Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learnings Are Changing Our Life

Last month, I was discussing with one of my customers. During the discussion, I found that Cloud and SaaS applications have changed the business landscape and helping Business Owners. Post Cloud ERP solution, my Customer was saving around USD 2000 per month by not having Hardware and it’s maintenance, IT Persons etc.

I was just wondering how Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) could change the life of Business Owners and industry? Today we see them in every stages of our life, but can’t distinguish them separately. They are part of our life.

How AI and ML are disrupting the industry?

AI, in manufacturing industry along with IOT tools, is suggesting CNC Machines on what to produce, when to produce and how much to produce. This has improved the efficiency and usage of machines, manpower etc. The production line has become smooth without many surprises as the Demand and Supply are met by ERP and IOT as this decision information are passed to different touch points that would execute the same. Define a standard patterns and rest is done automatically. Hardware and its preventive maintenance are controlled and maintenance to AI, its Data Centre issues and maintenance are impacted.

AI and ML are changing the way we are buying items, doing Sales, Buying rental or selling houses etc. Even dating applications are helping many to match and find the right partners. AI and ML’s are controlling Amazon’s recommendation of book, Google’s suggesting right information or pushing Ads etc. Jobs market is shrinking. Lot of mundane work is replaced with technical tools.

AI and ML have improved the life of online shoppers with right messages, supporting information on the additional items etc. Now ML is automatically learns the user patterns and suggest what to purchase. These tools have helped many online eCommerce companies to target the products to right cohort of Customers and learn more about their purchase habits, when and where they can purchase etc.

Based on your “social” credit history few companies helps to get you Loans or ensure that you get housing etc (Ant Financials)

AI tools have disrupted Agriculture sector too. The activities that are too data sensitive, difficult to sit and analyse have been simplified now. Now we can measure and monitor crops yields, productivity, soil fertility and lack of nutrition etc. Many Agritech companies are depending on the AI and ML to feed the data back to algorithm and see what happens.

How our personal life is disrupted to make it simple?

Earlier, we use to hail for the taxies by roadside or call Taxi Companies to book a Taxi. Now we use Apps and no more hailing by the roadside. UBER, Ola, GoJek have changed the need to own a car and pay for the maintenance. Money saving is huge considering savings in car maintenance cost, insurance and parking charges etc. This reduced the traffic on the road and getting blocked during peak hours, saving millions of Dollars in fuels.

Google is releasing the Driverless Car economy. AI’s supervised learning helps to check the car movement; it’s surroundings, nearby cars or any other vehicles etc. This is helping to protect the passengers and other surrounding properties. Already UBER is talking about buying these cars for their fleets and also developing its own Driverless Cars.

AirBnB and Oyo have increased the quality of the hotel’s experiences, while prices are pushed down. OYO redefined the End users experience at Hotel by uplifting the standard of rooms and services. Guest is ensured to receive the same treatment across multiple hotels. Now a day customers are NOT checking Hotel name and its credibility etc. Customer is checking whether the hotel is qualified by OYO or not. That assures the quality and minimum standard of services.

Many large companies that don’t own any thing, but they are controlling the majority of our life

1. Uber, Ola – Car services company, that integrated the distributed taxies

2. AirBnB and Oyo – Helped to integrate the smaller hotels and increased customer experiences.

3. Google – Search engine and Ads

4. Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud – Provides the infrastructure to manage and run the applications at the fraction of original cost of buying a server.

So what is happening here?

Many IT Jobs are already suffering. Development tools are reducing the number of Developers required, Selenium like tools are replacing the Manual testing. We have built the tools that reduces the web application testing duration by 80%.

But the side effect of this is, many have lost jobs and income generation opportunities.

How Machine Learning works?

If you see the above business they don’t own any properties, but they control the activities as they use AI and ML that gives the information back to the application. One of the ways ML works is, it need a huge amount of transaction data to analyse and arrive at the patterns and learn from it.

