CLEAR Profits Ensurance System – 5 Greatest Threats /Opportunities To Rapid Business Growth

CLEAR Profits System

Present & Future Dangers and Opportunities – 5 Greatest Threats To Rapid Business Growth v5

The CLEAR Challenge Introduction

If we are going to thrive and flourish, in an ever-changing and increasingly complex world, we need to RETHINK our strategies, systems and visions. It’s clear from our past results that we have managed to create a business world founded on win-lose… beating the other person into losing, so we can win. Making our staff lose – so the people in leadership positions can win!

We typically use and abuse staff as expendable pawns in a game of business-bullying and shows of force, in the name of self-important glory-seeking madness. It’s time to get CLEAR of this insanity. We need

· Different MINDSETS that are agile, flexible, resilient,

· New perspectives and Positive approaches that support all Stakeholders

· Different Organisation Culture that embraces technology, innovation and rapid change

Slaves, Serfs or Super Stars

Many people give most of their life to serving their executive masters, only to be left with an insignificant pension/savings, upon which they will stake their remaining years of desperate financial struggle. It’s CLEAR that the mechanics and Greedership of past business practices leaves 80% of participants in dire straits.

It’s time to create a new world of work where people can achieve their potential, be happy at work and have magic, mastery and meaning as part of their experience in the new world of work. A POSITIVE, APPRECIATIVE, place for LIFEWORK.

Engagement is dismal

Stress and pressure are at an all-time high. Business competition is constantly increasing. Change is the new norm. Conflict and corporate politics negatively contaminate cultures and contexts, to the point where almost 80% of people would prefer to be somewhere else, other than their workplace!

Imagine that… around HALF of your staff are looking to leave your organisation id the right opportunity came along. Your talent retention is just about useless if you are relying solely on money as the carrot to stay in a crappy workplace!

Leadership is Missing – Greedership is Prevalent.

Meaning is missing. Money is meagre. Management are moaning, and valuable visions have vanished behind the corporate drive of purely financial greedership… no matter what the costs to the environment, heads, hearts or Souls. We need a new GO MINDSET.

From my past work with the International Society for Performance improvement (ISPI) as a Human Performance Technologist (HPT) – I know we have to create a new world of work, if we are going to THRIVE and enhance staff well-being.

This is the foundation and starting point for POTENT Team Building, Developing, Staff Engagement, GO Mindsets and Leadership Effectiveness for greater Happiness@work and a High Performance Organisational Culture.

Truck Wash Business and Incentives for Higher Profits and Efficiency Considered

One of the most consistently growing sectors in our economy after the 2008 economic crash has been surface transportation for moving goods and services. Maybe that’s why Warren Buffet bought a railroad company or why FED EX is doing better with its ground freight than with its airfreight division currently. Although things do change over time, the trucking industry has been constantly hiring new drivers every month, about the only sector expanding throughout the economic recovery. So, maybe a good business might be one that is involved in that sector? Let’s talk about the truck washing business.

Yes, the truck washing sector is a decent business model if done correctly, I’ve been involved in on-site mobile fleet washing and fixed site truck washes in my career. The trick is to be efficient with the labor and process because, last time I checked trucks still don’t wash themselves, or drive themselves, and until Google figures that one out with autonomous self-driving trucks and fully automated truck washing systems to talk to each other via the Internet, well, we still have a good business strategy our here.

If you want your wash teams, employees and managers to run your business efficiently then you need to consider performance pay, bonuses, and incentive money. Yes, I know, Friedrich Winslow Taylor already made that abundantly clear well over 100-years ago. Now then, how much should you pay your hired help? Well, first there are minimum wage laws right? So, that ought to be a good starting point for a base pay for the washers, then pay them a bonus of the revenue over the minimum number of trucks which need to be washed based on average price charged to break even.

To do this, show them your real costs to break even. The bonus percentages are based on each hour worked and divided by each workers total hours – thus, different people get different bonus checks based on the hours they worked. Next, tell the workers that the only way in hell they are going to increase volume is by improving quality, speed (getting the divers out fast), repeats and referrals. This way they are overly nice to EVERY DRIVER and ask them to be sure to tell everyone to come in to your truck wash.

As you prune the “stand-around” lazy workers, your team will only have the best hard-working people and this will permeate what is expected of anyone new hired to replace the dogs.

What about management bonuses at truck washes?

