Learn How to Make Money Online With No False Promises

If you want to learn how to make money online the right way, with no hype and no false promises, then you will have to make the effort to ignore all these seemingly unbelievable offers that are being made to you. If you have recently lost your job, then you are vulnerable, and prey to every shark in the internet waters – and there are lots of them.

I know what it is like because I was like you. I lost my job, and tried to make it online but found it very hard. I spent a lot of money trying to learn how to make money online: one lump sum of $6,500 to be taught what I now know was elementary stuff. I was taken for a ride, and when I eventually found out that the Corey Rudl that I paid for this was one of the most well respected internet millionaires online, I was disillusioned.

These guys have no shame. They are still at it. I have just been offered an unbelievable opportunity, only about 40 slots left, to learn how to make $300 a day that can expand to many times that. The guy selling his ideas that made him so much money is doing it because he wants to ‘give something back’. Why do I find it difficult to believe that?

Why not just carry on earning his ‘many times’ 300 bucks a day? Why go to the bother of having a website designed and everything else involved in marketing his offer when he is already earning at least $30,000 a month if we are to believe him? Personally I am sick of it all, and after a few years in this business trying to make a living have concluded that they are all in it together; there is a clique of well-known names, and I know them all; they help each other to screw the rest of us.

You won’t learn how to make money online from these guys. The way that I did it was to teach myself, and then to figure out what these guys were actually doing. Many of them were software engineers, designing software to carry out keyword research, or to enable you to check your website statistics or something else in that vein. Others were ex-sales guys who knew how to lie, and yet others would come up with a good idea, run it to death till it was no longer working, and the sell it to us showing how much money they made from it – only it couldn’t work any more because:

a) Google had banned it, or b) Clickbank had banned it, or c) Technology and rules had changed and it was no longer any good.

These are the only circumstances under which these guys are going to give you their internet secrets. That’s a fact. So what is the best way to learn how to make money online? Honest truth? There is no best way. I have found that there are several ways, and they can be made to work, but they won’t earn you 300 bucks a day.

Perhaps two or three together might, and if you used each of them you could make a good living online. It’s the old saying: make $20 a day from one website and all you need do is to do the same with another 50 websites and you have a grand a day. Sure – only the guys that say that aren’t doing it. So why not if it’s so easy?

You can learn how to make money online if you are prepared to accept that you won’t do it overnight. If you are prepared to learn the groundwork, and then build up from a solid foundation, it is possible to make a good living. That’s what I found, and part of the way that I do that is what I am doing right now: writing this article. Article writing, article marketing, call it what you want. It doesn’t matter. It lets me advertise free.

That might not seem a lot to you right now, but it will, believe me. Free advertising is worth every penny you pay for it, and that’s not all that there is to online success. It’s taking every opportunity that comes, knowing what to do with it and making the most of it. You don’t have to make a fortune from every opportunity, but you should remember what I said earlier: make $20 dollars from one website. . .

Suddenly it looked possible to me, and do you know what the major factor in all this was? Education! I don’t mean college education, though I have that. I mean learning how to get things working online. How the internet works. How the World Wide Web works, and how to use what I learned about marketing and advertising and designing websites to actually sell stuff online.

Not just my writing skills that I did as an article ghostwriter, but how to use the online tools that are available free to everybody, and the genuine information available, not that trash given to us by millionaires that feel like screwing us for another million. How to use all that to make money online.

It can be done. You can learn how to make money online. I had my fill of false promises and being sold redundant software and redundant ideas. I did it and so can you. You might just survive with your online home business, but you must learn the basics – that’s where the strength of your home business will come.

Download Forex Software – Enjoy the Instant Money Making Round the Clock

When you download Forex software, you become an online participant in the global exchange market. This software helps the Forex trader to trade easily and quickly with other foreign currencies. It uses the blend of technical displays and sensible rules to imitate a Forex trade. It allows the person to enhance and improve trading skills and knowledge. This is an excellent money making software.

You can learn how to use the software and the best strategies by looking it up the internet. There are many websites offering courses. Of course, you can learn by experience. Nevertheless, if you learn after losing a few thousands, you might get dejected. So get into the arena fully equipped.

Needless to say, most software that you download will advertise 100% guaranteed results and that it can make even a newbie into a millionaire overnight. Do not believe such fibs. No program can accurately predict market trends and make you rich instantly. It will help a lot if you have had previous experience trading manually but it is not a criterion.

Test the waters by trying the demo first. See what trading tactics work best for that particular software. When you are finally confident, jump in. Most of the programs will guide you by observing market trends and prevent you from making imprudent transactions.

