How to Start a Tax Accounting and CPA Firm

Having gained considerable experience developing five of my own accounting practices and spending the next two decades individually assisting over 2000 accountants develop their own practices, there are a few basic principles accountants can observe to provide themselves the greatest opportunity for success.

The best way for accountants to succeed in starting their own Accounting and Tax CPA practice is by providing themselves with the greatest opportunity for that success. This can be done by remembering that the basic principles for a successful practice are good clients together with the basic tools to service them. Many accountants seeking to develop their own practice position themselves with large amounts of unnecessary overhead undermining their opportunity for success. Unnecessary costs can be deferred until they become necessary. Obtain only necessary items to service the initial clients. It is important to keep the initial overhead as low as possible to create a positive cash flow quickly to finance the development of the practice.

When starting an Accounting and Tax CPA Firm, it is recommended that accountants start from their home. In today’s technological world, clients are very accepting to accountants working out of their homes. In some respect, it provides the clients with the perception that they are receiving a greater value. They feel if the accountant is incurring less overhead, perhaps part of the savings is being passed on to the clients. By saving the cost of rent and other office expenses, accountants will accelerate their positive cash flow, which may be used for financing the expansion of the practice without going into debt. Once the cash flow is sufficient to support an office, then the accountant can decide if expansion into an office is warranted. Accountants who do work from home may also find they enjoy it so much that they may choose to forgo moving to an outside office.

Another way accountants can maintain a low overhead is by avoiding unnecessary costly software. Numerous accountants procure very expensive unnecessary software to support clients they have yet to develop. There are extremely good software companies that provide an excellent product at a low to medium price range. Drake Tax Software is a very cost-efficient software program that has an excellent reputation. In the September 2011 edition of The Journal of Accountancy, the results of a software survey were published, and Drake Tax Software received an excellent score. Accountants who are starting their own Accounting & Tax CPA Firm are encouraged to pursue good software at affordable prices giving them the basic tools to service clients.

There are many other simple ways accountants starting their own Tax and Accounting Firm can reduce startup costs. Simply the name that accountants decide on for their firms will reduce their initial costs. If accountants would use their first name, middle initial, and last name followed by CPA and/or Certified public Accountant, they may avoid DBA registration costs, bank charges, and filing fees. In addition, active licensed Certified Public Accountants have legal rights to practice public accounting under their own names saving them costs associated with fictitious names. Many times, Certified Public Accountants can choose fictitious names, which would diminish potential clients’ perceptions of them, which in turn would impede a start-up business. For example, a licensed Certified Public Accountant doing business as “Bay City Tax Service” or “Accounting & Tax Service” loses credibility. Prospective clients may perceive this company as uncertified and unlicensed.

Accountants who are considering developing an Accounting/CPA practice and who are currently employed are encouraged not to terminate their employment in pursuit of starting their own Accounting & Tax CPA Firm. Instead, they should develop their practice concurrently while still employed. This can be a time-demanding decision when compared to terminating their employment and devoting full time to their practice; however, the sacrifice is well worth the reward. As the practice grows, accountants can grow with it and transition themselves full-time into their own practice without placing unnecessary financial pressure on themselves or on their families.

With the relief of financial pressure while operating the new practice concurrently with employment, there will be a substantial boost in income without incurring large expenses. Cash reserves will substantially increase as employment income is maintained, and new income will begin to flow in from the new practice as well. This increase in cash reserves will be of great assistance in financing a full-time transition, and this will make the move go more smoothly when the time comes

In making that move to a full-time practice, accountants will find it easiest to transition full-time into their own practice in the month of January. January is the beginning of tax season, and along with it comes the beginning of revenue from income tax preparation. The increase in revenue will come right at the time the accountants need it the very most. It is important that accountants position themselves to begin marketing at the start of tax season to aggressively develop individual tax clients taking full advantage of their first tax season. In addition, January encompasses year-end work for many businesses, such as payroll and financial reporting. This will also add additional revenue to the accountants’ practices in the month of their transition.

