Social Marketing For Free Network Marketing Business Leads and Traffic

Everyone wants something for nothing. It’s true. In a Network Marketing business, it is no different. Why is it, then, that we still think we have to pay out loads of money, particularly when it comes to business leads, to make money? Well, there are a lot of business opportunities out there that would like you to think you must pay to play. You can get plenty of things for free if you just take the time to look around.

We all want to believe that because we think our Network Marketing opportunity is great, so will everyone else that sees it. That belief alone will not help us generate Network Marketing business leads. That still doesn’t mean we can’t learn how to market our Network Marketing opportunity for free. That reminds me…your prospects have to be able to find you on the Internet in order to become your business leads!

So, before I get off on a tangent, I want to state that you CAN expect to get tons of business leads and traffic to find you on the Internet, without spending any money at all!

Start Getting Free Business Leads with Social Marketing.

Social Marketing is a form of Internet marketing that attempts to reach marketing goals by communication and participation in various Social Media markets such as MySpace,Facebook, YouTube; and bookmarking sites like Digg, StumbleUpon, Squidoo, and others, like Blogs.

What this means is that you can change the way you obtain business leads for your Network Marketing business opportunity, and remove some stress from your life. Be more social; take time to learn new Internet Network Marketing training concepts, and spend less money by learning free methods of attracting business leads to you, instead of paying for them, or hounding them. Think about what a unique tool this could be for your Network Marketing business!

How to start Attracting Free Business Leads:

By using Social Marketing methods, and socializing on social media sites to attract leads to you instead in hunting for them, you can enter the Social Media Sites and set up house with this new Internet Network Marketing style. This is a form of Attraction Marketing, which is the practice of attracting pre-qualified prospects, or business leads, to find what it is that you are offering on the Internet. So get started on setting up some new social marketing sites and make some friends! Try those listed above, or there are tons of other sites to choose from.

How Does Social Marketing Bring You Business Leads?

Just think of the extremely successful people you know in Network Marketing…what is different about them? In most cases, they are extremely likable and charismatic; some may say…lucky. People are drawn to them like a moth to a flame. Business leads just seem to appear. I think that’s the key…business leads come to them! They’ve established themselves as a “likable leader”. I doubt they chase any prospects, or pay for them.

That’s the way I want you to think…that success comes easily to you by just being yourself. You are already a leader. Your prospects just need to know “who” you are…without your “sales hat” on. You can do all this with Social Marketing; on sites like FaceBook, MySpace, YouTube, StumbleUpon, and others. Work on being a friend and sharing your knowledge, but in a giving way, and not selling. People usually do business with people they like and trust. Business leads will be attracted to you! Doesn’t that sound a lot less stressful? And, it doesn’t cost you a dime!

Next: To learn techniques on how these Social Media sites work best for business and Internet Marketing, just search the Internet for free training on Internet Network Marketing. You can find valuable training information at a support site for Internet Network Marketing trainees. I found that I really needed this type of support to keep my training on track when I was just starting out as an Internet Marketing Coach.

You can quickly learn how to set up these sites correctly and then learn how to get business leads and traffic to find your sites without sending unsolicited network marketing information. You can find tons of free Internet Network Marketing training on how to learn Social Marketing in order to help prospects, or business leads, find you and your business opportunity.

Once these wonderful, free business leads start coming to you, you must have a way to find out who’s interested in what you are offering. You need to have a “lead capture page” in place in order to capture the information of those who have “asked” for more information, or to be kept informed. After all those years of verbally bludgeoning people over the head to pay attention to your network marketing business opportunity, they simply ask to be associated with you, the leader! It’s a beautiful thing! I initially joined a free Internet Marketing training class to help me set it all up.

Last: There are Internet Network Marketing coaches out there, like myself, that enjoy teaching how to successfully bring in free business leads for your Network Marketing business. We are all beginners at some point, in something. And, it’s much easier to learn from someone willing to share what they’ve learned, than to stumble around and learn everything the hard way. I have plenty of my own examples to share about that subject!

Just remember the principles about being yourself, having fun, making friends, and presenting your Network Marketing business opportunity in a giving and “Attractive Marketing” manner. And don’t forget the Golden Rule, “Treat Others as You would Like to be Treated”.

Blog Vs Social Network – Advantages And Disadvantages

In most instances, the Internet marketing campaigns of companies are anchored on blog and social media marketing interventions. Of course, we would always seize every opportunity to improve our marketing programs, and this is the main reason why we see companies undertake marketing strategies anchored on these 2 popular platforms.

However, business owners and stakeholders would want to determine the incremental contribution and impact of the blog marketing and social network marketing interventions so that they can make a more appropriate strategic decision.

The Pros and Cons of Social Media Marketing

Marketing programs and activities that are geared towards popular social networking sites provide opportunities for companies to reach out to segments of the market which are not normally accessed through traditional marketing techniques. The social interaction aspect opens a lot of opportunities and present business prospects which may not be available through traditional marketing medium.

Internet marketers can also tap Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to build brand loyalty. These social interaction platforms also create an ideal environment for companies to project their corporate image and generate goodwill. In this way, you can bring the marketing activity down to a more personal level.

