Business Marketing Online: Secrets of Internet Millionaire Webmasters

One mistake that most website owners and businesses are currently making is that they depend on their traffic to come from search engines alone.

Some are even squandering hundreds of thousands of dollars monthly doing (Pay per click) PPC campaign.

This is fatal.

It is impossible for all websites to rank at #1 or among the top 10 all at once in any search engine.

So, once businesses realize this obvious fact, it should be common sense for them to know that the solution should be to diversify their marketing and promotion.

Stop depending on the uncertain search engine traffic otherwise you’ll go bankrupt soon.

You need to do different kinds of marketing and promotions both online and offline.

Some of them are newspaper and magazine advertising, TV, cable and radio advertising, direct mailing promotion, text-link campaign, link exchange campaign, events sponsorship promotion, press release, article promotions.

When you do all these promotions, you get a lot of exposures, traffic from many sources and will not be forced anymore to depend on search engines traffic and rankings alone.

I have also noticed that most businesses are still using the old tactics of copywriting that worked during pre-internet era.

Perhaps that is why many of them have problems in making their websites profitable.

In these internet times, a website content has to be short, direct, interesting and must have a unique selling proposition to be effective and to convert visitors to buyers.

Many people just don’t have the time to spend all day reading the content of one website when they are aware there are thousands and millions more they may have to read before they make up their minds to buy.

I see many website contents which are professionally written, organized and designed.

But all have one common mistake. They forget this fact that I am pointing out:

They are way too long, too desperate in their sales pitches, hype and most of them will not even allow you to read more than one word before their subscription pop-up forms come up and block the websites.

What a very rude and annoying way to welcome a prospect to your website.

In other words, they do so much to repel the customers, instead of doing so much to attract them.

May these insights into website promotion, work at home business income program, online income opportunity, website marketing, work from home business, affiliate programs, internet promotion help you improve your online marketing so as to achieve more success and happiness.

Please feel free to print or publish this article anywhere and read and also send it to your friends and well wishers and please preserve the author’s resource box and website below.

Ikey Benney

Affiliate Marketing Secrets – What I Wish I Knew Before!

The affiliate marketing secrets I’m sharing here aren’t really “secrets” to some affiliates. But for me, when I started affiliate marketing back in the early 2000’s, they would have been useful to know about. It would have saved me several years of hard work if I would have known about these factors in an affiliate business.

I spent a huge amount of time trying out bad strategies and promoting low paying products. It was immensely frustrating not only to struggle getting results as an affiliate, but when they did eventually come to see such tiny little commissions that it was hardly worth all that struggle!

The fist insight I’m going to share is to get an email autoresponder. An auto-responder is a software which allows affiliates to collect emails from a website and automate the delivery of email messages to your list.

For a long time I didn’t have an auto-responder. I simply tried to get people to my websites and sell affiliate products directly from there. But there’s a problem in that customers will often need several contact points before they purchase something. So a single landing on a website will seldom generate a sale. On a website, a visitor only has a small window of opportunity to make a buying decision. But once you get your visitors email information, you can extend this time period by months, years and even decades!

You can give them many more “touch points” with which to showcase your offerings, give value and help your subscribers with whatever issue they are facing.

The next issue I faced was choosing the affiliate products which I would sell. The products I chose as an affiliate were those which I would have bought myself. This is a good policy because you can more easily create content around something you’re interested in. But I choose low value products and used affiliate programs which paid the least! I didn’t know this was an issue till much later when I discovered subscription affiliate programs which paid ongoing commissions for each sale.

With a low value product from eBay or Amazon, for example, you only get tiny amounts – usually less than 10% commission. Digital products pay more like 30%-50% commission. Then there’s high ticket products which have a much larger value. A high ticket product sale can earn you the same as by selling hundreds of the lower value item.

With a product range you can benefit from subscription products, one off commissions and high ticket sales. In addition to this you can also benefit from a built in sales team, who close sales on your behalf. With most affiliate products, you refer a sale and only get paid once. So you need to continue selling more and more products. With subscription and high ticket, you can continue earning from your referrals, potentially for years. So the same work is rewarded much more with such a strategy.

Another huge benefit of using such a product range is that paid marketing strategies are much more within reach. I struggled with free marketing tactics, making sporadic sales which amounted to very little income. With a high ticket product range, it’s much easier to make a profit while running paid marketing.

