Domestic Workers in Karnataka: The Battle for Decent Pays & Working Conditions Still Goes on

The battle of domestic workers in Karnataka for fair pay and working conditions is over 20 years old. However, even at the ascribed minimum pay, the average domestic worker’s pays are not enough even to fulfill the food requirements of the average family, let alone other requirements, compelling women and small girls to toil for all seven days a week in many households.

The split between the two Indias is clearly evident at this close interface amongst the haves and the have-nots, between overseer and domestic help within a household. Domestic workers in the country normally work all seven days a week, 365 days annually. In majority cases, an off, if any, is given unwillingly and is normally unpaid. Not only this, there is no parameter as to how their pays are fixed for a specific work and employers also keep on adding more tasks to the given ones.

Another major thing that workers share is about a separate plate and tumbler maintained for them, how they are not enabled to touch the utensils in which the employer’s food is stored, how few women employers rinse all the utensils washed by the house maids once more with tamarind cleanse them, how the domestic works are not alleged to enter the kitchen or worship place. Caste discrimination remains as powerful as ever.

Domestic workers require being identified as workers and treated in a kind and respectful manner. Moreover they should be given more wages as working in a single home does not pay sufficient, and multiple domestic workers are caught in a routine swirl attempting to work in four-five households to make ends meet.

The backbreaking battle of domestic workers in Karnataka for fair wages and working conditions is about 2 decades ago. Domestic help was incorporated in Karnataka under the Schedule of the Minimum Wages Act in 1992 and then secretly eliminated in the year 1993. Fresh battles made sure its admittance once more in the year 2001 and in a developing measure in the country, pays were fixed in March 2004. However, research finds that the domestic worker’s wages were unmindfully intricate, puzzling and insufficient. The minimum wage notification particulates the following for a six-day week: one for a job for 45 minutes per day should get Rs 249, one hour jobs, Rs 299, and a full 8-hour day Rs. 1699 (for entire month); 10% more for families containing more than four members, and overtime at double rate of wage. The study showed that the beliefs of 45 minutes each job and a six-day were wrong.

However the Supreme Court has taken down arguments in several cases on minimum wages by announcing that minimum pays touch upon all alike, and have to be remunerated regardless of the type of establishment, potential to pay and accessibility of domestic workers at reduced wages, that the employer carries no right to acquit his enterprise of he cannot remunerate his employee a minimal employment wage and that non-payment of minimum pay is bonded labor falling under Article 23 of Indian Constitution. Research have depicted that availability of employment is not based in the level of pays and that reducing pays does not necessarily result in increased employment rate.

The e-Marketing Plan – Brief Overview and Working Scheme

I. Summary of a marketing plan

The marketing planning (concretized in the marketing plan) is an essential organizational activity, considering the hostile and complex competitive business environment. Our ability and skills to perform profitable sales are affected by hundreds of internal and external factors that interact in a difficult way to evaluate. A marketing manager must understand and build an image upon these variables and their interactions, and must take rational decisions.

Let us see what do we call a “marketing plan”? It is the result of the planning activity, a document that includes a review of the organization’s place in the market, an analysis of the STEP factors as well as a SWOT analysis. A complete plan would also formulate some presumptions on why we think the past marketing strategy was successful or not. The next phase shall present the objectives we set, together with the strategies to achieve these objectives. In a logical sequence, we will further need to evaluate the results and formulate alternative plans of action. A plan would consist in details of responsibilities, costs, sales prognosis and budgeting issues.

In the end, we should not forget to specify how the plan (or plans) will be controlled, by what means we will measure its results.

We will see how to build the marketing plan, what is its structure: after we will see how to build the traditional marketing plan, we will take a look at the e-marketing plan and see how the unique features of the internet will require some changes in the approach of writing a marketing plan.

But, before we continue, we must understand and accept that steps of the marketing plan are universal. It is a logical approach of the planning activity, no matter where we apply it. The differences you meet from a plan to another consist in the degree of formality accorded to each phase, depending on the size and nature of the organization involved. For example, a small and not diversified company would adopt less formal procedures, because the managers in these cases have more experience and functional knowledge than the subordinates, and they are able to achieve direct control upon most factors. On the other hand, in a company with diversified activity, it is less likely that top managers have functional information in a higher degree than the subordinate managers. Therefore, the planning process must be formulated to ensure a strict discipline for everyone involved in the decisional chain.