However, you also have to take into account the major challenges which are associated to social media marketing. Generally, marketing efforts that are geared towards social media have longer gestation period. You may have to wait for a longer period of time before you can see significant positive results. It is also an aspect of Internet marketing which will demand much of your time and resources.

The Pros and Cons of Using Blogs for Internet Marketing

Blogs are effective marketing tools for companies in “selling” ideas and solutions. Effective marketing highlights the need for us to generate the “pull” by focusing on information and solution instead of the products or services. Those online journal entries offer some of the best opportunities for you to turn readers into strong believers.

Blogs can also be used by company owners and managers as an effective feedback mechanism. It is where you give your growing customer base the opportunity for them to ventilate their issues, concerns and preferences. From the perspective of the Internet marketer, this unique setup provides a great way for them to get into the minds of their target clients and learn more about their preferences and expectations.

However, you must also take cognizance of the downsides or challenges of blogging. It is a permanent commitment and in order to obtain the optimum results, you need to allocate a significant amount of your time and resources to generate quality content for your readers and target audience.

Of course, it is also one aspect of Internet marketing that you must closely manage and control. Blogging opens the company to possible profanity and personal attacks. Your competitors may also use this medium in order to peddle damaging information or acts which might undermine the interest of your company.

Social Business: How to Clarify Your Idea – From Vague to Focused and Actionable

How to Clarify Your Social Business Idea – From vague to focused and actionable

It is common among many entrepreneurial thinkers. They had a big and great idea. However, in her head it was too large and too overwhelming. Clarity is needed in your social entrepreneurship pursuit, or any business idea. Make it simple. Otherwise it will be too big and too random and you will be unable to make it actionable.

Now get a notebook and pen, computer, or iPad, and get ready to work through these techniques. Make sure to write it out. This is very important. If you do not write it out it will keep on fixed in your head looping the same un-actionable cycles over and over.

Here are two frameworks to help you clarify your idea:

  1. Hedgehog Concept (from Jim Collins Good to Great)
  2. Tony Robbins OPA

Hedgehog Concept:

What are you most passionate about in the world? (What social issue are you trying to solve?) Don’t limit it to your social business idea. Just list all the things out that you are thinking. This is a crucial component for a social business entrepreneur, what social matters are you most passionate about solving? What makes you most angry when you hear about it? write them out.

Now rate them. What are your top two? Once you do this it will give you more clarity into what the social business should really be focusing on.

What are you best at in the world? Or another way to say it, what do you love achieving most in the globe? This will structure the way the corporation is run. It may even adjust the whole direction of the your social business idea. Are you best at speaking, networking, writing, selling, talking, connecting with people, administration?

What drives your economic engine? (Or if you are a non-profit, in his book Good to Great in the Social Sector, Collins says this circle can be changed to How can we develop a sustainable resource engine to deliver superior performance relative to our mission). What is your business model? How are you going to make money from this venture. you’ve clarified the one biggest passion or social problem you want to overcome. you’ve stated out what you are best at in the world (how you are going to personally solve the social problem). And additionally, how you can make money, in the best way, through your socially impacting idea.

From time to time there are aspects of our ideas that we hold extremely tightly to for no reason. Which items in your social enterprise idea are non-negotiables? What utterly makes the business? What definitely HAS to be there?

If you believe it really is important then WHY? Does it align with what you are most passionate about, what your best at, or your business model? If not, then maybe it shouldn’t be there. OPA Model – Tony Robbins Now that you have done that you should have quite a bit more clarity already. Now let’s take it one step further. By the end of this, hopefully you’ll have a specific set of action items to take away and do.

OPA – Outcome / Result, Purpose, Actions

Outcome: Write out the final outcome. Try to be very specific. Don’t just say, I want to help feed orphans. Say:

My Business is going to clothe orphans all over the globe; beginning with India. I will do this through selling my own distinctive designed t-shirts and donating one shirt for everyone purchased. These shirts will be sold in boutique clothing retailers starting in Texas, and growing from there.

This is merely a quick example off the top of my head. It should overlap what you came up with in the Hedgehog principle above.

Purpose: List out 10-15 reasons WHY you are doing this.

Actions: Brainstorm as many action items you can think of that you need to do. From the biggest to the smallest. Many of them will be big projects in themselves with their own set of action items. For example, you might have:

  • Call John to see about the price of buying product x from him.
  • Create a business plan
  • Create a website
  • Start blogging regularly
  • Meet with x about possible partnership

Obviously calling John is a one step process. Nevertheless, generating a business plan is a large project within itself. Similarly, designing a website is a project with several action items to finish. Don’t worry about this for now. Later on, after you have finished this whole exercise. You should go through each of these, pick out the projects and do another OPA framework for that. Rate each item on its importance. Go through each item, pick out the bigger projects and create another OPA for it.

There you have it. Hopefully you’ve clarified your business idea; boiled it down to one area to focus on. You should also have a clear set of action items ordered in priority to get you going.

Write out the outcome and purpose on your computer, maybe add some fitting invigorating pictures and quotes, and hang it on the wall to look at everyday. This is important. There’ll be days when you don’t want to do it, when you don’t want to get out of bed, and don’t want to write that next article. Days when you don’t want to make that next sales call, or book that next meeting. Look at it, let it re-stimulate you!

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