When you download Forex software, you have made a wise decision it will help you in more ways than one. For one, it will educate you on the present market situation and help you predict outcomes based on past statistics. It can even give you charts on market changes for the past hour. This will fine tune your insight into the market. Thereby you can make instant decisions and instant cash.

You can have your own online money status straight away and you will know the value of currencies in which you have invested. Furthermore, the software will also show you the value of currencies around the world. You can trade in any country at any time. When the market closes in one country, move on to another. Also, you do not have to wait for checks to be realized. Money will be transferred instantly. The fast transactions are now attracting major groups around the world to move over to automated Forex trading system. So, you are one step ahead of most.

Before you download the program, it would be to your advantage to read up on reviews. Try Smart Forex Live from which you can download as well as read reviews. You can choose from the reviews of the programs that you like. Try the Forex Trading Machine, Forex Killer and the FX Instructor. Also visit sites like GFTForex.com, LeverageFX.com and EToro.com. You can get email and cell phone alerts when there is an exciting market shift.

You do not have to invest huge amounts to get started. Most programs allow you mini transactions. This is very helpful in the initial learning phase. So download Forex software and start making money round the clock the dependable way.

Learn Foreign Exchange Hype and Make Lots of Money Fast

Earning money entails making the right choices and being determined to do what it takes to put cash into your bank account. That is why engaging yourself in the trade world is a good option if you want to earn really big.

The trade world is a lucrative and exciting business wherein you can earn a lot of money and at the same time learn a lot of the tricks of the trade which is an asset for your future plans and goals.

In engaging in the trade business, you should be very careful and discerning with which option of the most common forms of trading available you should have. These three common forms of trading are: Shares/Equities/Stocks; Options and Foreign Exchange or Forex.

Now you might be probably all dazed on all of these business jargons that were mentioned earlier. Read along and let me show you what is in store for you in this world called the Trade.

Let us start with defining what a Share, Equity and Stock are. In reality, these three actually refer to the same thing. As their name suggests, when you purchase a share, you own a piece, a portion of that company. You then become an investor in that company.

When you are already an investor, you are now entitled to a share of the company’s profits. These shares are called dividends. It is almost the same with having money in the bank, you also get paid with interest for investing your money.

Shares on the other hand are traded on exchanges. To be able to trade shares, you must need to use a stock broker to be able to purchase them for you, a stock broker may normally charge a fee for the transaction which depends on the number of people who are trading actively.

In trading shares, it is best for you to only trade to win when the price is increasing or going along. The downside of trading is that it is more complicated to make money when the price is decreasing.

The other form of trading, the Trading Option is, in reality more complicated than trading shares by themselves. The big difference between share and options is wherein stocks actually give you the ownership and rights on a small piece of the company, options are just contracts that provide you with the right to buy or sell the stock at a specific price by a specific date. You should keep in mind that in every option transaction, two persons are always involved- a buyer and a seller.

One of the best benefits of trading options is the leverage that it provides. With trading options, you can get bigger exposure by just utilizing only a small amount of your trading capital.

The final form of trading, the Foreign Exchange or Forex is actually the best form of trading among the three. With Forex, the risks are very minimal, the work is just easy and it is very rewarding.

The Foreign Exchange Market has transactions 24 hours a day, 5 and 1/s days a week and daily exchanges are actually worth approximately two trillion dollars. Forex is also made up of about 500 trading institutions such as international banks, central government banks and commercial companies and brokers for all types of foreign currency exchange. It is very obvious that trading institutions behind Forex are very credible and this may assure you that you would not be cheated on.

In getting started with the trade world, you should be able to learn all of the tricks of the trade because not everyone inside this world would be willing to help you. Instead, you should help yourself by being determined and willing to learn the correct strategies which you are going to apply when your trading days come.

Winning the Inner Game of Money Law of Attraction System by John Assaraf Reviewed

Does it ever look like the most wonderful things just happen for you at just the perfect times? You fall into the complete right business condition and make a lot of wealth, or meet the best individuals?

Or maybe you are one of those people who find themselves in one bad relationship, job, or financial situation after another and you just can’t seem to be able to shake off your bad luck.

These experiences are more than just luck or a fluke, they are the effect of a very commanding force at work. It’s called the Law of Attraction, and right now it’s actually attracting people, jobs, money and relationships to you.

According to the Law of Attraction, you will attract into your life whatever your mental focus is on.