Plus, once you’re profitable, and are running paid advertising campaigns, you can scale up quickly. Simply increase marketing budget! With organic and cheaper marketing strategies, this is much more difficult. I was struggling for years because I was selling low value products and using free marketing strategies which couldn’t be scaled up!

Another affiliate marketing secret which I didn’t discover until a few years of struggle is to get help. Back in the early 2000’s it was far more difficult to build an online business from scratch. You needed more technical know-how. You needed to be able to build websites yourself. Today software takes much of the technical wizardry out of building online business. You can press a couple of buttons and have a ready made website up and running in minutes. You can also join a group of other affiliates which can help enormously with your mindset and personal growth.

Going it alone as an affiliate is tough, especially when well meaning family members and friends are trying to talk you out of it, and telling you that it’s a scam! Once in a community of online entrepreneurs, my confidence grew. I was able to ask questions and get things done more easily. Other people had similar questions to me, and joining groups where coaches and mentors were on hand shortened the learning curve.

Most of all joining a community of online business owners helped me believe that I could build an income from affiliate marketing. Before this I struggled with mindset issues and lack of confidence. If you doubt you’re going in the right direction, it’s much easier to quit, or dawdle. It’s easier to procrastinate and lose your direction.

To sum up, these are my affiliate marketing secrets:

1. Get an autoresponder – an email marketing service made a huge difference to my affiliate business

2. Use subscription products, high ticket products and a product range, rather than low value products which only offer single commissions

3. Get help – join an online community where you can build trust with a coach, find accountability partners and get questions answered.

Affiliate marketing is a tough business to crack and the drop out rate is around 95%. Remember the reason you’re doing it and find a good program and stick to it.

Secrets of Creating Instant Rapport with Anyone, Part 2 – The Magic of VAK

In Part 1, we looked at ways to mirror and match the actions of other people. This time, we will examine sense modalities and show how you can use them to create Instant Rapport.

Most of us are blessed with five senses, which we use to receive information from the world around us. Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), among other things, studies the relationship between language and brain function.

NLP has determined that some people are primarily visually oriented (V). Others are more auditory (A). And some are more in touch with their physical feelings and emotions, or what is termed kinesthetic (K). From this, we get the term VAK.


You can tell which sensory mode someone prefers to use by listening the words they say.

Visuals think in pictures and the language they use reflects that. They might say, “I see what you mean,”” I get the picture” or “That looks good to me.” In a sales presentation, a Visual prospect might say,” Show me what you’ve got.”

An Auditory might say, “That sounds good,” “I hear what you’re saying” or “That rings true.” During a staff meeting, an Auditory might say,” “Let me hear your idea.”

A Kinesthetic will “Want to get a handle on something,” “Try it on for size” or “Have a gut feeling.” If your are making a proposal to a Kinesthetic, he or she might say, “Lay it on me.”

The key then, to creating Instant Rapport with each of these types is to use language that they can understand and relate to. To do otherwise would be like going to Germany and refusing to speak German, even though you know the language.

If you say to an Auditory, “Do you see what I mean?” they won’t. But if you ask, “Do you hear what I’m saying?” they probably will. Not only that, they’re more likely to agree with you because you are speaking their language.

And when you speak their language, you create rapport.


In a sales situation, or any other time that you are trying to convince someone to do something, present your pitch or idea in a way that is most compatible with the way someone’s brain works.

Visual people want to see pictures of the product or, if possible, the product itself. They find graphs and charts more convincing than the words you say.

An Auditory will prefer to hear what you have to say and will note how you say it. Do you speak with an air of confidence and authority, or does your voice betray uncertainty, fear or deception?

A Kinesthetic will want to touch the product or hold the brochure or chart. Let them do this. If you need to point out something on the product or brochure, don’t take it away from them. Have a second one for yourself.

When using VAK, keep in mind that almost nobody uses any one sense modality to the exclusion of others. There is usually a mix. Also, the primary modality may change, depending on the situation. So always listen for the verbal cues to determine which sensory mode is dominant at the moment and adjust your language accordingly.

Even so, there is usually one sense in particular that someone prefers to the others. Once you discover what it is, and use that knowledge wisely, you have one more key to Instant Rapport.

And once you have rapport, getting what you want becomes that much easier.