To make the Machine learning’s Algorithm to work it requires a huge amount of data and feedback for it to create its own patterns, test, learn and deploy new ones. Many healthcare start-ups are using the AI and ML to scan the digitized the reports and it feeds the data to AI and its recreating the models to analyse.

The Importance of Technology in a Changing World

These days, businesses are more reliant than ever before on technology, to help improve communications and to maximise efficiency in the workplace. The increased use of the internet, email and mobile technology has revolutionised the way companies operate and made IT a critical factor in building and maintaining a successful company. Yet still even today too many companies think of technology as a necessary evil rather than truly embracing all the opportunities it can bring to make organisations more efficient.

In the past companies may have been able to get away with paying lip service to IT but in the fast changing modern world this will no longer be possible. Now, with the convergence of voice and data and the much greater reliance of mobile communications, it is crucial for all businesses to urgently develop a coordinated IT Strategy.

Of course historically, companies tend to regard telecoms and data networking as being from separate budgets, but because of converging networks and the opportunities that VoIP can offer (Voice over Internet Protocol), it is no longer possible to look at them in isolation. In fact given the increased importance of remote working and the need to make sure all staff work as effectively as possible, these days companies really have no choice. The simple truth is if you don’t embrace change now, your competitors will.

The changes in business working we have seen over the last 10 years are very much only the beginning of what will happen over the next decade. At every level, faster and more accessible communication will be key. It is anticipated that in only a few years time approximately 75% of all phone calls will be made over an IP network. The converged network is here to stay and the only real choice is not if, but when you are going to embrace it. With globalisation, the increased use of home workers and the more flexible working environment; access to information needs to be seamless and instant.

Whilst the notion of the “paperless” office may not be a reality in the true sense, the need for electronic document systems (EDM) that can allow staff to access a wide range of documents wherever they may be in the world will only increase in the future. In an ever more competitive world, customers will be drawn to businesses that make communication with them (including buying and selling) as easy as possible. Good technology used properly will reflect well on your business and can help motivate your staff by taking some of the drudgery out of their day to day tasks.

Increasingly websites that used to be used merely as a “shop window” will now be more integrated with other back office systems. In the airline industry you don’t just book your flight online but also choose your seat, order your meal and even “check in”. In less than 5 years, airline tickets have become redundant and administrative processes have been radically streamlined to maximise efficiency.

This integration of the internet with other business processes will only become a lot more important as web use increases. Clients will want to have full visibility of every part of their interaction with your company. Once again easy access to information and the sharing of knowledge will be the key.

Of course with increased compliance legislation and the need for Business Continuity Planning, technology can also provide a crucial back up in the event of an unforeseen disaster. With the proper storage of electronic data and the rerouting of voice and data over the internet, many companies can in effect be lifted from one location and taken to another with minimal disruption. In the recent flooding in 2007, Disaster Recovery became not just an intellectual exercise but an unfortunate reality for hundreds of local businesses.

Technology therefore must be embraced by all of the decision makers in a company and their views properly coordinated to enjoy all the benefits it can offer. Don’t think of IT simply as a cost but more as a real opportunity to drive efficiency into your business. Currently many organisations are still too reactive and fail to think strategically enough about how the world is changing and how their business is changing with it. We are now ten years into the 21st century and the rate of change is only going to increase not slow down.

Maybe now you can see why getting a Strategic IT Road Map for your business is not a “nice to have” but in the modern day and age is simply a necessity. I suggest you review your company’s existing IT Support and maybe consider Outsourcing your IT as a cost saving exercise. There are many companies out there who offer a full Managed Service Provision who could potentially improve your business efficiency enormously. These days your systems can be monitored 24×7, 365 days a year with a much more proactive approach to IT management.

As a final example, think of the mobile phone you have today and compare it to the one you had 5 years ago. The functionality of that device will have changed enormously and emphasises again just how fast technology is moving. And by the way if your current “phone” still doesn’t allow you access to the internet and can’t push your emails to you automatically, you are now already several years behind the game!