It stands to reason then that you should use the majority of your time thinking about the things you want to have in your life like money, happiness, and great relationships, instead of thinking about the stuff you don’t want like debt and job problems.

When you fully absorb the power of the Law of Attraction, you begin to understand just how much control you really have over the outcomes in your life. Learning to precisely apply this law however, runs much greater than just trying to think positively.

I’m going to share with you the little known secrets behind the Law of Attraction, so you can move past all of the rhetoric people use to sell books, and start truly living in wealth and abundance!

We are going to take an close up glimpse at the two main parts of the Law of Attraction, and once you understand these, you will have the power to use your mind to manifest whatever it is that you want in life.

Firstly we are going to start with Brain Wave Energy so you will know exactly how your thoughts honestly attract your situations to you like a magnet. The second piece you need to understand is called Neuro-linguistic Programming, which deals with your subconscious thoughts and why most people try genuinely hard but still fall short at applying the Law of Attraction.

Frequency and Energy:

Every single piece of matter in the world, seen or unseen, at its fundamental element is made up of one thing, “pure energy” and this energy is in a persistent state of high vibration.

To your eyes, your hand appears to be solid, but under a very powerful microscope, your hand would be a collection of vibrating energy and you would actually see light coming through it.

Like everything else, your thoughts give off brain waves which at their core is pure energy and can even be examined by science through a process called Electroencephalography or EEG.

That means when you are thinking constructive thoughts, you are literally putting out a optimistic vibration to the universe. If you are thinking about the things you don’t want, then you are putting out harmful vibrations to the universe and literally attracting the things you don’t want into your life.

The Law of Attraction responds to whatever vibration you putting out, and it responds by giving you more of what you are vibrating.

We can easily tell what vibration we out by how are feelings.

When you are in a positive state of emotion and feeling good and energetic about life, you will naturally have positive thoughts and a positive brain wave vibration.

Whether you are aware of it or not, whether you are doing it intentionally or not, we each create our own reality according to the vibration we are putting out as we draw circumstances and people towards us that match our vibrational frequency.

Neurological Programing:

Now this is where it begins to get REALLY interesting because our feelings actually start with our subconscious thought.

50% of how we naturally tend to think and feel is caused by our biological makeup which we inherited from our parents.

The other 50% was actually programmed into our brain since the day we were born by the people we were surrounded with the most (like your parents).

If you think about your brain as being similar to a computer is begins to make more sense. During our childhood our brain is taking in data at a speedy pace to try and figure out the world around us (kind of like a software upload). Repetitive data, like “beware of traffic when crossing the street” then gets hardwired into our brain as a survival mechanism and we develop a natural fear of oncoming traffic.

Some things are hardwired into us just as we saw, heard and felt them, yet other things we had so much contempt for we may have actually been hardwired to do the exact opposite. Ever catch yourself doing something the precise same way one of your parents did? Or maybe you do something just the opposite?

Either we have subconsciously elected to emulate what they did, or we subconsciously resent how they handled cash and we do the opposite.

This is a important part of why so many people have problems with affirmations. It doesn’t do any good to say you think one way about a condition when subconsciously you really feel differently.

Of course this isn’t to say that affirmations do not have their place, just that affirmations along with optimistic thoughts are not powerful enough to employ the Law of Attraction to create a existence of true wealth and abundance on their own.

It is the subconsious hard wired programming that Winning the Inner Game of Money produced by John Assaraf is designed to show you how to over come. Visit my link below and to learn more and claim an exciting bonus and free video directly from John Assaraf!

Ways To Earn Money Online Using uTest

Apps and website testing is a critical process in development. Without proper assessment and evaluation, there could be many bugs hidden from plain view. To exclude this possibility, many developers take the online help of usability testing websites. These sites scan apps and websites for any problems, bugs or lags and notify the developers, allowing them to build on this feedback. A notable name among these websites is uTest which provides testing services for mobile apps, mobile sites, and websites. Coming to the good part, did you know that you can use these websites as an online platform to earn money also? Yes, there are many easy ways to make money on internet and signing up as a tester may as well be the easiest of them all. Here we describe what uTest is about to tell you how to use this website as your means of earning money online.

What is uTest?

The website offers website and app testing services for developers so that they can find out and eliminate any problems as soon as possible. They basically hire testers that will go through your app and website and then give you feedback. All you need to do is submit your site to review or test bugs, according to your needs. The testers on the site will then search for any bugs or problems and forward their feedback accordingly. In addition to this, the site has a separate blog and a forum where you can search up valuable information on website creation and management. This is what uTest is about; quality work in an instant.