Adapted from the new book “Power Persuasion:” Using Hypnotic Influence to Win in Life, Love and Business,” by David R. Barron and Danek S. Kaus

Copyright 2005 Danek Kaus

Internet Money Making Business – Hidden Secrets Revealed

If you’re like many people today, you are looking to start an Internet money making business. Times are tough for “regular jobs”, but Internet business thrives. You have probably heard of the multitude of opportunities online that exist as alternative ways to make money. Likewise, who wants to be chained and shackled to a j-o-b that they don’t love, anyway? You might want to have the freedom to give yourself a giant pay-raise without having to go and beg for a small one. You may want to say goodbye to that expensive and nerve-racking commute. You may want to have more time to spend with your family and more time for yourself.

Yet, for you to have a successful Internet money making business, you have to know what a lot of people don’t know. It’s a sad fact that over 95% of all people who try to start an Internet money making business fail. As a matter of fact, about 85% of people who try to make money online never make one thin dime. These startling facts cause many people to become cynical about making money on the Internet. They come to the conclusion that there’s no real opportunity in it. But they are wrong.

The people who do have a successful Internet money making business are enjoying a dream lifestyle that most people just fantasize about. And most of them never ran any kind of business before. They were not entrepreneurs. They are everyday people who have found success and wealth. So what gives? What sets these people apart from the masses of the rest who failed? The answer is they have had the hidden secrets of a successful Internet money making business revealed to them.

Now, some may have just stumbled upon these secrets through painstaking trial and error, but very few people have the time, money, or patience for that. The truth is that most successful Internet marketers have had a mentor. They have had a guide who reveals the hidden secrets of online money making success to them.

What do these hidden secrets entail? Well, think about this: to have a successful Internet money making business, you need to have great products to market. But where do you begin to look for these great products? Which ones are going to sell like mad, while others never get bought? Well, there is an answer to this, at least in part: you can go to Clickbank and find scores of products that would interest you enough to market enthusiastically. These products are all provided for you, all you do is sign up as an affiliate to sell them. Great! But now the bigger problems loom:

  • How do you market these products? Most people starting out don’t have any extra money for a Google AdWords advertising campaign, and even if they did how would they know how to write the ads?
  • Where do you market these products? The Internet is a huge place. You need to know just where to make your product offerings known or you are doomed to fail.

A mentor will reveal these hidden secrets to you, and you will be able to have that Internet money making business that you want.

The Secrets of Starting Business Successfully

Starting Business Secrets will help you to start your own business successfully.

The American Dream is, and always will be, to come up with an idea, start a business and become rich from your own efforts. Based upon this motivation, thousands of businesses fail each year, due primarily to not being familiar with the basics involved in running a business.

This report will enlighten you, and give you a number of suggestions you can use to better guarantee your chances for success. This report is written with the warning that any and every business venture contains certain inherent risks, and any number of alternatives. We do not espouse that any one way is the right way or that our suggestions are the only way. On the contrary, we advise that before investing any money in a business venture, you seek counselling and help from a qualified accountant and/or attorney.

Just about the first thing you should consider before deciding to start or purchase a business is the legal form you’ll be operating under. There are basically four choices: sole proprietorship, partnership, limited partnership, and/or corporation.

Each has a number of advantages and disadvantages. We’ll try to enumerate some of them for you.

As much as anything else, for many people starting a business is a form of ego-gratification, and they form a corporation for some sort of prestige gain – just to say, “I own a corporation.”

With just a little bit of observation, you’ll find that one of the major causes of business failures is due to the founder wasting start-up capital on frills, such as an impressive store- front office, expensive furnishings, and corporate legal costs.

One of the basic traits you must develop it you’re going to be successful in business, is a tight hold on your expenditures. In fact, a good rule of thumb is that anything that does not make money for yo or protect your investment, should not be purchased at this time. Very definitely, this applies to the expense of setting up your own corporation.

Unless you have a partnership and start your business as such, the only real advantage to forming a corporation would appear to be that a corporate structure will semi-protect the property you personally own.

As an example, you own a home and car. You form a corporation to protect these possessions from business losses. Yet, if you can be found guilty of misusing corporate funds, your business creditors can pierce the corporate shield and come after your possessions.

Basically, if you invest everything you have in your business, as most newcomers do, you don’t usually need a corporation because you have nothing to protect. Your household possessions, personal belongings, generally your car, and even a portion of the equity in your home is protected by the homestead provision of the Federal Bankruptcy Act, and cannot be taken away from you.