January is also the best month of the year to transition full-time into the practice because it may be the best month of the year for developing new businesses as clients. Most business owners resist changing accountants. It takes a very solid reason for a client to leave a predecessor accountant. Once a client makes the decision to change, usually he or she will not invoke the change until the end of the business year not desiring to have two accountants split a fiscal year. Accordingly, year-end is the most opportune time for approaching business owners, and it will make the transition into the full-time practice easier.

Finally, when starting an Accounting and Tax CPA Firm, it is important to avoid marketing services as a commodity or product. This often leads to very low response and low quality of clientele. It also can be extremely expensive. There are volumes of accountants who pursue very expensive marketing programs offered by various companies and who are lured by difficult-to-enforce guarantees. Many of these programs are commodity driven. The accounting industry is not commodity driven; it is driven by trust and loyalty. An accountant’s marketing campaign must be driven by truth, honesty, and professionalism, which will enable a client to be more comfortable knowing that he or she is hiring an accountant who can be trusted.

Accountant or CPAs who are currently employed and seeking to start their own Accounting and Tax CPA firms will find it beneficial to pursue the practice by following some very simple steps:

1) Avoid unnecessary costs and expenses.

2) Consider starting the accounting CPA Practice from home.

3) Develop the practice alongside current employment.

4) Avoid marketing the firm as a commodity or product.

Remember, opportunity starts with action. No action, no opportunity. Accountants who take action provide themselves with the opportunity to succeed. They should start their own CPA and Accounting Firms from home while employed. Their successful experience without jeopardizing their future will provide them the confidence and cash flow they need to enjoy the freedoms in ownership of an Accounting and Tax CPA Firm.

The Impact of Transitioning to IFRS on Accounting Education

As the world becomes increasingly interdependent, the need of integrating ideas, culture, technology, and economy is inevitable. Globalization abolishes trade, communication, and cultural barriers to make the world unified. Undoubtedly, globalization is affecting every aspect of our everyday life. For instance, it provides us with the ability to connect and share important information with other people across the world. This process of interacting with one another could be accomplished through Internet, transportation, or through telecommunication. Since globalization is continuously going to affect our lives, one might ask this question: What is the impact of globalization on accounting education?

The constant growth in global markets imposes challenges to U.S corporations, specifically to accounting professionals. As the business world gets smaller, the need to recognize and adopt a unified set of accounting standard is crucial to the success and growth of accounting profession. Such unification also leads to a better economy in the United States. While most U.S corporations are currently following Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) that is developed by the Financial Accounting Standards Boards (FASB), more than one hundred countries throughout the world are following International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) that is developed by the International Accounting Standards Boards (IASB). The differences in reporting financial information between these two sets of rules make it difficult to financial statement users to analyze and compare a U.S company with a foreign company in the same industry. As a result, transitioning to IFRS enhances consistency and comparability of financial statements and makes the world’s capital markets more efficient. The efficiency in global capital market translates into growth in the U.S economy since it helps lowering the costs of capital for businesses.

Students majoring in accounting, accounting professors, and accounting professionals should not be in denial about the integration of global accounting standards into accounting education. Accounting students and professionals will be directly impacted by the transitioning to IFRS, and promising future will be awaiting them if they are well prepared for the changes that globalization could impose. How to prepare students for the transitioning in education from U.S GAAP to IFRS is challenging. Educators play a key role in that process. Accounting professors will indeed be facing difficulties in locating all the relevant resources related to IFRS, developing a curriculum that is compatible with other accounting courses, and continuously educating themselves in all areas of changes of global financial reporting. What can accounting professors do to incorporate IFRS in the accounting curriculum?

One possible approach is to gradually introduce IFRS concepts and materials into accounting courses. This approach is advantageous to students since there is no need to take additional courses in accounting. Teachers can slowly introduce the differences related to IFRS by giving examples and problems that illustrate these differences, such as giving examples on how to value inventory and other assets under IFRS. Another option on how to teach the new material is to add additional courses to accounting curriculum in colleges and universities. These additional courses would focus on introducing IFRS’ concepts in depth. This option requires students to buy new textbooks as well as taking additional accounting courses. This approach seems unattractive to many students who would have to spend more time in college, which in turn leads to additional costs.