Okay so, why not tell the manager that he gets a base pay, salary plus a bonus of the increased volume over last year’s same month volume, plus an efficiency number based on labor costs per unit. Let him know that the only way he’s going to get that done is to have the best kick-ass employees work more hours, and those who suck to take a hike and to go out and get new business, sell accounts, make calls to other companies to bring their trucks in, he’ll be more aggressive.

You need to think about the implications of all of this, and what formulas you might use to determine percentages. Remember your objectives are more efficient operations, saving costs, higher profits and more sales and volume – right? Okay, that’s the mission and that’s the goal – so use employee incentives for higher profits and greater efficiency. Please consider all this and think on it.

How to Advertise on the Radio and Make a Ton of Profits

So many profit seekers are hacking at internet-marketing these days. It’s so easy to forget that marketing is marketing. Every medium has power. Billboard advertising has its advantages. Post cards have power. Business cards have some power. (I once did a mailing and sent out three business cards in an envelope. No letter. No explanation. I got a whopping response off that mailing. Curiosity got them. They called in bundles asking “Why am I getting this card?” My only failure was not having a prepared sales script ready to make a pitch. I forgot why we did the mailing. It was years ago. But we got a surprising response.)

Anyway… I’m writing to give you some ideas on radio advertising. Radio is an overlooked darling in the marketing mix. Radio has a loyal following. Radio is intimate. Radio is immediate.

Here are my random thoughts on radio advertising.

1. Use 60-second spots. 30’s and 15’s are too short to do any real selling. If you can get them, use 120 seconds.

2. Be human and make mistakes. My example is the old Paul Harvey ads. Mr. Harvey would pause, sta… sta…stutter and sound very earnest when he was endorsing this or that product.

3. If you’re going to follow my advice, avoid “donuts”. Donuts are radio spots with music at the beginning and the end, and your message in the middle. The companies who use donuts mostly do not measure RESPONSE. If they measured response they’d know that the music at the beginning and end is the equivalent of white space in your print ads. White space sells nothing. In your print advertising you want to want to pack your ad with convincing copy. Over the years I’ve collected many ads that were mostly white space. For fun. I even have one ad from the NY Times that was ALL WHITE SPACE except for the address of the seller in the middle of the ad. No name of the company. No message. No offer. No convincing. No reason to pause. No reason to reflect. No reason to slip a check under the door… no matter what the address of the business was. The creators of the ad, were full of themselves. But buyers could care less about you the seller. They only care about what’s in it for them. So… fill your radio ad with persuasive, convincing REASON WHY copy. Don’t waste your money on music. Let the radio station supply the music. Your job is to convince the listener to stop what he’s doing and change the course of his/her life and buy what you’re selling.

4. Make sure you MEASURE your response. Ask the listener to do something RIGHT NOW. Call this toll free number NOW. Go to this web site NOW. Write down this number NOW. Mention this offer code x889. Etc.

5. Identify yourself at the beginning of the ad. Listeners want to know who is speaking to them. It also implies authority.

6. Preach BENEFITS in your ad. Benefits are different than the FEATURES. You need some features to make the benefits they get believable. But BENEFITS are the key to getting response.

7. Don’t try to be too cute, clever or funny. People don’t buy from clowns. They buy from serious presenters who present a deal that will really give them an advantage in their lives.

8. If the people at the radio station tell you your ad is good. Kill the ad. They are so used to hearing it all, that they typically think an ad that is funny, clever or cute…is the winner. NO. NO. NO. You want your ad to be INVISIBLE. If people say yours is a good ad, you’re in trouble. Instead, you want people to hear the ad and say “Wow, that sounds like a good product/service.” If you can make the PRODUCT or SERVICE shine… you ad becomes invisible. You can get the wrong kind of attention. You’re goal is seven-fold: To (1) Attract and (2) Hold the (3) Favorable (4) Attention of the (5) Right Kind of people (buyers) while a (6) Selling Story is told and a (7) Desired Reaction is induced. It’s not to entertain.

9. Identify your buyers right at the beginning. “If you’re a home owner, listen up… I’ve got good news for you.” Or… “If you’re looking to supplement your income, here is a tested, proven way to make money in today’s tough economic world.” Etc.

10. Use enthusiasm. You cannot bore people into listening and buying from you. If you’re excited about your product or service, let your excitement shine.