Ten Reasons To Have an Inspired, World Changing Goal

In a nutshell, having an inspired, world-changing goal is the difference between idly walking along a path leading to nowhere and taking a purpose-filled journey to somewhere.

But before you can really consider why you need an inspired, world-changing goal in your business, it’s important to first understand what exactly an inspired, world-changing gGoal is.

An inspired, world-changing goal is a clear, measurable goal that you’d feel doggone excited to accomplish in the next 10-30 years. It’s a real goal, and not just some pie-in-the-sky mission statement or wish for world peace. It’s a specific, measurable goal that you can clearly define and you can objectively know when it is complete.

A well-constructed Inspired World-Changing Goal has six key attributes:

It lights up your heart and inspires you to your core. When you think about it, you are instantly filled with motivation, purpose, inspiration and excitement. It simply must be loaded with authentic desire within you. Without that, it’s not really an inspired goal, now is it?

It is 50-70% likely that you will be able to achieve it in 10-30 years. It’s indeed possible for you to accomplish this goal, but it will require a great deal of commitment on the part of everyone in your business to make it happen. It’s not a sure thing, but with every ounce of focus and commitment, you can do it!

It will require you to transform and grow. In order for you and your team to accomplish it, you will be required to evolve, shedding fear and embracing empowerment. You will need courage, perseverance, commitment, and inspiration, in order to make this goal a reality. It’s a goal that requires the very best of you to come forward.

It passes the Mount Everest test. In other words, your goal is as specific as climbing to the top of Mount Everest. I know, you know, your team knows, and the rest of the world knows what it means to climb to the top of Mount Everest. The same should be true for your goal. Specific, measurable, achievable, understandable, definable. It is in no way subjective. If you state your goal and people don’t clearly understand what you mean by it, then it fails the Mount Everest test and is not a true inspired, world-changing goal. You should be able to tell your friend what your inspired, world-changing goal is, and she should be able to easily — and in her own words — tell others what your goal is.

It involves more than you. This is what makes it “world-changing.” In some way, an inspired, world-changing goal benefits another. It transcends the self in some way and paves the way for your inner fulfillment to meet the need of the world in some way. Inherent in the goal are benefits to others, who might include your clients, your employees, your family, your community, the environment, a specific group of people, or a social cause.

It’s profound yet simple. You can say it in 20 words or less. It’s no loaded with descriptions, prepositional phrases, adjectives, etc. It’s clear and simple — “my goal is to climb to the top of Mount Everest.” No other colorful expressions are needed to describe it.

Here are some examples of what an Inspired World-Changing Goal is not:

To bring peace to the world. (It fails #2 and #4 from above.)

To sell my product to 300 million women. (Unless you are Procter & Gamble, it’s likely that you’d be failing #2 from above.)

To inspire people around the world with a feeling of hope, possibility, joy, and fulfillment. (It fails #2, #4, and #6 from above.)

To generate $25 million in annual revenues. (It fails #5.)

To consistently have 5 clients and increase annual revenues by 10%. (Sorry but this is just not that inspiring! It likely fails #1, #2, and #3 from above.)

Here are some examples of what an Inspired World-Changing Goal is:

To pass a bill in Congress implementing Department of Peace in the Executive Branch of U.S. Government

To attract 1,000 new clients each month and enroll them in buying an ABC Co. product or service.

To open a Wellness University that provides at least 10 unique certification programs.

To build a retreat center that serves 10,000 guests annually.

To be named as one of Fortune Magazine’s top companies to work for.

To take 1000 artists on a Spiritual Discovery Tour.

To give $1 million to charity (based on a rate of tithing 10%).

So now that you understand what an inspired, world-changing goal is, here are the top ten reasons why it’s imperative to have one in your business:

Reason One: It is the guts of your vision. Every successful business has a clear vision of where it is headed. An inspired, world-changing goal sits at the heart of that vision, making it more real, clear, and powerful.