As a sole proprietor or partner of a business you’ll be paying taxes on your overall earnings, much the same as if you were holding down a salaried or hourly paid job. Whether you do or don’t take out money as a salary will have no bearing on the earnings of your business and tax return.

The often advertised advantage of incorporating, that you can manipulate your salary in order to save on tax dollars, is real because of corporation laws. However, the IRS frowns on this practice. When your business is successful and making a lot of money, definitely check with your accountant on the advantages of incorporating.

As a corporation, you’ll be subject to a number of other drawbacks as well: generally higher state taxes, stricter laws concerning the operation of your business, more elaborate accounting procedures, and legal papers that are required just about every time you make a major move or sign almost any contract. Thus, your legal and accounting fees will be much higher as a corporation than will those required for a sole proprietorship type of business.

As a sole proprietor or partnership, you’ll find many areas require the registration of your business name. The cost however, is minimal, ranging from $5 to $100. About the best way to find out what laws apply in your area, is to call your bank and ask if they need a fictitious name registration card or certificate in order for you to open a business account.

Selecting a name for your business is quite important to you and particularly relative to advertising. Your business name should describe the product or services you offer. Fancy names such as, Linda’s Clipping Service will lose potential “walk-in and passing” customers to the beauty shop across the street that calls itself, Patti’s Beauty Salon or Jane’s Hair Styling Shop.

The advantage of using your full name in the title of your business, such as Johnny Jones’ Meat Lockers, has the advantage of making credit somewhat easier to come by – provided you pay your bills on time – but it also includes the disadvantage of confining your services to a local or at most, a regional area.

Should you buy, lease, or rent a space for your business? think twice before you make any decision along these lines. Most businesses tend to grow quickly or they never get off the ground.

There are a few exceptions, but only a very few, that tend to grow at a modified rate.

So, buying a piece of property and setting up your business on or within that property, obligates you to ownership regardless of what happens to your business.

Leases are almost always very strong contracts written by attorneys to the advantage of the property-owner. When you sign an agreement to pay someone for the use of their space over any length of time, you’re “nailed in” to paying for that space regardless of what happens to your business.

In the beginning, it’s wise to either get the shortest-term lease possible, or arrange to rent with an option to lease at a later date. This does not apply to a retail business, unless your particular business happens to be an untried one.

Definitely, you should open a business bank account. In selecting a bank for your business, scout around and look for one that can, and will help you. Determine what your banking needs will be, and then via telephone, interview the managers of the banks in your area. The important convenient bank to your business location.

A point to remember: the closer you can make the relationship between you and the bank manager, the better your chances are going to be for approval on loans and/or special favors you may need at a later date.

Try to become acquainted with as many of the bank employees as possible. The better you know them, the more courtesies they’ll be extending especially to you in the course of your association.

Just as a doctor is a specialist in his field, and you go to him for medical problems, your banker is a specialist in his field and you should go to him for your money problems. In business, you’ll have to learn that everyone is an expert in his own line of work, and in your associations with other business people, refrain from acting like a “sharpie” and/or pretending that you know exactly how everything works in someone else’s specialty.

You’ll find that very often, different banks specialize in different types of businesses. As an example, you’re sure to find banks that specialize in real estate transactions, export- import businesses, and even manufacturing operations only.

What I’m saying here is that if you’re planning to sella fairly expensive item, your customers will probably need and/or want financing. It will behoove you to select a bank familiar with your type of product that will afford your customers, through you, contract financing.

Some of the questions you should ask of your banker include the following:

Is it necessary to maintain a certain balance in your account before the bank will approve a loan for you? What qualifications must you have in order to obtain a line of credit with the bank?

Does the bank limit the number of loans, or types of loans it will approve for small businesses?

What is the bank’s policy regarding the size of a check you might deposit that requires holding for collection?

And what about checks less than that amount – will they be immediately credited to your account?

In almost all types of businesses, it will be to your benefit to set up with your bank, a method of handling VISA, Master Charge, and regional credit cards. The important thing here is to ultimately set up your account in the bank that will service all of these credit transactions for you – one stop for all your banking needs. In most instances, you’ll find that having the capability to fill orders/make sales via credit card transactions, will increase your volume of sales appreciatively.

Once you’ve made the decision as to which bank is going to handle your account, you’ll need your Social Security Number or your Federal Employer’s Identification Number, your driver’s license, the fictitious name certificate, and if you’re requesting a VISA or Master Charge franchise, you’ll also need a financial statement.