II. The general marketing plan

The classical marketing plan would follow the following scheme of 8 stages:

1. Declaring the mission: this is the planning stage when we establish the organizational orientations and intentions, thus providing a sense of direction. In most cases, this is a general presentation of the company’s intentions and almost has a philosophic character.

2. Establishing current objectives: it is essential for the organization to try to determine with preciseness the objectives to be reached. These objectives, in order to be viable, must be SMART. SMART is an acronym and stands for “Specific”, “Measurable”, “Attainable”, “Realistic” and “Timed”. The objectives must also convey the general organizational mission.

3. Gathering information: this stage is based on the concept of marketing audit. After performing the audit of the macro-environment by analyzing the STEP factors (social, technologic, economic and politic), we should turn the focus upon the immediate extern environment (the micro-environment) and analyze the competitive environment, the costs and the market. Finally, we will conclude with the SWOT analysis, by this way we will have a general view upon the internal environment compared to the external one. The SWOT analysis combine the two perspectives, from the inside and from the outside, because the Strengths and the Weaknesses are internal issues of an organization, while the Opportunities and Threads come from the outside.

4. Re-formulating objectives: after the close examination of data gathered in the previous stage, sometimes it is needed to re-formulate the initial objectives, in order to address all the issues that might have come up from the previous stage. The distance between the initial objective and the re-formulated objective will be covered by appropriate strategies. We must ensure the re-formulated objective is SMART as well.

5. Establishing strategies: several strategies are to be formulated, in order to cover the distance between what we want to achieve and what is possible to achieve, with the resources at our disposal. As we would usually have several options, we should analyze them and chose the one with more chances to achieve the marketing objectives.

6. Plan of actions: consists in a very detailed description of the procedures and means to implement the actions we want to take. For example, if the strategy implies a raise in advertising volume, the plan of actions should establish where the advertisements will be placed, the dates and frequency of the advertising campaigns, a set of procedures to evaluate their effectiveness. The actions we plan to take must be clearly formulated, measurable, and the results must be monitored and evaluated.

7. Implementation and control: consist in the series of activities that must be performed in order to run the marketing plan in accordance to the objectives set by the marketer. At this stage, it is critical to gain the support of all members if the organization, especially when the marketing plan is due to affect the organization from its grounds.

8. Performance measurement: constitutes the last but not the less important stage of the marketing plan, since we can achieve only what we can measure. In order to measure the performances achieved through the marketing plan, we need to constantly monitor each previous stage of the plan.

The marketing plan that has a feedback cycle, from 8th stage back to the 4th. That is because sometimes during the planning process, we might need to perform stages 4 to 8 several times before the final plan can be written.

III. The e-marketing plan

The e-marketing plan is built exactly on the same principles as the classical plan. There is no different approach, but there might be some formal differences given by the uniqueness of the internet environment. Many of these differences come from the necessity to ensure a high rate of responsiveness from the customers, since the e-world is moving faster and requires faster reaction from its companies, compared to the traditional offline marketplace.

Even though it is perfectly acceptable and is a common practice to use the 8-stage classic model for the e-marketing plan as well, you might want to consider the simplified version proposed by Chaffey, who identifies four major steps to build the e-marketing plan:

1. Strategic analysis: consists in continuous scanning of the macro- and micro-environment. The accent should fall on the consumers’ needs that change very rapidly in the online market, as well as on surveying the competitors’ actions and evaluating the opportunities offered by new technologies.

2. Defining strategic objectives: the organization must have a clear vision and establish if the media channels will complement the traditional ones, or will replace them. We must define specific objectives (don’t forget to check if they are SMART!) and we must also specify the contribution of the online activities to the organization’s turnover.

3. Formulating strategies – we do that by addressing the following essential issues:

– develop strategies towards the target markets;

– positioning and differentiating strategies;

– establish priorities of online activities;

– focus attention and efforts on CRM and financial control;

– formulate strategies for product development;

– develop business models with well-established strategies for new products or services, as well as pricing policies;

– necessity for some organizational restructuring;

– changes in the structure of communication channels.

4. Implementing strategies: includes careful execution of all necessary steps to achieve established objectives. It could refer re-launching of a website, promo campaigns for a new or rewritten site, monitoring website efficiency and many more.