U.S accounting professionals should also be ready for the transition to IFRS in order to be competitive with other foreign accounting professionals who have already grasped global financial reporting. The U.S accountants need further education on the new accounting principle, and this could be accomplished by attending seminars and taking international accounting standards’ classes. As a result of integrating IFRS, accounting professionals will be focusing not only on insuring compliance with standards, but also on enhancing business performance in competitive environment.

The impact of transitioning to IFRS should not be seen as a threat. Accounting students and professionals should position themselves to take advantage of the new career opportunities that this transition is creating both in the U.S and abroad. Enhancing and developing accounting skills help both students and accountants to succeed in this competitive world. Certainly, the key to overcoming challenges imposed by integrating IFRS into accounting education is preparedness. Preparing accounting students for these changes is very important, otherwise when the transition of global reporting standard takes place, there won’t be well experienced accountants to perform the jobs, which could lead to loss of U.S jobs and outsource accounting jobs to foreign countries.

Accounting, CAD and CNC Software Among Top 25 For Businesses

In this age of technology it is almost impossible to run a business with out tools like word programs, computer hardware, accounting and CNC software, and various other technical equipments and programs. Though many times business owners find that the best way to know what you need to run your business is to jump-in head first and learn through trial-and-error what works for you, there are a few typical “must-have”s to consider.

Many publications surveyed thousands of companies from small businesses to major corporations and found similar results when compared. Remarkably, numerous surveys showed and astounding amount of varied programs, hardware, and software in particular, were being used by businesses across the board. Much more than market research experts had anticipated. PC World Magazine published a list of 25 and there is a highly trafficked website called “Software Top 100” dedicated to the topic itself.

Five Of The Most Popularly Used Software For Businesses

* Microsoft Office – Microsoft Office is a phenomenal collection of clerical software programs that are becoming household names. It’s not un-common for individuals to use these programs for domestic organization and businesses rely on them. Microsoft Office includes programs such as Word, Power Point, Excel and Outlook Express.

* Quicken – Quicken is known to be one of the most efficient and widely used accounting programs by small businesses and domestic heads of households. The extended and more complex version, Quicken Books, is commonly used by larger corporations of all fields and proportions.

* CAD & CNC Software – CAD software is an essential part of hundreds of fields of work such as web development, film making, video game creation, engineering and architecture. CNC software, nesting software and CNC machines essential in numerous businesses for maintaining and increasing throughput, labor and material efficiency. CNC programs also help enhance quality control, reduce overhead expenses and the machines and software are eligible tax deductions.

* Adobe Programs – Adobe software programs are a fairly standard and frequently used tool of business professionals of all occupations. It’s not un-usual to have to open files and web pages on public websites using an Adobe reader. Adobe is also the preferred method of creating and sharing PDF files.

* Photoshop – Hundreds of businesses are saving a fortune on graphic designers for web development and marketing graphics for print by downloading Photoshop and similar photo manipulation software. Most fairly tech savvy people with a little creativity can learn these programs in a short period of time and are able to create custom advertising material, logos and graphic web content.

It just goes to show you that the more we advance in business, the more we depend on advanced technology. The more advanced technology we acquire, the more our businesses grow. It’s a not-so-vicious circle leading us ultimately to success. With innovative solutions like CNC software, photo manipulation programs and desktop publishing capabilities there is little reason for failure in business today.

Welcome back economy!

ERP Software & Business Accounting Software to Support Your Growing Business Needs

Popular ‘shrinkwrap solutions’ Quickbooks and Peachtree have been the launching point for many a business. These products are easy to use, flexible, and with the built-in two dimensional reporting, are outstanding for accounting, and even some advanced application areas like project billing and procurement management.

When is it time to move on, some company owners may ask? While there are probably 50 or so good reasons, but for the purposes of this article, I will highlight a few. If you are running a standalone Ecommerce solution that does not tie to your accounting system, that may be reason one. If you are running a simple sales force automation system like ACT!, or Goldmine, and the quoting and customer master records are not tied to your accounting systems items, that may be another. In both these examples, integrated systems allow you standardized pricing by customer, item, promotion, or even dealer (partner).