How to earn money from uTest?

Usability testing is one of the easy ways to make money on internet. On uTest, you will be required to sign up and will then be asked to create an extended profile. Once this is done, you then have to participate in a starter test called the sandbox test for which you will be sent an invite. It’s like a sample test which allows you to judge uTest, and uTest to judge your skills. This sample test is unpaid and necessary for future projects. If you succeed in completing the test with flying colors, chances are you will end up with a strong profile and will attract many projects. Alternatively, you can head off to the project board to check your eligibility for any projects.

Another way to become prominent and likely to receive more testing notifications is by completing the uTest 101 quiz. This quiz asks 110 questions about different views and techniques that are all written in the paid project essentials handbook. A score of 100 or higher will make you more preferable by the uTest team, which means you are likely to get more projects than average. Basically, testers are rated according to the quality of work they provide and how active they are on the site. Accordingly, each tester is given a badge. You can earn rated, proven, bronze, silver and gold badges according to your skill level. The test cases usually have a set of steps which you can follow to complete the request. Each test has a preassigned value already quoted, if you agree to it, you can click on the test and proceed. Certain tests require you to exclude bugs. This can be tricky, as you can only choose those bugs that others have not picked, making it a sort of competition. Once you do so, you can submit your feedback providing your valuable experience to the developers. You will be paid for your review, which is what uTest is about.

Average monthly income

The site is one of the easy ways to make money on internet but still needs significant effort and time. Typically, if you work with devotion and have great skills for testing, you can take up your earnings to about $200 to $500. However, it all depends on the number projects you get, your skills and luck. Many people succeed at it extraordinarily enough to earn even a $1000 per month. Payment is every 15 days and the site transfers money to your PayPal account.

Why It’s Easier (And More Profitable) to Spend Money When You Set Up Your Online Writing Business

In the quest to make money as an online writer, it’s all too easy to fall for what I call false economies.

This is when you do something to save money but it ends up costing you dearly, in either time or money.

Where this happens most is with learning.

If you want to grow a sustainable online business, you first need to know how to do it, and this can cause you to stumble in 2 ways – buying nothing or buying cheap.

Buying nothing means exactly that.

You want to learn but you buy nothing you need.

Instead you waste your time surfing the Internet for free newsletters, free courses and free eBooks.

And while all these things will help, they won’t teach you everything you need to know.


Because no one gives away their best information for free. People go online to earn money and they can’t make money if they’re not selling something.

There are, of course, people online who earn money through advertising. Their websites don’t seem to be selling anything through the content, but they do make money from visitors clicking on the ads on their site.

But their content isn’t worth much because they don’t have saleable information.

Free stuff online is helpful, but the people who write it aren’t necessarily experts in their niche.

Likewise only using free software also has its downside because it will never be as good as the stuff you pay for.

Buying cheap is another false economy.

Just because something has a low price it doesn’t mean you’re getting a bargain.

For instance, I’ve seen too many people buy a computer based on price. They start searching by price rather than specifications.

But what’s the point of buying a computer that can’t do all the things you want it to?

When it comes to computers (or anything for that matter) you must look for exactly what you want first AND THEN worry about price. If you don’t have enough money, sell stuff you don’t need or cut back on buying non-essentials until you can afford it.

And if you need to buy a course that will teach you how to do something, then buy it and don’t waste time looking around for a “freebie” or something cheaper.

Likewise, if there’s some software that can help save you time, buy it.

I believe that my time is worth far more than money.

Not only that but I can get much more work done (and earn more money) when my time isn’t taken up with unimportant / slow tasks.

For instance, when I started doing a lot of affiliate marketing, I found it much easier to promote a product if I owned it myself rather than save money by not buying it and hoping and praying that it was a worthwhile investment for my customers, otherwise they’d never trust or buy from me again.

When I wanted to submit marketing articles to an article directory every week, I did a course in how to write articles quickly which not only helped me to write faster, but also showed me how to write better articles AND I went on to write my own course in writing articles in 15 minutes or less. So it was definitely a win-win situation when I invest in the article writing course because I quickly multiplied my original investment by over 1,000%.

And when I had too many websites to keep updating them all by hand, I splashed out and bought the mighty Adobe Dreamweaver Software, and boy does that ever speed up my online work.

I now also outsource jobs I can’t do or don’t want to do because it takes me too long.

I once wasted a whole week trying to edit an MP3 audio recording. I finally had to admit defeat and outsourced the job for $20 and a freelancer returned my edited file in less than 2 hours.