Note: a common strategy to achieve e-marketing objectives is the communication strategy. The steps to built a coherent communication plan will be presented within a further article.

IV. The e-marketing plan (sample titles)

1. Executive Summary

a. overview upon present conjuncture;

b. key aspects of the strategic e-marketing plan.

2. Situational Analysis

a. characteristics of the e-market;

b. possible factors of success;

c. competitors’ analysis;

d. technological factors;

e. legal factors;

f. social factors;

g. possible problems and opportunities.

3. The e-Marketing Objectives

a. product profile;

b. target market;

c. sales objectives.

4. The e-Marketing Strategies

a. product strategies;

b. price strategies;

c. promotion strategies;

d. distribution strategies.

5. Technical Issues

a. website content;

b. website “searcheability”;

c. logging security (for customers and staff);

d. customer registration procedure;

e. multimedia;

f. autoresponders;

g. order forms and feedback forms;

h. access levels to online resources;

i. credit card transactions;

j. website hosting;

k. website publishing;

l. technical staff (size, requirements)

6. Appendix

7. Bibliography

Part-Time Lawn Mowing Business While Working a Regular Job

No matter what the economy, the grass still grows. There is always someone near by who needs their lawn mowed and cannot do it themselves. These folks have a problem and you, the full-time employee wanting to start a part-time lawn mowing business, have the solution. They can pay you to mow their yard. Problem solved.

I often get the question of whether you can start your lawn mowing business part-time in the evenings and on weekends and keep your full-time job. The answer is a big yes!

The question is can you do it? If you have lots of energy, enjoy being outdoors and working in your yard, and can handle just 5 to 10 extra hours of physical work each week, you can start a part-time lawn mowing business and keep your regular job.

People who work 12-hour rotating shift schedules are in a terrific position to run a lawn mowing business part-time while keeping their full-time jobs because they have so many days off.

First, you need to find some customers. Write a flyer using word processing software, print it, take it to your local copy shop, have 25-30 copies made, and distribute them around your neighborhood within walking distance of your house. You may want to use a half-page flyer so you can distribute to 50-60 houses. Include what you offer the prospect (lawn mowing, edging, cleaning off the concrete), your name, best phone number to contact you, your address so they know you are a neighbor and how much you charge. Since you are new to the business charge on the lower end of the average rate other lawn care professionals charge in your area. Five dollars cheaper than average may get your neighbors to stop using someone out of the neighborhood and start using you instead.

Another reason to start with your neighbors is they know you or know of you and we all want to help other people, especially people we know. Since these folks are close by, you get to go out, knock on doors and meet your neighbors while marketing your business to them. Smile, introduce yourself and tell them which house is yours or what street you live on and get to know a little about them and some things you might have in common. Hand them a flyer at the end of the conversation and move on to the next house.

Keep this up until you have at least one person ready for you to go home, get your equipment right now, come back and work that day and are pulling out their checkbook to pay you. If this happens, stop marketing that day, service your new customer and earn some money. Continue marketing the next day.

When you have the number of customers you think you can handle, stop marketing daily and only doing a little occasionally or when someone asks for your information. You will need to keep a few flyers on hand to give out. Be on the lookout for yards that overgrow and see if a lawn service comes to mow them. These folks may need someone closer who will service their lawn regularly. Be sure to visit them and ask.

Do not buy any commercial equipment or go into debt. You only need the mower you use on your own lawn, a gas-powered string trimmer and blower to get started. If you have an electric-powered string trimmer and blower, you can still use them, but make sure the customer knows you will need access to an electric outlet and you will need a very long extension cord.

Alternatives to gas and electric-powered trimmers and blowers are the cordless rechargeable models. They are less expensive than their gas-powered cousins, cheaper to operate and much more environmentally friendly. If you have electric equipment that requires an extension cord, you will want to replace it with cordless electric or gas-powered equipment as soon as you earn enough money mowing to do so.

Starting within walking distance of your home eliminates the need for a truck or trailer to haul equipment to job sites keeping costs down. If you live within walking distance of the job you can put your equipment and gas can in a wagon or cart and pull your lawn mower along by hand. If you are willing to do this extra manual labor you are more likely to succeed because you are not afraid of hard work and not prone to overspending.