The biggest justification may come with people running simple production planning and scheduling functions on spreadsheets. By passing around spreadsheets, companies are wasting time, and errors can be easily made. Also, once your production scheduling is complete, there is usually no ‘put back,’ to the accounting system. The justification for a systematic planning and scheduling system tied to your back office may be in inventory reduction, improved customer service, or lead-time reduction. If you can add an ‘available to promise,’ to commit an order to a key prospect or customer, you may be able to improve your top line as well.

From an IT infrastructure standpoint, you may start to wonder why the servers in some hidden room in your company are growing. Well with all these disparate systems, it is often time easier to add a server than to try to consolidate applications on one server. This adds complexity and increases your reliance on costly IT personnel.

Find an online, subscription based solution that combines ERP, CRM, Ecommerce and business intelligence in one simple solution. All you should need is a web browser and a high speed line. In summary, small companies can benefit by:

1) Reducing the ‘islands of automation,’ that require rekeying and are conducive to mistakes

2) Reduce the dependence on internal systems and IT personnel

3) Dive into advanced integration application areas like aftermarket service, planning/scheduling, Ecommerce and configuration management and comprehensive sales force automation.

Xero Accounting Software: Pricing, Features, Reviews & Comparison of Alternatives

What Is Xero?

The award-winning accounting software, Xero, is one of the favourite financial collaboration apps available in the market. The software is heavily popular among leaders and top players in the accounting category.

The design of Xero is set to meet the requirements of small businesses, irrespective of their industry. The popular app is often the handiest asset for an accountant to manage their financial activities. What makes Xero great is its friendliness and usability while assembling top-notch features that help close important gaps in accounting.

A great advantage that Xero boasts is even someone with zero accounting knowledge finds it easy to manage, as even the most standardized and complex financial concepts become enjoyable. For instance, one can trace back double bookkeeping to the origins of the business, but Xero breaks the stigma of it being uncomfortable by non-expert users. The logic and the terminology of the accounting practices stay intact, but operations become simple for even a commoner to understand and use as per their business needs.

The ease of use and makes Xero a noteworthy name among the top-ranking companies around the globe, outperforming the accounting job than most prominent players in this competitive industry. Even though one feels that they do not have ample knowledge in the best accounting practices, Xero’s certified advisors’ guidance assists you all the way along the journey.

Founded in New Zealand in 2006, Xero has been recording outstanding growth rates on the global markets, especially in Australia, America, UK and Europe. Today, over 475,000 business and sole accountants are using Xero. Partnered with various accounting systems and third-party apps, Xero extends its usefulness in making your accounting journey a smooth outing.


Xero offers variable pricing plans that suit your unique business needs. Currently, Xero no longer includes payroll and has put limits to a few features likes expenses and multi-currency support to its most expensive plan. However, each plan offers unlimited users and live bank feeds, letting businesses download, categorize, and perform their transactions as usual.

The accounting software offers three different pricing plans, which are billed monthly. One can cancel the subscription plan at any time they need, but with a notice period of a month. Xero offers a free trial period of 30 days with a demo company set up for one to explore the software before buying it. A nonprofit organization or owners of multiple companies can avail discounts from the accounting software company.

Let us have a look at the pricing plans by Xero:


Xero’s Early plan costs $20 per month and is ideal for freelancers, sole traders and new businesses. The plan includes:

  • Sending up to 20 invoices and quotes
  • Entering up to 5 bills
  • Reconciling bank transactions
  • Capturing bills and receipts with Hubdoc

The optional add-ons include claim expenses and track projects for $4 and $7 respectively.


The standard plan costs $30 per month and is ideal for growing small businesses. The plan includes:

  • Sending invoices and quotes
  • Entering bills
  • Reconciling bank transactions
  • Capturing bills and receipts with Hubdoc

The optional add-ons include claim expenses and track projects for $4 and $7 respectively.