For corporations, you’ll also need a corporate resolution approving of the opening of your business account.

There are different policies exercised in just about every state regarding installation/hook-up charges by the telephone and utility companies. Some require a deposit, and some don’t.

You’ll find that a great number of city business license departments are there solely for the purpose of collecting another tax. Depending on the type of business you’re asking a license for, the building and zoning people may inspect your premises for soundness of structure and safety. Generally, you won’t encounter any difficulties – you simply pay your fee to operate your business in that city, and the clerk types your name onto a city license certificate.

Relative to sales tax permits and licenses, each state’s rules and regulations very widely. The best thing to do is call your state offices and ask for information concerning registry and collection procedures. Many states require an advance deposit or bond, and you’ll find that some wholesalers or manufacturers will not sell to you at wholesale prices until you can show them your sales tax permit or number.

Should your business entail selling your products or services across state lines, in another state, you’re not required to collect taxes except in those where you have offices or stores.

You may find also that your particular business requires the collection of Federal Excise Taxes. For information along these lines, check in with your local office of the Internal Revenue Service.

Some states also require certain businesses to hold state licenses, such as those required in many states for TV Repairmen.

These are known as “occupational permits” and are most often required of barbers, hair stylists, real estate people and a number of other consumer oriented businesses. If you have any doubts, check with your state offices for a list of those occupations that require licensing.

Any business doing business in any type of interstate commerce is subject to federal regulations, usually through the Federal Trade Commission. This means that any business that shops, sells or advertises in more than one state is subject to such regulation, and this includes even the smallest of mail order operations.

Normally, very few business people ever have and contact with the federal regulatory agencies. The only exceptions being when there is a question of your operating your business unethically or illegally.

Any business that sells or distributes food in any manner almost always requires a county health department permit. If your business falls into this category, simply call the county health department and invite them out to your place of business for an inspection. The fees generally range from about $25, depending on the size of your business when they first inspect it for permit approval.

There are also a number of businesses that require inspection by a fire marshall, and fire department approval. Generally, these are those that handle flammable materials or attract large numbers of people, such as a theater. Overall, the local fire department has to be allowed to inspect your premises whenever they desire to do so.

You may also run into a requirement for an air and/or water pollution control permit. These specifically apply to any business that burns anything, discharges anything into the sewers or waterways, or use any gas-producing product, such as a paint sprayer.

Without a doubt, you’ll need to check on local regulations relating to advertising display signs. Each city or township makes its own rules and then enforces those rules according to its own thinking -check before you contract to have a sign made for your business.

The design and placement of your sign is very important to your business – specifically to retail establishments – but let me remind you that your business sign is usually the first thing a potential customer sees and as such, it should catch his eye and leave an impression that lasts. It would be a good idea to ride around your town and take a look at the signs that catch your eye, and try to determine the impression of the business that sign leaves on you. This is a basic learning formula for determining the design, size and placement of your business sign.

Some of the other things to consider before opening for business – If you intend to employ one or more employees, you’ll be required to deduct Federal Income Taxes, and Social Security payments from their checks. This will involve your filing for a Federal Tax Number and necessitates contact with your local IRS Office.

Most states have “unemployment taxes” which will have to be deducted from the paychecks of any employees you hire. And there are a number of states that have income taxes – disability insurance – and any number of other taxes. Again, the best thing to do is check with your local office of the IRS. And above all else, don’t forget to ask for the rules of the minimum wage law, and comply.

When your business grows to the point of needing additional help, don’t be afraid to look for and hire the help you need. when you’re ready to hire someone, simply run an ad in your local paper and/or register your needs with the local office of your state’s employment service. Businesses either grow or die, and those that grow eventually need more people in order to continue growing.

When that time comes, hire the additional people you need, and your business will continue growing. If you don’t, for whatever reason, you’ll find yourself married to your business and your business growth stymied.

Regardless of how small your business is when you begin, never walk in with the thought in mind that it’s something to keep you busy. Anyone with an attitude of that kind is a fool. You begin and make a business successful in order to realize financial freedom. Establish your business. Put it on its feet, and then hire other people to do the work for you. And those businesses that require an operations manager, or someone to run a phase of the business you’re too busy to handle, hire the person needed or the business will surely suffer.