One of the biggest reasons to have a part-time lawn mowing business is you make significantly more money for the time you spend working than at most other part-time endeavors.

If you charge $50 to mow the grass, edge and clean up and you can do 5 lawns after work and on weekends each week, you will earn $250 per week. You will need to set 15% of your revenue aside after expenses (gas, parts, repair, replacement equipment, etc.) for self-employment taxes which you will need to pay each quarter. If you spend $9 on gas and save $36 for taxes, your net weekly earnings will be $205. Six weeks of hauling your equipment by hand will build physical strength and allow you to accumulate about $1230. You could also resubmit your form W-4 at work to take the correct amount of extra money out of your pay checks to cover these taxes. However, if you are trying this to determine if you want a full-time lawn mowing business I recommend you become familiar with paying self-employment taxes quarterly.

After 20 weeks of mowing 5 lawns per week you will have netted nearly $4,000. It will be less than this because your equipment will need maintenance and repair. That will not cost more than a few hundred dollars, so you will still have around $3,700 if you save your profits.

Now you will have the cash to buy a good used commercial lawn mower. Once you have a commercial mower you will be able to increase the number of yards you can mow per week in the same amount of time it took with your residential mower, increasing your revenue. You may be able to mow 10 yards per week instead of 5, so your gross revenue will jump to $500 per week. After another 10 weeks you may have enough cash to buy a used trailer to haul your commercial equipment.

Remember that in many areas there are only 3 mowing seasons or about 40 weeks of steady work each year. If you spend the first 40 weeks earning enough to get some commercial equipment and increase your customer base, your second part-time year will be mostly profits.

Two years part-time in the business will allow you to decide if you want to start mowing full-time. You will know it is time to go full-time when you are turning customers away because you do not have time to service their yards and if you could take on those customers, you would earn more annually than at your full-time job.

Earning more means earning more than your current annual pay after taxes plus paying for the benefits you and your family need, like health insurance. If your spouse works outside the home, he or she may carry the family benefits leaving you free to earn lots of cash. You will have to save for retirement and pay your own disability insurance even if your spouse can provide the other benefits. Few companies offer spousal retirement or spousal disability coverage.

If you are willing to work during your off hours and not spend money on equipment you do not need, you can work part-time mowing lawns and earn a lot of extra money. You may also be able to eventually leave your job and run your business full-time.

Working From Home – Enjoy the Benefits

Working from home is a notion that has probably crossed many people’s minds at one time or another. Sadly, many people believe that this is not an option for them, but with all the business opportunities available today this is just not the case. Making the choice to pursue a home business can provide a number of benefits in a person’s life.

1. Flexibility of Hours

Time is something that we have little control over when we are working in a conventional job as an employee. If we are lucky, we may have a boss that is understanding and offers flexibility in respect to the hours we must work, but sadly this is not generally the case. Working from home puts you back in charge of your own time. When your children want you to watch their school sports you have the choice. If you have an appointment to attend, you can work your day around it. Hey, if you want to sleep in until lunchtime, again, the decision is up to you.

2. Balance Family and Work Life

Too many people today complain that they do not get to spend the time they desire with their family. People these days seem to be working longer hours than ever to make ends meet. Sadly, many children are growing only up getting to see their parents rushing around in the morning to get them to school or day care, then for an hour or so at night when they are tired and grumpy. Quality, relaxed time together always seems to be pushed onto the backburner. A home business can offer a balance between work and family life, the value of which no price can really be placed on.

3. No dress code

Personally, I love wearing jeans. They are always comfortable, I can dress them up or down, and I feel good about myself when I wear them. Unfortunately, there are not too many jobs that allow you to dress like this each day. For many people the way they must dress each working day is dictated to them. In some situations, such as for safety reasons, this control is warranted, but in many positions the dress codes could be relaxed a little which may create happier employees. Working from home means that I decide what I want to wear and what I feel comfortable in on any given day. Some days I even happily carry out my business in my pajamas.

4. No travel

Does anyone really enjoy being stuck in peak hour traffic, or worse still, having to catch overcrowded public transport. I definitely don’t miss having to share a seat with the inconsiderate person who insists on reading their oversized newspaper with their arms spread out in front of my face. These days the furthest I travel is to the kitchen for a coffee. Commuting to the workplace is becoming increasingly expensive, with sky rocketing fuel prices and increases to the cost of public transport. Eliminating the travel to and from a workplace each day can save a lot of money each week for some people and is a major benefit of working from home.