The premium plan costs $40 per month and is ideal for established businesses of all sizes. The plan includes:

  • Sending invoices and quotes
  • Entering bills
  • Reconciling bank transactions
  • Capturing bills and receipts with Hubdoc
  • Using multiple currencies

The optional add-ons include claim expenses and track projects for $4 and $7 respectively.


Bank Reconciliation

Xero imports all financial transactions into its database, before linking them to the corresponding accounting transactions. On confirming the match, the transaction will be reconciled in the system. The application can import feeds from more bank accounts, credit cards and PayPal accounts. The software also lets you perform more complex transactions by creating your custom rules. You can import and automatically reconcile pre-coded bank statements with the fast cash coding feature.


The Xero dashboard lets business owners get a complete picture of their key accounts, income and expense reports, upcoming bills and pending invoices, helping them understand all their company’s financial activities. You can turn on notifications to monitor certain accounts if needed.

Xero’s dashboard is easy to use and navigate and helpful for the user to understand every information they need. You can also perform tasks such as adding accounts, bills and issuing invoices in the dashboard.


The invoicing system is an important part of the accounting suite, helping you in generating and customizing business invoices. You can add your company’s logo, perform foreign currency conversion, and save different templates for separate clients.

The system can issue invoices for payments from various sources like PayPal accounts, bank transfers or credit cards. Xero’s invoicing tool provides alerts when your invoice has been opened by the recipient.

Xero can automatically convert the invoice into the currency used by the client, reducing the burden of manual conversion.

Security & Automatic Updates

Security is highly important for a cloud system that holds private information, making it safe from hackers and other malevolent attackers. The developers understand the threat, hence providing a dedicated security team to keep the data safe.

Xero team strive for constant improvements to their service, adding new features constantly. This ensures that the efficiency of the app and your user experience is always optimal.



QuickBooks is a cloud-based accounting solution, helping small businesses in managing their accounting and finances. A customer can view all accounts with auto-synchronization. The necessary accounting and client communication feature can also be done on their native iOS and Android apps.

Zoho Books

Zoho Books is another smart accounting solution, which is ideal for small businesses in helping them manage their business and cash flow. The app is user-friendly, has a clean design with vital features to generate actionable, data-based insights.


FreshBooks is an award-winning robust cloud accounting app, ideal for small businesses to make easy billing. The software lets users manage key processes with ease while providing special modules to manage projects and taxes.

Ending Notes

With ample integrations and strong features, Xero is an ideal software for accounting purposed. With multiple automation, the application saves your business time in performing otherwise manual tasks. Hence, Xerox is the ideal accounting software for businesses.

India Outsourcing Accounting Can Undertake Accounting Task Proficiently

Accounting is one of the important aspects of any business. It needs a lot of care as it contains all the finance records of the company. India outsourcing accounting plays an important role for the business to make them work smoothly. Accounting is responsible to maintain the finance records of an organization. Outsourcing Accounting services plays an important role in the world of finance and accounting. Today there is extreme competition in the market and every business is in the rival to prove itself. For this they need to make some good strategies. The businesses undertake all possible measures to cut costs of their finance and accounting department and also to increase the productivity, improving profitability and creating strategic value to business. So, outsourcing accounting has seen a good response and the business owners are eagerly considering it.

India is well known destination for the accounting outsourcing. Today businesses have to face tremendous pressure and they are burdened with extra work. Such business organizations do consider it more keenly as they will get quality work done within their time frame. The companies are undertaking India outsourcing accounting as an effective tool for their business. You can make approach for your company to outsource accounting task at reasonable rates. You can get quality service with best professionalism from these firms. There are numerous companies who have made big money from accounting outsourcing. Infact, many more companies are moving towards this service to make it a strategy for their business growth. It has been seen a huge demand in the software outsourcing services. And so to cater to the huge demand, many firms are upcoming in this field to make outsourcing task more better.

