Audio Books – Why Audio Books Are Great For Business People

Audio Books – Why audio books are great for business people

Audio books or ‘talking books’ have come to play an important role in our lives, and not excluding our professional life.

As business people, we all love to improve our acumen and generally achieve this through taking courses and reading, but often lack the time needed to do this, talking books can help remedy this.

I have found that by using talking books, I secure the information for myself much more easily, as with written material I tend to get ‘page lazy’ and do not absorb all the text. My colleagues also agree this is more often the case for them as well.

You too as a business person can now incorporate the amazing value of the ‘talking book’, as audio books give you the benefit of using your time more efficiently, and can be listened to whilst- preparing for your day, commuting etc, and without the need of having to lug heavy books around.

I appreciate anything that makes my working day easier and more efficient, and audio books have been a great help in doing this as to me time= money.

Below, I have listed 5 talking books that are excellent to listen to, and that are suitable for everyone in any kind of business, as we are all seeking the same goals whatever our profession.

1. It’s not the big that eat the small – it’s the fast that eat the slow – by Jason Jennings and Laurence Haughton.

In business today, change is the single most common word and factor that we need to embrace. Yesterday’s latest is today’s old news, nothing new there but we need to be able to use and implement change to our advantage.

Jason Jennings and Laurence Haughton provide you in this audio book with all the information you need on how to keep ahead, even with the continual change of today’s business’s.

This talking book asserts that the fastest organizations are those that thrive best in the world today. It shows how you can use the power of commerce, good people management and how to make the best use of your resources to take your business to be among the fastest.

2. How to wins friends and influence people – by Dale Carnegie.

The most important aspect of any business is people, I don’t think this can be over emphasised, we need people to keep our companies going and not just the sales team but also the people that make the sales.

Success with human resources is beneficial to a successful business, so we all need to know “How to win friends and influence people”

Therefore not only is this a must-have book for any business but also any endeavour in life, as people skills make us more influential throughout.

Using the powerful information this “talking book” contains, you can teach yourself how to influence people on bringing in more sales for your business and just as important how to gain the staff and friends that helps make this possible.

3. Jack: Straight from the Gut – by Jack Welch

Jack Welch is one of the world’s most successful CEOs and there’s no denying this fact.

This audio book is powerful and thought provoking, giving you a detailed account of how you can become the most successful person in your chosen career, with easy steps to guide you.

4. Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make The leap – by Jim Collins

No company or business can excel without strategies and techniques, a fact that is known by the fore front business world.

These companies and businesses that stand the test of time have categorised and structured, they know what to do to get it right.

Jim Collins has done extensive research, conducted over many years into how businesses have reached and maintained success whilst others fail within a short while from starting up.

This “talking book” gives powerful information that relates to any business to help make you succeed and attain success.

5. Management Challenges for the 21st Century – by Peter F. Drucker

Peter F. Drucker is one name that stands out in any gathering of experts relating to business management and leadership.

Drucker has been an expert and writer of the industry for an amazing 80 years. When it comes to business and management he has been there and done that! So now is talking from theory.

In this audio book Drucker examines thoroughly ways that business people can assert management challenges that the 21st century brings.

Listening to any one or all five of these talking books, and implementing what you learn can make an immense difference to your career and business.

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