Reason Two: It becomes your north star. Most businesses are headed towards short-term goals, but who knows if those short-term initiatives are really headed in the direction of your larger vision? Until you have an inspired, world-changing goal, your headed on a path to nowhere.

Reason Three: It is the foundation of your business plan. Once you have a well-constructed inspired, world-changing goal, then it’s easy to build milestones leading you to it. Your milestones then become the focus of your short- and long-term business planning. With an inspired, world-changing goal you have something specific to begin charting your progress towards.

Reason Four: It helps you make clear choices. Every choice will either lead you one step closer or one step farther from your goal. By having an inspired, world-changing goal, you have a litmus test or a system of calibration to determine the best path for your business. It helps you determine which markets to focus on, which products to develop, which channels to leverage, and which partners to attract.

Reason Five: It inspires you every step of the way. Without an inspired, world-changing goal, it’s easy to forget why you started your business in the first place. Getting lost in the minutia and sucked into the grind, it’s easy to loose perspective, momentum, and inspiration. But with a clear, simple inspired, world-changing goal, you are empowered with a glimmering reminder of what your journey is all about. And that is inspiring.

Reason Six: You are assured fulfillment. So often business owners chase goals that sound reasonable, logical, and prudent; but often these goals fail to produce the feelings of joy, fulfillment, purpose, and higher purpose that business owners long to feel. By following the path of an inspired, world-changing goal, your spirit aligns with what it deeply craves, and thus the feelings of fulfillment, self-actualizations, and real satisfaction are finally available along the way.

Reason Seven: It’s more attractive than you can possibly know. When you are onto big aspirations and accomplishments, everything about your business resonates, vibrates at that higher level. The high-frequency feelings combined with the clarity of a specific goal give you the exact ingredients to make your business a success-magnet.

Reason Eight: Others will be inspired to help you. When you’re up to big things, others will be inspired by what your doing and automatically feel compelled to help you. Not only does an inspired, world-changing goal build buy-in from your employees, it builds loyalty and confidence in your customers and partners.

Reason Nine: It keeps you aligned with your highest path. Because your inspired, world-changing goal is grounded in something that lights up your heart and inspires you to the core, it is, by definition, aligned with your highest path. Gifting yourself with an inspired, world-changing goal guarantees that your business be an instrument for divine good. I can’t imagine anything more empowering than that. Can you?

Reason Ten: Success becomes automatic. By taking consistent, constant action in the direction of your hearts deepest desires, you are essentially choosing to work with with the flow of the universe and all its abundance. Success, by any definition, becomes effortless and automatic. Your only job is to stay focused, inspired, and committed to the goal at hand.

Indeed having an inspired, world-changing goal at the foundation of your business can give you many benefits. But don’t take my word for it. Experience it for yourself today.

Copyright 2005 Coco Fossland

The Right Career Choice – Starting Or Changing Careers!

Choosing the Right Career: And how to make a smooth career change!

Choosing a career or changing from one career to another can be a daunting task. However, with some well thought out career planning you can start in the right job field or make the transition into another career field with a minimum of fuss.

Why do so many end up choosing a career that is less than satisfying and some find themselves in careers where they are downright miserable? The short answer is many think they know the correct way about picking a career, yet there are a number of myths associated with choosing a career that you need to know about.

The number one myth about choosing a career is that the process is simple, takes little time and

once the career choice is make the book is closed. Actually, selecting the right career for you should be an ongoing process that involves career and employer research, learning about yourself and effectively using all the available career and job hunting resources available to you.

Career Planning for Great Future Results

Once you recognize career planning and selection is an involved process you need to spend the appropriate amount of time to get the best results.

Career ideas can come from many sources. Don’t let a career counselor or a friend tell you what career is best for you. They can give you a level of guidance on new career ideas but it’s never wise to rely entirely on their advice.

For example, many times you’ll get advice from professionals and friends that you can’t make a living from your hobby. In reality, this is the one area to start looking how you can take your skills learned from the hobby to a profitable career. Either, self-employed or working in the field for another employer can be an excellent career choice.