11. If you want to know WHICH station(s) to advertise on… go to the local car wash. People will tell you they listen to this station or that station… because people say one thing but actually do another. But if you go to a car wash, you can grab some towel wipes and wipe down the inside of their car. While sitting there, turn on the radio. You’ll see for yourself exactly what people are listening to the most. A surprising number of people listen to talk radio. The Rush Limbaugh stations are hot and have been for a long time.

12. Negotiate the price. Some radio stations will do “Per-Inquiry” ads. But you have to have a track record of paying off on those deals. Or be associated with a legit inbound call center that tracks inquiries and sales. Also, remember that a radio only has TIME to sell. And if they don’t fill those spots, they can never recover that lost income potential. They will negotiate. I often say… “What do you want for 5 spots a day for 10 days?” … and they say “$X amount.” Then I say, “I was thinking only half that amount… what if we meet in the middle?” You goal is to make a profit. Not to profit the radio stations. Know your numbers. If you sell a product for say $100… you need to sell at least one product for every $100 dollars of advertising expenditures. You’ll be losing money, but know your numbers. Most companies loose money on the “front end” when they market a product or service. But they make it up in spades on the “back end”. The “back end” is when a one-time buyer becomes a multiple buyer. Know your numbers.

13. Test in small markets. Roll out in larger markets. You can buy radio time in small towns like Beaver, Utah… or Clinton, N.C. for $5 or $10 bucks a spot. Bigger towns demand $100 to $400 a spot.

14. Mix your radio with other media. Even with a 60-seond ad, you’ll likely need to do more convincing. Have your telephone people ready with a prepared, convincing script. Drive them to your website. Tell them to watch their mail for a special offer from you.

15. If you’re going to do radio in mass… slightly change your message around so the listener won’t shut you out. Perhaps you’ve read about Broca’s area of the brain. If things get too predictable this is the area of the brain that gets bored and seeks something new and more entertaining. By slightly changing your message every other ad, the brain says “wait… didn’t I hear that differently before?” They suddenly become more engaged.

16. Use celebrities if appropriate. There are lots of actors and actresses who are out of work. If you can find one that fits your target audience… or fits your product model, a celebrity can boost response.

Hope these ideas help. If you want to talk, my contact information is below.

How to Maximize Your Profits in Forex

The question that might come to your mind is why learn about Forex, what is Forex and how you can maximize your profits in case you plan to take a plunge in the Forex trade? The answers to these questions are simple but you have to invest a lot of time in order to understand the nuances and tricks of the trade. To begin with Forex is an abbreviation used for Foreign Exchange, also referred to as FX. Foreign exchange trading or market is the trading that takes place between currencies of different countries, also known as currency trading. After the advent of Internet and due to the technical advancements Forex trading has become a booming business opportunity and more and more people are trying to make a fast buck by entering the Forex trade. But before taking the final plunge in this international market you should first go through this figure; more than 65% people who start trading in the Forex market have to bear losses and only 35 % people are able to make profit from this business, sounds scary.

This is one business that you can start doing either from the comfort of your home or from your office. The place from where you are doing this business has no bearing on your profits that you make or the losses that you incur. The first and foremost thing that you need to understand is that (before starting or entering this trade) you will have to learn and do a lot of research about this subject and only then can you think of falling in that 35% category were people are making profits from Forex trading. You might have to consult a broker before doing this business on your own; this will prove to be beneficial for your business. Once you are equipped with all the knowledge and the technical know how of this business, you should then think of taking that final plunge in the trading market.

Almost all the countries have their own currencies and Forex trading takes place in “pairs”. This means that there are two different currencies of two different countries that are traded in the Forex market. For example, USD stands for the United States dollars, GBP stands for the British pound, EUR stands for the European euro, JPY stands for Japanese yen, CHF stands for Swiss franc and AUD stands for Australian dollar. These are some of the strongest currencies in the world, as of now and about 85% Forex trading takes place between these currencies. You can buy USD in exchange for EUR and similarly you can buy USD in exchange for JPY and the moment you see that USD is gaining in comparison to these currencies you can offload your EUR and or JPY and this will give you profit. This is how one earns profit in this trade. On the contrary if the USD weakens and then you have to offload your present currencies then in this case you are bound to lose money. This is where your knowledge and technical know how about the Forex market helps you to earn by investing in the Forex market.

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