To protect the investment of your business, you need business insurance. If you’ve never had any experience with business insurance, simply look under the heading of “business insurance” in your phone directory. Ask for bids from several different companies or agents…Primarily, you should have a policy that gives you general liability, fire, workmen’s compensation, business interruption, and vehicle coverage. You amy also want coverage against possible losses related to burglary, robbery, Life & Accident, Key Man, and Fidelity Bonds.

As the sole proprietor of a business, you won’t be paid as an employee, so there will be no income tax deducted from whatever you withdraw from the company’s earnings. What you’ll have to do is a gain check with the IRS Office for a Tax Guide For Small Businesses Handbook, and probably end up filing an estimated tax return on a quarterly basis.

The minute you open your doors for business, you’ll have to spend some time engaged in the work of bookkeeping. Exactly how, and using what forms, you keep books, should be on the recommendations of a good tax counselor…The same holds true for your overall business and/or payroll accounting system. Look for an experienced CPA that knows the accounting problems to your particular kind of business, and solicit his advise/counseling.

If your business is going to involve the possible purchase or lease of operating equipment, again seek the help of your tax counselor for the most advantageous method of obtaining the needed equipment.

Basically, arranging for your suppliers to give you materials on credit will depend upon your honesty and personal financial statement. The best way is usually a personal visit to the person with the power to approve or disapprove of credit at the company where you want to set up a credit account. Show him your financial statement, and explain your prospects for success. Then assure him that you’ve always honored all of your obligations, and that if ever there’s a question or problem, you’d like for him to call you at home. And of course, give him your home phone number.

We won’t go into the exigencies of advertising your products, services or business here, but there is something along these lines you should always keep in mind. The best kind of advertising your business can receive is that you don’t really pay for – publicity.

When something unusual happens to you, your business, or your employees – that’s news, so be sure to tell the news media in your area about it.

The most important ingredient of your eventual success will be the soundness of the planning you did before you started your business. Any number of bad things can really throw your business into a tailspin, but it you’ve done your homework well – really set up a detailed business plan before starting – your losses or setbacks will be minimal. Success takes planning, and within this report, you’ve got a basic checklist…The rest is up to you…Good luck, and may your life overflow with success in all that you undertake from this moment forward.

Blogging Secrets Revealed – Top 7 Tips For Beginner Blogger to Make Big Blogging Money

Lots of people start blogging to make money online. But only 1 to 2 percent of blogger really make money by blogging and all of others only get disappointment. Normally people fail in blogging because they don’t know exactly what should be done.

So, here are top 7 tips you should apply at your blog to be a successful blogger.

# 1. Write articles with consistency: – This is the most important part of blogging. You must write articles with consistency. It will give you lots of benefits. Search engines like fresh and new contents and also people like something new to read. They always search for new solutions of their old problems.

# 2. Write For Low Competitive Keywords: – Keyword research is most important part of blogging. You may waste you time on writing for wrong keywords. Do some keyword researches before writing any set of articles. Always write for low competitive keywords. To know which keywords are low competitive use many keyword suggestive tools like Google AdWord Keyword Tool, WordTracker and many other tools.

# 3. Write Reviews Of Relevant Products: – Normally people think they earn by blogging only by displaying ads on their blog. But you can also make money by promoting some products at your blog. Go to ClickBank and pick up some relevant products and write some reviews about them with your affiliate links. It will increase the popularity of your blog and if someone buys any of those products by clicking your affiliate links, you will dual up your blogging money.

# 4. Visit other blogs: – Always visit other blogs so that you will get new methods and tips on how to improve blogging money. It is what a lot bloggers don’t do. If you don’t visit other blogs, you will not be able to update your blog. So, always visit other blogs.

# 5. Post Comments On Other Blogs: – When you visit any blog, always try to post a comment. It will give you lots of benefits like it will improve your writing skill and also you will get at least one new visitor. Also it will help you for your link building campaign.

# 6. Always Give Answer Of Comments: – If any visitor post comment on your blog, always try to give answer without delay. Sometimes you will get negative comments, but face it. And use it as your improvement tool. If you don’t give answers of your comments then you will be going to lose your visitors.

# 7. Learn From Your Mistakes: – People don’t realize that they make mistakes. They start blogging and they do work hard, but they don’t get any result. Basically they are repeating some common mistakes. And remember if you are not making any mistakes then you are not working.

So, there are lots of people who are making decent online money by blogging. Maybe you will be one of them. You just need to invest a little time on your blog.

