Top 5 Qualities of a Good WordPress Developer

How do you identify the best WordPress developer from a pool of programmers? A dedicated WordPress developer is capable of pushing the boundaries, going beyond the basics and bringing innovations in the project they are assigned. Professional WordPress developers are always busy in researching more about the latest trends and technologies to remain ahead of their peers.

Here are the top 5 qualities of an efficient WordPress developer:

  1. Technical Skillset

A good WordPress developer will have apt knowledge of different technologies and be able to create a masterpiece. An ideal WordPress developer should have sound knowledge of PHP, MySQL, codebase on Trac and Xref and should able to set up a local development environment and run the nightly build. They must be well-versed with the technicalities of WordPress such as core, plugins as well as the different themes to be able to create a website, which would help you stay ahead in the competition.

  1. Learner’s Mindset

The versions of WordPress are steadily moving forward, and so is the environment. A good developer should keep up with the latest design, technology and security trends to build websites, which are stable and modern. An outdated look or a bugged portal will tarnish your brand image. A stagnant developer will cause stagnation in your business profits and in your image too.

  1. Attention and Self-Motivation

WordPress professionals need to continuously push their abilities and have a fair idea of almost all the aspects of this platform. WordPress offers a wide range of options such as plugins, themes, front-end design and e-commerce. Therefore, a developer has to have hands-on, specialized knowledge to figure out what would work best for a project. A self-motivated developer will ensure that his work stands out in the crowd and does not just make up the numbers.

  1. Solid Planning Skills

A brilliant developer would be able to sort out a chaos and make something out of nothing. However, lack of planning can become a serious problem – a directionless agenda can result in delays in project delivery and waste of time and energy. An efficient programmer will have a schedule in place and will outline goals – both big and small. They will break down tasks and create as well as adhere to timelines.

  1. Testing and Receiving Feedback

Thoroughly testing everything that is dispatched is an important skill of any WordPress developer. They should be sure whatever codes they write work across different browsers and operating systems. Every theme and plugin must be tested across different browsers to avoid last minute hassles. Asking for feedback is a good way to know whether what you’ve created makes sense and reacting positively to feedback shows maturity and dedication towards one’s creation. Your project is in good hands if you manage to hire a developer with these skills.

WordPress is an ever-evolving platform. The core team is always on their toes, trying new things and attempting to improve the existing functionalities.

Entrepreneurs – The Qualities of an Entrepreneur

Successful entrepreneurs are distinctly different from individuals who just want a job. There are critical differences that you need to be aware of before you decide to quit your job and start your own business. Many times people think a business is a solution being unemployed. The truth is, 90% of businesses fail in the first five years and 90% of the 10% fail in ten years.

The reason for this failure is that we are not taught the qualities and given the knowledge needed to be successful entrepreneurs. We are trained to be employees so we can earn money for someone else. That makes you think doesn’t it? Every hour you put in a job is putting more money than you make in someone else’s pocket. Whose pocket, you ask? The successful entrepreneur.

So, why are successful entrepreneurs successful business owners? The answer is they have a totally different mindset toward security and money. They really don’t worry about themselves or their families. I know that sounds bad, but it is the truth. They are fixated on the idea that will become a business. I know this to be true because I am the same way. My poor husband is an orphan most of the time because I can’t think of anything else but how to grow my business, or start a business, etc. I was not aware of this until I read a description of a typical entrepreneur and the impact their activities have on their families and friends. It takes a conscious effort to make sure their is a balance in my life because I would rather be playing with my creation and learning new things.

Okay, now if that did not scare you let’s look at typical qualities of an entrepreneur.

Entrepreneurs are:

1. Driven and Not Afraid to Take a Risk

A true entrepreneur sees an opportunity to create something and has the perception that the opportunity is going to be very successful. They do not necessarily think of things in terms of being rich. The pay off is seeing an idea grow into a viable business or taking an existing business and improving its performance. It is not uncommon for an entrepreneur to sell a business after it is successful because they do not have a desire to manage it and want to create another business. Or, they hire employees to manage it for them and move on to the next idea.

2. Tenacious

Entrepreneurs are tenacious and do not quit easily. They are constantly high on the thrill they get from seeing their idea become a reality and a huge success. They may be worried about income, etc., but push on knowing that everything will work out in the end and a business will be born. Their obstinate, focused manner drives them on because they can taste, feel, and see the final results.

3. Problem Solvers

Entrepreneurs are problem solvers. They are most effective when they are solving a problem with a team. They understand their limitations and seek outside talent to enable the solutions to be implemented. Entrepreneurs love to have someone else do the job for them while they continue to move forward with their vision.

4. Fearless

Entrepreneurs are not afraid to beg, borrow and steal (not really) the money required to bring their idea into fruition. The idea is a mistress and nothing is spared if it means the idea is being satisfied. They do not worry about security, health insurance, where the next $ is coming from because they KNOW this is the right thing to do.

5. Able to Manage Diversity

An entrepreneur is capable of juggling a million tasks at one time or makes sure he/she has hired or cajoled someone into juggling for them. Entrepreneurs are masters at manipulation. They can sell an idea to anyone talk them into being part of the team and make sure the idea becomes a reality.

6. Curious

Entrepreneurs are perpetual students. They are intrigued by concepts and better ways to do things and are constantly going to seminars to learn something new that can be applied to a business to make it better.

Bottom line, entrepreneurs have a desire for freedom, wealth, to make their own rules, to be responsible for the results of their activities, find a problem and turn it into a business, and to make a difference in the world. Their idea of fun is the creation of a successful business.

