Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learnings Are Changing Our Life

Last month, I was discussing with one of my customers. During the discussion, I found that Cloud and SaaS applications have changed the business landscape and helping Business Owners. Post Cloud ERP solution, my Customer was saving around USD 2000 per month by not having Hardware and it’s maintenance, IT Persons etc.

I was just wondering how Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) could change the life of Business Owners and industry? Today we see them in every stages of our life, but can’t distinguish them separately. They are part of our life.

How AI and ML are disrupting the industry?

AI, in manufacturing industry along with IOT tools, is suggesting CNC Machines on what to produce, when to produce and how much to produce. This has improved the efficiency and usage of machines, manpower etc. The production line has become smooth without many surprises as the Demand and Supply are met by ERP and IOT as this decision information are passed to different touch points that would execute the same. Define a standard patterns and rest is done automatically. Hardware and its preventive maintenance are controlled and maintenance to AI, its Data Centre issues and maintenance are impacted.

AI and ML are changing the way we are buying items, doing Sales, Buying rental or selling houses etc. Even dating applications are helping many to match and find the right partners. AI and ML’s are controlling Amazon’s recommendation of book, Google’s suggesting right information or pushing Ads etc. Jobs market is shrinking. Lot of mundane work is replaced with technical tools.

AI and ML have improved the life of online shoppers with right messages, supporting information on the additional items etc. Now ML is automatically learns the user patterns and suggest what to purchase. These tools have helped many online eCommerce companies to target the products to right cohort of Customers and learn more about their purchase habits, when and where they can purchase etc.

Based on your “social” credit history few companies helps to get you Loans or ensure that you get housing etc (Ant Financials)

AI tools have disrupted Agriculture sector too. The activities that are too data sensitive, difficult to sit and analyse have been simplified now. Now we can measure and monitor crops yields, productivity, soil fertility and lack of nutrition etc. Many Agritech companies are depending on the AI and ML to feed the data back to algorithm and see what happens.

How our personal life is disrupted to make it simple?

Earlier, we use to hail for the taxies by roadside or call Taxi Companies to book a Taxi. Now we use Apps and no more hailing by the roadside. UBER, Ola, GoJek have changed the need to own a car and pay for the maintenance. Money saving is huge considering savings in car maintenance cost, insurance and parking charges etc. This reduced the traffic on the road and getting blocked during peak hours, saving millions of Dollars in fuels.

Google is releasing the Driverless Car economy. AI’s supervised learning helps to check the car movement; it’s surroundings, nearby cars or any other vehicles etc. This is helping to protect the passengers and other surrounding properties. Already UBER is talking about buying these cars for their fleets and also developing its own Driverless Cars.

AirBnB and Oyo have increased the quality of the hotel’s experiences, while prices are pushed down. OYO redefined the End users experience at Hotel by uplifting the standard of rooms and services. Guest is ensured to receive the same treatment across multiple hotels. Now a day customers are NOT checking Hotel name and its credibility etc. Customer is checking whether the hotel is qualified by OYO or not. That assures the quality and minimum standard of services.

Many large companies that don’t own any thing, but they are controlling the majority of our life

1. Uber, Ola – Car services company, that integrated the distributed taxies

2. AirBnB and Oyo – Helped to integrate the smaller hotels and increased customer experiences.

3. Google – Search engine and Ads

4. Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud – Provides the infrastructure to manage and run the applications at the fraction of original cost of buying a server.

So what is happening here?

Many IT Jobs are already suffering. Development tools are reducing the number of Developers required, Selenium like tools are replacing the Manual testing. We have built the tools that reduces the web application testing duration by 80%.

But the side effect of this is, many have lost jobs and income generation opportunities.

How Machine Learning works?

If you see the above business they don’t own any properties, but they control the activities as they use AI and ML that gives the information back to the application. One of the ways ML works is, it need a huge amount of transaction data to analyse and arrive at the patterns and learn from it.

To make the Machine learning’s Algorithm to work it requires a huge amount of data and feedback for it to create its own patterns, test, learn and deploy new ones. Many healthcare start-ups are using the AI and ML to scan the digitized the reports and it feeds the data to AI and its recreating the models to analyse.