In order to achieve best and profitable results from your business, you can consider India outsourcing accounting services. This technique will save lots of money and you can invest your saved money on the growth prospects of your company. You can trust on the vendor to outsource your accounting department to India or some other destinations that you want. Your business will surely make a good profit margin. This feature will bring down the burden of your work as accounting is such a big job that needs a lot of concentration. We are known with the fact that in order to drive a business, a good effort, time and resources are highly required. You have to look for every department that it runs smoothly right from sales, marketing, customer service and the administration.

You have to keep the accounting department well managed so that you keep up the fast and upward growth. It doesn’t matter how large or small your organization is, you have to keep your accounting department well maintained. Always remember to do some homework before you hire a company to handle your accounts. Accounting task is really a serious job and it needs to be done with utmost care. Even a slight mistake can make your business in loss.So, look for such vendor who is reputed in outsourcing task. In this way, you can relieve of getting a better job done for you. This strategy will save your time and money that you will have to spend on your employees to make them trained.

Professional Accounting Services: 10 Reasons Every Business Needs Them

Running a business requires hard work with managers and small business owners doing a wide array of job roles. Often many fail to know when to they should bring in experts to get certain tasks done. The task of managing finances is critical to a business but lack the expert skills to get results or in a cost effective manner. Many people each year embark on an entrepreneurial journey lacking financial management skills and find themselves sitting amidst stacks of papers a year later, not knowing how to fix financial management issues and chaos This is an unfortunate reality that comes with having a business, and it is one of the most common reasons that businesses fail. Whether your just starting a business or have operated for several years, here are ten ways obtaining professional accounting services from a chartered accountant or an accounting firm, can improve the health of your business.

1. Assisting in Planning and Management — If you’re just starting out and don’t know where to begin, a reputable team of accountants can serve as an indispensable resource in building an effective business plan. For those who already have an established business, these firms can analyze your current operations and suggest ways in which you could increase your businesses viability.

2. Managing Time — Being an entrepreneur is a time-consuming task. Hiring a team to manage your financial matters, can free up time to actually grow your business. Trying to manage finances is overwhelming for most of us. Taking this on and stretching yourself thin can leave ample room for error in doing business and or managing it.

3. Providing Expertise — Most business owners begin operations knowing only the front aspect of the business. They may know all about fixing cars or cooking food, but often lack knowledge of managing finances. Having an expert in these areas is the best way to keep your business going strong.

4. Helping Establish Proper Accounting Procedures — The rules of handling money and recording data is different in every business. Your accounting professional can help you create a system that’s unique to your organization.

5. Handling Taxes — Tax filing is a time-sensitive issue and real penalties can manifest due to incorrect or late filing. Professional accounting services stay abreast of current tax law which assists you in meeting requirements and maximizing deductions. Having a professional accounting firm working for you, will help maximize tax savings and in the event of a tax audit, they will be able to work with these agencies on your behalf.

6. Payroll Assistance — This area may seem elementary, but doing payroll is a time-consuming task! Paying your help not only means deducting the taxes and cutting the check, but keeping track of and paying out employer contributions, as well. Making sure these figures are correct and paid on time, is vital to avoiding unnecessary costs.

7. Managing Assets — Budgeting is another way in which many business go wrong. Overextending your credit and managing working capital incorrectly can cause your finances to deteriorate quicker than a sandcastle on a hot,dry day. Professional accounting services can give imperative advice in this area.

8. Eliminating Mistakes — To error is human, and when your busy trying to juggle it all its exceptionally easy to make them. Having a professional accountant oversee your records regularly, is an excellent way to double-check for those simple mistakes that can cascade into colossal problems if left unseen.

9. Providing Useful Reports and Explanations — Professional accounting services can combine data into reports that can help you clearly understanding where you’re at, and where you’re headed. Profiting in the future is crucial to understanding what’s going on at the present.

10. Performing Auditing Tasks — Internal auditing is an essential function that most entrepreneurs overlook. Reviewing your business processes for functionality and accuracy, is a fundamental need in understanding how you can successfully improve and experience growth.

Securing professional accounting services for a business is a cost that achieves cost efficiencies in operations, helps keep them abreast of financial commitments and usually results in lower tax costs. It makes sense for every business to make sure to get this support in place before starting a business and certainly maintain this support for the life of the business.

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