Google Secrets to Make Money With Affiliate Marketing

Now that you have seen the Keyword Research Tool, we can discuss the importance and role of keywords to the level of your achievement. It is also important to decide on a niche, so you know which direction to take. Direction is so much more important than speed because 97% of affiliate marketers are going nowhere fast. The only difference is that the 3% built their Online Empire with Keywords as the foundation. You are looking for keywords with a high search volume and a low competition within your niche.

There are three kinds of Primary Keyword Research Steps known as;

Short Tail Keywords – Are single keywords and often referred to as Primary Keywords. These are the keywords that you want present in your domain name, but be objective and precise. Let’s use the Dieting Niche for demonstration. Good Short tail keywords will then be Health, Diet and Weight. These three particular keywords get searched around 982,000 times on Google Per Month. That’s almost a Million Searches, can you see where this keyword thing is going?

Long Tail Keywords – These are normally no more than Three Keywords making up a Keyword Phrase. Within the Niche we’re using for demonstration, lose weight, losing weight, lose weight fast, and fast weight loss are excellent Long Tail Keywords. They are searched around 564,100 times on Google Per Month. But you will have to research the keywords relevant to your niche, which means your results will be different. Long Tail Keywords are being used in your Site, and Posts Title. It works really well if the Long and Short tail Keywords are combined.

Anchor Text – These are Longer Keyword Phrases and refer to the phrase someone will type into their browser to search a specific interest. The kind of search someone would enter when they are much more likely to buy. For this demonstration, how to lose weight, how to lose weight fast, and want to lose weight are great examples. Anchor text is what must be present on your site’s home page, the Google Spider love seeing this and it helps with ranking. These anchor texts are searched 852,300 times on Google Per Month. Now combine the results of the three tests we’ve just done.

Yes, 2,398, 400 Searches on Google Per Month for the three search categories combined. By now you must realize the potential of proper keyword research, and why the 3% get to make those disgusting amounts of money online! This article will Simplify the Basics of SEO, what to include in Headers with Titles and even Categories, Tag Lines and Single tags. There is also the Site Map within Google Search Console.

Identifying the H1 Heading – May sometimes also be a Post or Blog Page Title but this usually refer to the Blog, Site or Video Title. The H1 Heading is where you include the Primary Search Phrases you wish your Site or Video to Rank for in Google within 15 – 65 Characters. It is important to preferably keep the H1 Heading within 60 Characters, because the H1 Heading will appear at the top in Google Search Result pages. Make the H1 Heading both Easy to Read and to Remember.

Identifying the H2 Heading – This is usually the Blog Post Title and once again the desired Search Phrases and Keywords need to populate this Heading. Numbers play a huge role with H2 Headings, and strangely enough uneven numbers have a more striking effect, combine this with a “Reason Why” kind of suggestion and you have a winner H2 Heading.

Identifying the H3 Header – Post Titles often also make up the H3 Header, along with Widget Descriptions within the Blog Side Bar. When you use the Text Widget to load HTML code, then the “Alt=” Attribute usually appear as an H3 Header.

A Blog post Title also appears as an H3 Header when you use an SEO Plugin like “All in One SEO Tools” and your Blog Post Title appears after the forward slash (/) to the Primary Domain. Using an SEO Plugin will allow you to submit all your individual pages, posts, tags and categories as individual site maps.

Identifying the H4 Header – This can be defined as something like the Tagline to you Blog Title Tag or H1 header. A Logo image is also often accepted as an H4 header within certain Plugins which may display a logo icon.

The Site Map Description – Your Blog Site Map is extremely important, and for this you simply install the Plugin “Google XML Site Maps”. This Plugin will share an updated your Blog Site Map to the Google Search Console each time you make changes, but the changes may take a while (Normally 2 – 3 Weeks) to show up in Search Results.

It is however important to manually check for the Site Map Acceptance from inside the Google Search Console, even with the Google Site Maps Plugin Activated. There may be times when certain errors occur with your Blog Site Map inside Google, which means Google cannot find your Blog.

You have to then test the site map with the tools provided from within the Google Search Console, fix the errors found from inside your Blog C-Panel and test the Site Map again. When the results return with Zero errors found, you simply delete the old site map and upload the new site map.

Accessing the Google Search Console you will need a Google account, as with all the Free Tools Google gives you and it’s a Lot. You simply need to look in the right places and then take your time getting to know how to use the tools. Simple Search your Browser (Preferably Chrome) for the search phrase “Google Search Console” and simply follow the instructions after opening the link on the search result page.