Take this short quiz and see if you have the traits of a successful entrepreneur:

1. Are you willing to spend all of your time birthing a business

2. Are you unemployable because you like to think and aren’t afraid to give your opinion

3. Are you prepared, if needed, to lower your standard of living until your business becomes profitable

4. Will your family and friends understand why you won’t go to parties, movies, events that appear to be in the way of your success

5. Have you owned other businesses and still feel driven to try again.

If your answer is yes to these questions you have a good chance of success. The key qualities are no fear, trust, focus and drive.

Listen to your gut and ask yourself: “Am I really ready to give up the secure life as I know it?” If you are, go for it.

The Top Qualities of a Good Home Business Entrepreneur

At all times, people look up these entrepreneurs with all admiration. That is why the idea of becoming an entrepreneur has triggered more and more individuals. To them, such thing is very pleasant and delicious. Do you also dream of becoming one home business entrepreneur? Honestly, becoming a home business entrepreneur can give you so many advantages. Apart from being your own boss, you get full control of everything. Now isn’t that such an advantage on your part?

Take things realistically. A home business entrepreneur is not a piece of cake that can be baked overnight. One has to get a good start before he becomes a home business entrepreneur himself. So how do you mold yourself to become a home business entrepreneur?

As a starting point, learn to evaluate yourself in terms of your strengths and weaknesses. If your traits prove that you can become a potential home business entrepreneur then you are lucky enough. The next thing with which you must dwell on is the line of business that you must take. If you’ve gauged all these concerns, start things off with the other considerations.

Are you willing to take risks? Are you up for challenges? You may have all the brains but you may not have the guts to fight off the challenges that may come your way. Then your venture can turn useless. As a home business entrepreneur, you must be a self starter.

Starting from scratch is one of the best ways to stabilize your reputation. It is always good to look back at how difficult things had started for you and after some time, you have occupied the topmost part. Such feeling is rewarding on your part.

If you closely intend to become one home business entrepreneur, then stick to your detailed plans. Learn to organize your own time. You don’t have to run slowly. Just maintain a fast pace so that no one will outrun you.

You are your own boss in this matter but it does not follow that everyone will be under your shadow. Proper client and staff management means learning to deal with varied personalities. You cannot get a hold of these personas. The least you can do is to play along efficiently. There are clients who are typically moody. It does not mean that because you own the business you may turn them down if you get pissed off with their attitudes.

Take note that they provide you your income so there is no point arguing with them. The main goal in here is to be able to build good relationship with those in the market. You will likewise be needing assistants so you will again have to deal with their numerous quirks.

Another important trait of a good home business entrepreneur is having the ability to give out firm decisions. Quick yet effective decisions are needed in several instances. Mental blocking is the least factor to be entertained. A sound mind and a reliable decision make up the entirety of a businessman. Most of the times, no one is available to give you pieces of advice so you have to render your own judgment. If you can’t be good at it, you can be digging up your own pitfall.

Other things that you must put into consideration are the time and effort which are required of you. Brace yourself as well with the work ethics because you will need them all in facing the challenges that lie ahead of you.

Essential Qualities Of An Entrepreneur

It is a great idea to want to start a business, but a person has to analyze and estimate if he has the qualities that are essential for being a successful entrepreneur.

Qualities of a Successful Entrepreneur:

Entrepreneurs are persevering, are lovers of challenges, are action oriented and are quick to learn, and adopt techniques to perform better as well as improve their business. They are independent extroverts who have the ability to lead people, manage them effectively, and steer their business toward its success. They are intelligent and able to utilize their skills, time, resources, and energy effectively. They are emotionally stable and healthy. They set reasonable, realistic goals and determine the ways to achieve the goals without fuss, have good communication skills as well as the ability to judge people and trust them accordingly. They have business acumen even without attending any business school and have the right instinct to make the right decision at the right time. They have the ability to make maximum use of the available resources and do not fear failure and are able to solve problems and seek solutions to existing problems easily.

Some Other Traits of Entrepreneurs:

o Leadership: An entrepreneur is a natural leader with the vision and the drive to do things right and steer his company toward success with ease.

o Confidence: He has to be self-confident, confident in his plans as he has carefully researched them and has mastered the skills necessary to implement them carefully.

o Energetic: They have amazing capacity for hard work and are energetic, motivating those that come in contact with them on account of their drive and determination.

o Creative And Innovative: This will be an essential criterion to design and sell products that are interesting which offer several benefits and have a competitive edge, making sure they capture the target market on launch without much difficulty.

o Organized: Entrepreneurs have to be highly organized and systematic, making it possible to achieve things in a much shorter time. The ability to deliver anything that has been promised on time and the ability to stick to schedules are necessary for a person to be a successful entrepreneur.

o Have Trouble Being Subordinates: They usually are strong-willed and have trouble working under someone else.

o Highly Competitive: They are very competitive and will strive offer better services and products than the competition.

o Will Not Hesitate To Take Risks: Risks are part of any business, and a successful entrepreneur will have the knack of taking calculated risks that will only benefit the business.

o Will Not Hesitate To Seek Help When Necessary: They will hire necessary staff to help them in areas where they are not very confident.

These are some of the traits of entrepreneurs, which can be used as a checklist to determine if someone has the capability to be an entrepreneur. If you do start your own business, be sure to use the services as well as products offered by some firms to help new entrepreneurs like you succeed.

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