Business Agility in a World of Artificial Intelligence

Business Agility, AI and Remaining Human

“The automation of factories has already decimated jobs in traditional manufacturing, and the rise of artificial intelligence is likely to extend this destruction deep into the middle classes, with only the most intelligent, caring and supervisory roles remaining.” Stephen Hawking.

It doesn’t take one of the world’s greatest living astrophysicists to understand there is a major shift going on in not only our workplaces, but in our society as a whole. The difference between what humans can do and what machines and computers are capable of is shifting, and at an accelerating rate. This reality becomes truly scary to those who currently earn a living by doing repetitive tasks or thinking in repeatable patterns; in other words, most of us.

If you are not able to distinguish what you do from that of a machine or a computer, then how can you really call yourself much more than a human doing? To remain a human being requires more!

The difference between a human doing and a human being?

Your ability to feel and relate.

Going forward, this will be most obvious in those roles that as Professor Hawking reminds us require feelings, leadership and creativity combined with intelligence. For the foreseeable future, this means that your economy will increasingly be influenced by your ability to listen, understand, empathize, create and lead. In short, the more you cultivate your ability to consciously feel, powerfully communicate and relate, the better chance you will have of getting paid. Transacting can be left to our increasingly sophisticated creations.

Even if increasing your ability to use your senses to relate is reduced down to the economics of being employed or not, just that is a positive start! Most of us are now being forced to learn that trying to compete with computers and machines only leads to increased stress and ultimately dis-ease.

“Life in a Spreadsheet”

A good friend, Tim Finucane, came up with this appropriate metaphor over ten years ago, and it rings truer today than when he first coined it. Since the advent of Lotus 1-2-3 and Microsoft Excel, 30 plus years ago, we have been able to measure job performance with increasing accuracy as well as more intrusiveness. Whereas, spreadsheets were first used to help us perform better, they have now morphed into being used to dictate and monitor increasingly challenging performance metrics. Is it any wonder that each little box in a spreadsheet is called a “cell”? Just like prison, these cells keep getting smaller and just like government budgets, each metric usually increases over time.

Spreadsheet technology gave way to the idea of Key Performance Indicators or KPIs. For your company, these are metrics based almost entirely upon historical performance, yet are prone to increase or tighten every time they are reviewed. This is fine for a machine that you can tweak and improve with newer technology, but when the key components are you and your co-worker, constant increases can stifle your creativity and crush your ability to care. The machine literally drains you of your humanity and what are human beings without that?

Powerful forces, problem or Agile Opportunity?

Thus we have two powerful forces working against us. Firstly, constantly increasing performance metrics keep limiting our ability to be human. Secondly, increasingly efficient computers and machines make obsolete more of our opportunities to earn. The good news is that those who understand these powerful forces and the change they are bringing can begin directly to increase their creativity, as well as hone their ability to sense, relate and lead.

What if this measurement trend also is forcing us to take more personal responsibility to relearn and improve the skills necessary for not just emotional, but social competence? Don’t think this is important? One of the seminars held at this year’s Davos World Economic Forum was titled, “Maintaining Your Humanity“. Even the Elites now get it.

Competing with an increasingly sophisticated computer or machine for jobs that technology can do better is not a winning strategy! Especially if you wish to remain healthy and prosperous. The one area that for the foreseeable future will remain the domain of humans is where feelings and relationships come into play. These areas include but are not limited to:

  • Customer Service
  • Healthcare
  • Sales
  • Leadership
  • Music and arts

Each one of these areas of human endeavor requires feeling and sensitivity to succeed. Computers and machines cannot do that. Machines can measure and they can perform without rest, but they cannot not feel anything while performing or when they objectively measure and communicate the results. This job is left for us to interpret and enjoy, or not.

Conclusion: Remain Human, Get Agile, or Be Swallowed by the Technology

If you want to insure your ability to earn a living going forward, you need to begin now to optimize your use of computer and machine skills, while simultaneously rediscovering and mastering your ability to be vibrant human being. Missing this opportunity may not affect you tomorrow, but sooner or later the Technologically Weighted Future we are all tumbling into will catch up to even you!

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