ V.I.P. Club and ask them if they would like to join. Customers will appreciate this if you position it as a rewards club, or a way to say “Thank you, we love to have you around” to your most loyal customers. Of course, you should offer V.I.P. Club membership to any of your consumers, as you may find, once you start emailing them offers, that’s a great way to build your most loyal customers. Make sure the offers you send them are, in fact, exclusive, and that you email V.I.P. Club members often enough, but not too often to become annoying (once or twice a month is usually a good interval).

Again, when you’re collecting customer emails for the V.I.P. Club, make sure your customers know they’re signing up to receive email offers from you.


These are just some ideas to get your permission email marketing subscriber list started. The best news here is that compiling a list is actually the toughest part of managing an email marketing campaign. As long as you’re using an email marketing manager program that’s specifically designed for small businesses like yours, the rest of the process is a breeze.

Creating a campaign involves little more than selecting a professionally-designed template, typing text and choosing a few good images. Your campaigns will be scheduled and sent automatically, so you’ll never have to worry about being involved in that part.

What you will get to do (and this is probably the most exciting and most rewarding part of email marketing), is analyze your campaign after it’s been sent. You’ll be able to see how many people opened your email message, how many people clicked on each link within the message and, best of all, exactly who did what. Now that’s what we call accurate, detailed, and immediate consumer research (you actually get to track your consumers’ actions from the exact moment they happen). And while you would previously pay a fortune just to get this research data, today your small business can send professional email marketing campaigns and track detailed consumer behavior for less than it would cost you to print store flyers.

It’s the new age of marketing, and there’s never been a better time for your offline small business to get into the game.

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