The Blog Site Map is what Search Engine Spiders use to Crawl your Blog so it can be categorized correctly, sending the right visitors your way. This is why the presence of Keywords and Search Phrases are so important throughout all content on your Blog, just the right ones in the right positions.

Ten Internet Business Secrets Exposed to Earn Money Online

So your looking to earn money online with an Internet Business? You are not alone, as the world wide recession has hit many a hard slap of reality regarding the scarcity and severity in the job market, many are turning to an Internet Business to help them to earn money online. While an online business is becoming more recognized for offering flexibly and freedom while working from home, there are several factors that you must consider before you start to build your new career online.

Many are dreaming of easy, carefree days at home with easy money raking up in their bank accounts. The reality is, that while the World Wide Web offers a new market place to start to earn money online, there are still responsibilities in creating success online. By the end of this article you should be enlightened to what is necessary in order to have your Internet Business making money online.

While you may have seen the over hyped advertising claiming easy money while golfing, playing with the kids, or vacationing in the Caribbean’s, there are some facts they are not telling you. In order to earn money online, while enjoying this freedom, there was work, marketing and training to achieve this level of freedom. These people also have to maintain their work schedule in order to take those long weeks, and continue to make money. Its not that you set your Internet Business up one week, and you will b profiting the next. The hard reality is it will take time and effort to reach these added bonus.

Below I have added the ten steps that are critical to have your Internet opportunity profiting.

Ten Easy Steps To Have Your Internet Business Earn Money Online

1.) Website Development – Your website is your chance to sell, intrigue, and engage with your market place. It is suggested to find a mentor or trainer who will help you create a webpage at the beginning of your Internet opportunity. As your training progresses you should also learn how to create websites.

2.) Marketing Strategies – Marketing is the core of your online business. How you market will be in direct reflection to your earnings. The Internet is a mass resource allowing us to connect with a worldwide audience. But the marketing is what puts you in front of those buyers. Seek training and expertise in free marketing strategies, as well as knowledgeable Internet Marketers to teach you the right way to market in order to have your business earn money online.

3.) Social Networking – The latest online platform that when used properly can help you grow your business opportunity. Getting involved in the social networking platform is proven to help create not just contents, but lasting and profitable business relationships as well.

4.) Search Engine Optimization – Most buyers are going to the major search engines and typing a search phrase to find what they are looking for. You have two options to tap into this marketplace. You can either pay for the exposure, which can be costly, or you can learn search engine optimization techniques. Even if you pay for the service, it is beneficial to utilize the free method as well to maximize exposure and earnings.

5.) Video Marketing – The Internet has one barrio, and that is losing the face-to-face interaction. Video marketing is becoming a tool to break that barrier. While allowing Internet Business owners to engage, it can also be used for additional traffic to a website.

6.) Business System – Every successful business needs a system. Make sure you have a system or a process in which your clients will take in order to review your products, buy your products, and to follow up with your potential clients. Having a pre-established business system will assist you to proper manage and sell your products or services.

7.) Consistency – You need to be consistent with building your business. You have to practice and learn your steps in order to continue to get the traffic to your website. One traffic stops and no one is viewing your site, than you will be out of business.

8.) Continued Education – The biggest mistake you could ever make is thinking that you know everything there is to know about Internet Marketing. The difference between those that make a little bit of money and those that are making extraordinary money is they continue to learn new business building skills, and continue to connect with people who can teach, and help them enhance their Internet Business.

9.) Tracking – It is important to track the results of your marketing campaign. Understanding which marketing strategies, are making you money, and which marketing campaigns are not making you money. You don’t want to spend your day working on task that are not going to have your earn money online. Rather you want to put your effort and time into money generating strategies.

10.) Identifying your target audience is and how to get your website in front of your target audience is critical for current and ongoing success. Executing task on weekly basis to ensure that your information is consistently getting in front of the audience who will buy from you is important when building your Internet opportunity.

When starting an Internet Business you have to be clear on what your expectations are. It would be fantastic to believe that the world wide web has evolved to the magnitude where you could push a button and an automated income would be generated. The above ten steps should be used, practiced and executed in order to reach the level of success you desire. Yes it does take work, and yes it is not push button marketing, but the fact remains those that learn and implement these techniques are more likely to experience higher level of success with their Internet Business.

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