It left me wishing I’d simply outsourced it in the first place.

So if you really want to make a go with your new online business and keep earning money for years to come, AND leave more time for your writing, don’t be a false economising penny-pincher.

How to Make Money Online by Creating and Selling Short Reports

How to Make Money Online With Short Reports

Writing short reports and selling them for a low price is one of the most powerful ways of making money online fast. In this post we will see how to write a short report and set it on autopilot so that it makes money 24×7.

What to Write About?

Look around you. What inspires you the most? What are your passions, how do you spend most of your time, is it reading? fishing? cooking?

Are you an expert in anything? Do people ask you for suggestions about something? There are literally thousands of ways to find inspiration, if you want to!

A great way to write a report that sells is by concentrating on something that focuses on relieving pain or solving a problem, that kind of stuff.

But before you get all excited and start creating a report, just make sure that the topic you are going to write about is in demand. One way to do that is by using a keyword tool. There is a free keyword tool out there which is more than enough for this purpose. The tool is Google Keyword Planner. Using this tool you can easily estimate the number of people searching for a particular topic and keyword each month. If you want more professional insight and want to find highly profitable keyword ideas go for paid tools like LongTailPro or Market Samurai. LongTailPro is a professional keyword tool which gives you keyword ideas and its profitability scores. You can also use this tool for getting blog post ideas, research a profitable niche for your next site and much more.

How to Write the Report

You can easily create a report using free tools like OpenOffice suite or a paid one like Microsoft Office. Create a document in word format and then export it in PDF format when saving the document. That’s it. Your report is ready. Don’t forget to add pictures and media where necessary in your report.

How Many Pages?

When you are just beginning try to keep it short. Anything between 20-30 pages should do. Remember it’s about the quality, not quantity.

How to Price Your Report

For a 25-30 page report you can price anything between $5-10, considering you are an amateur and nobody in the industry knows your name. Once you become popular you can even charge $100 for a short report provided it is a high voltage content.

How to Sell Your Short Report

You can opt for a cheap web hosting account and register a domain name. Once you are done with that you can hire a designer to create a sales page for you (which is going to cost you heavily) or buy Optimizepress ($97 for 3 domains).

Optimizepress gives you flexibility and you can create as many landing pages and squeeze pages as you want. It is easy to design. Another option is Leadpages which costs $37/month.

Once your landing page is ready subscribe for e-junkie which costs you only $5/month for one item. It is a digital product delivery system which delivers your report to the customer’s email once the payment has been processed. Remember, e-junkie doesn’t process payments. For accepting payments use the PayPal business account which can be easily connected to e-junkie and which is free to get started. This is only a one time setup. Set it up and it will earn you money on autopilot. PayPal does take a commission for each transaction carried out, but it is definitely worth it.

Once you start making enough money with your first report you can make several similar type of reports in different niches. By this way you have got a decent online business for you which earns on autopilot and supplies you with a continuous stream of passive income.

Time Or Money?

Unless you’re one of the few people who have all the business they need, then you’re always working on bringing in new business. And in order to bring in new business, it almost always requires an investment.

Most of us, when we think of investing, think of investing money. The truth is that we have two types of assets to invest in our marketing. It’s true that one of the assets is our money, but the other asset we have is our time – and there is a time and place for investing each of these assets. Problems arise when money is invested in marketing when in fact, time should be invested. Deciding which asset to invest is really pretty straightforward. There are two basic factors which determine the appropriate course of action. The first is to decide which asset you have more of and the second is to decide whether there is a fundamental difference in the quality of prospects gained from each marketing approach.

Start by simply asking yourself which you have more of – time or money? Although this seems pretty basic and pretty obvious, I’m always amazed at the number of people who, although they have more time than money, choose to invest their limited financial resources. I regularly come across professionals who invest their financial capital in finding prospects on the internet, buying leads, direct mail campaigns, and purchasing advertising in local papers, on billboards, or in the yellow pages. More often than not, they don’t receive the return on investment they anticipated (read that as: “the return they really, really need!”) and end up being put in the position of deciding whether or not to quit.

Why is it that when someone has more time than money, they still choose to invest their money? Typically the decision stems from two reasons. The first reason is that everyone else is doing it. All those around them are building their business – or at least attempting to build their business – by investing in what I call “passive” methods of marketing. And although they complain about the poor results and/or poor quality of prospects, they still continue to do it.