In addition, a part-time hobby that can be turned into a small money making business, while working full-time, can provide you with an additional level of financial security.

Learn about a Career without working in it

Many think the only way you can really learn about a career is to work in it. Not true. If you find a career that interests you, do the research to find others working in the field. Contact them to see if you can arrange a short interview. Or have questions ready for a short phone interview. Many times these discussions will lead to other valuable resources regarding the career. All will assist you in making the right career decision.

Another area where many go wrong is to only look at careers on the latest “hot careers” list. These are top ten lists of the hottest current and projected future jobs. Although interesting and a possible source for further research you need to focus on your skills, what are your top interests and what excites you about a particular career and not what someone predicts will be the outlook for a specific occupation.

Career Change is in your Future

In the course of a lifetime, if you are typical, you will change jobs and careers several times. The secret of making a successful career change is to spend time every week and month is career planning. A well though out plan researching jobs and employers will keep you attuned to changes in the economy, new careers in which you may qualify and other income opportunities.

Developing career related skills through training and self-study will make you more valuable in your current career and prepare you to open future doors of yet undiscovered career ideas.

The Changing Role of Media Planners and Media Buyers

Media planners and media buyers don’t just focus on radio, television, magazines, billboards or newspapers anymore. In fact, with a few exceptions, magazines and newspapers are becoming obsolete. There’s a host of new options available to advertisers, and professional media planners and buyers must stay on the cutting edge of an ever-changing media landscape. Expertise and business connections can be leveraged to not only stay abreast of technology, but to also get prime placement and the best rates.

Over the past several years, newer forms of media have emerged on the scene, including satellite television, cable television, satellite radio and digital (or online) media. Digital/online media may include social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook, email blasts, search engine marketing, referral linking campaigns, web portals, YouTube video ads, banner ads, interactive games and more.

As technology moves at the speed of light, when it comes to media planning and buying, the saying “You snooze, you lose” has never been more relevant. However, with so many choices, there’s never been a better time for a media planner or buyer to be able to truly target the right audience with the right advertising medium(s). If the budget allows, most media planners and media buyers will strive for a balanced “media mix” in which all forms of advertising work harmoniously to achieve optimal results.

Where traditional media is concerned, television still remains among the top choices for most advertisers, depending on their target audience and needs. Why? Because it works. When a media buyer is looking for “reach,” (targeting as many people as possible at one time), television can’t be beat for certain audiences. That’s especially true when you want to reach your target market with particular dayparts (certain multiple hours of day) and/or specific programming. People will always watch television, although it is becoming more and more difficult to hold the attention of a younger audience who is texting, tweeting and viewing their favorite show at the same time.

Radio can also be a highly effective traditional form of media, depending on how it’s utilized and what clients are selling. Radio is considered a “frequency” medium (targeting a specific demographic as many times as possible). Often radio will be used as a supplement to television, but not always. What can really enhance radio’s effectiveness is endorsements by on-air personalities, which holds especially true for sports and talk show personalities, who tend to have much more of a loyal following than the average DJ.

Savvy media planners and buyers must thoroughly understand each client’s target demographic, and determine the best media mix to achieve both maximum brand awareness and increased sales. They will then develop a strategic media buying plan based on several factors to ensure the client receives a maximum ROI. Most importantly, they will negotiate the actual media buy based on the particular medium’s standard measurement of audience. For example, with television, that measurement can be determined by CMP (cost per thousand), CPP (cost per point), etc. The ultimate goal is not to just reach the masses, but to reach the as many people who comprise the client’s target market as possible, as many times as possible, for as the best price possible.

While the media landscape is changing and evolving, some of the traditional methods of advertising are still bringing in fantastic results. Media planners and media buyers must not only keep the traditional methods in mind, they also have to stay on the cutting-edge and keep their client’s goals in the forefront of their minds to succeed.

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