The second reason that people choose to invest their money rather than their time, is that many people don’t know what else to do. How else can you find leads if you don’t advertise, buy leads or use the internet? The alternate means of finding quality leads and prospects is by investing your time – or what I call “active” marketing. It is “active” because you actually have to get out from behind your desk to conduct your marketing. The key, of course, is to “invest” your time rather than “spend” it, and the way to invest your time is to meet as many people as possible. I’ve identified five proven marketing methods for successfully investing time. These are the very methods I promote in my popular Booster Programs. Here they are:

1) Personal Observation Conversations (success relies on not only having these conversations, but in conducting them effectively – an art.)

2) Effective Networking (how DO you make networking effective?)

3) Properly Leveraging Centers of Influence (do your COI’s send referrals your way?)

4) Consistently Generating Clients Referrals (most people stop asking because they don’t get results, because they don’t know how to do it effectively)

5) Finding Prospects through Public Speaking (it’s not speaking about insurance)

By regularly investing your time, you will generate a steady stream of prospects at no or low cost. Does this mean that if you have more money than time that you should invest your money into generating new business? No, not necessarily.

This brings us to the second determining factor. There is a fundamental difference in the quality of results between those generated by time and those generated by money. In many, many situations, the quality of prospects generated as a result of investing money is inferior to those gained via personal effort (creating relationships). Let me explain why. When you attract prospects through investing your money (passive methods), they don’t come to you based on your relationship with them. For example, if you’re looking for new clients, you’ll attract mostly price shoppers (customers) rather than true clients. If you’re looking for new agents, you’ll attract mostly candidates looking for a job rather than a business opportunity. In contrast, if you seek out prospects through investing your time (active methods), you’ll attract people to you because of you. You’ll find prospective clients who want to do business with you because they like YOU. You’ll find prospective agents who want to work with someone like YOU. Because the dynamics of finding prospects is so different with active methods, a much higher percentage of your interviews and presentations will lead to success.

Bottom line: Just because you may have more money than time doesn’t mean that investing money is the best marketing avenue to go down. I know many successful professionals (and I’m guessing you do, too) who don’t advertise for their business. Instead, their new business comes from a variety of referral sources. My recommendation for marketing success is to take a step back and evaluate the quality of your business. In addition, examine how you’re going about generating new business. If your quality of business isn’t what you’d like it to be – if you have poor retention, a high lapse rate, or small purchases – consider the source of your business. Consider changing your business model to one where new business is generated through personal action rather than impersonal methods. You’ll be glad you did.

The Almost Automatic Way to Earn More Money From Your Online Writing Business

I find that working online can have its financial ups and downs. Sometimes my income seems steady, yet other times it can drop dramatically. And it can be hard to understand what’s gone wrong, especially when I haven’t been doing anything differently.

Or maybe that’s the problem.

Any business, online or otherwise, is either growing or dying. So it needs to grow.

So what should you do?

Naturally, the key to your online writing business being a success is making more sales. Whatever it is your selling, whether it’s your own products or someone else’s, you need to make sales.

Working online doesn’t have a regular weekly/monthly income like a 9-5 job.

Instead your income depends on many factors including:

  • Your niche
  • The products your selling
  • How well your website is laid out
  • Type of marketing
  • Quality of writing

And this list is only a small part of what will drive your sales.

So what does it take to sell more?

To make more sales you need to sell more.

This means selling more, as in having more things to sell, and selling more, as in doing more selling.

What it really comes down to is doing more selling. And that means marketing your products AND your website.

You see it’s no good trying to sell the same things to the same people over and over again. What you need is to create a bigger audience and this means getting more people to visit your website.

Likewise, it’s no good having just one product and trying to sell it to the same 100 people over and over again. Instead you need to increase how many things you sell as well as increase the number of people you’re selling to. That way you’ll be selling 50 products to 1,000 people, then 100 products to 10,000 people. You can never have too many things to sell or too many customers. This is why it’s imperative to get as many website visitors as you can – every day, every week, every year. Marketing your website should never stop.

It always surprises me how many people spend nearly all their time working on their website and writing content, yet very little time on marketing.

But the truth is that if no one knows your business is there, no one will come.

You need to go online and market your business as much as you can.

Make it your goal to do some sort of marketing every week.

Then when you have more time you can do adventurous types of marketing like creating a free product (eBook) to give away, writing guest blog posts or participating on a forum.

Just remember that sales are what keep your online writing business going. And because the income is irregular and you’ll go through times of financial feast and famine, you need to ensure that you keep your marketing machine running. Always.

Because the more people know about your online business and what you have to offer, the more money you’ll make.

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