5. Responsibility for your own financial situation

A great deal of satisfaction can be obtained from taking charge of your own financial situation. Knowing that the responsibility of succeeding and making money is yours can motivate and inspire people to levels of potential that they never knew they had in them. When you are in a job as an employee there is often a ceiling on what dollar value you can receive for your time. This keeps many people

Much can be said about the benefits of working from home. Personally, my life has improved ten fold since embarking on this adventure. There are many different ventures available to people these days and there are businesses to suit just about anyone regardless of the skill level possessed. I have found my freedom with the home business I have chosen and I can honestly say that it has changed my life completely. I wish you all the best with your quest for the life you desire.

5 Benefits of Working From Home and Having a Home Based Business

The trend to home based businesses is really exploding. And, with good reason. The flexibility and profitability of working from home is tremendous. Besides for the fact that you can get up when you want and wear what you want, there are many other advantages to working from home and having a home based business.

Benefit #1: Increased Productivity

Working from home allows you to have more time. More time for work, or hobbies, or your family. It eliminates the commute to work. According to the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey, the national average drive-time is 24.3 minutes. Americans spend over 100 hours a year commuting. Working from home not only eliminates the time spent commuting, it also eliminates time in the office spent socializing or leaving to get lunch. This time gained results in more productive hours and few hours spent “working.” Working from home also gives you the freedom to take a break to exercise or do something around the house. You’re home when packages arrive to sign for them. You’re home when the repair man comes and will only give you a four hour window. You are also more available to clients who need to reach you in the evening and on the weekends with a home based business. And, best of all, you’re home for your kids and pets when they need you. According to USA Today, people who work from form report having fewer sick days, improved morale, and improved productivity.

Benefit #2: Tax Savings

Working from home means a home office. A home office means deductible business related expenses such as Internet, phone, office space, subscriptions, and insurance. The IRS allows you to deduct a percent of your mortgage or rent payment, depreciation, property taxes, insurance, and utilities. The percent you may deduct is calculated by the number of rooms or square foot of your home you use for your business. For example, if you use one room of a four bedroom house for your home based business, you can deduct 25% of the homes’ operating expenses. However, this space must be designated specifically for your business on an on-going basis. According to the IRS, in order to deduct something as a business expense the “business expense must be ordinary in your business and necessary for operation.” Ordinary just means an expense that is accepted and common in your business. Necessary means those that are helpful and appropriate to maintain your business. The IRS requires you to separate your personal and business expenses and then only the business expenses can be deducted.

Benefit #3: Flexible Hours

Who wants a strict 9-5 job? It’s wonderful waking up and starting your day on your own schedule. Time to read the paper, get the kids to school, exercise all before you begin work. You have the flexibility to switch gears when you like. If you can only get a mid day doctor or hair appointment, that’s just fine with a home based business. It provides the flexibility to make it to your childrens’ school events, stay home with a sick child, or work late after the kids are in bed.

Benefit #4: More Family Time

One of the most fulfilling benefits of working from home and having a home based business is the ability to gain control over your life. Parents who work from home report a much higher level of family time and a much lower level of stress. If you chose to quit at 3:00 when the kids come home and work at night after they are in bed, that is now a choice of your own accord. Home based businesses allow for balance and the freedom to take the day off to golf or spend it with your kids without having to check in with someone.

Benefit #5: More Profitability

You will save money on rent, meals out, gas to commute, and the cost of work clothes. More importantly, instead of having a boss tell you when you have to work, when you can take vacation, when you’ll get a raise or a promotion, you make those decisions yourself. Your advancement and income is directly related to your own productivity. As a result, you’ll likely want to work harder and smarter since you reap the benefits directly.

Home based businesses are at the forefront of the biggest business movement right now. Technology is largely responsible for this shift in business. We each have the opportunity, if we chose to seize it, to work from home and have the freedom we all dream of.

Difference in Working Styles Between India, US and Europe

The working styles between India, US and Europe differ widely. Many Indian corporates and multinational companies are wooing Indians settled abroad in the US and Europe to return to India and work for them. With a multitude of highly paid jobs up for grabs for the experienced professionals, many Indian expatriates are thinking of returning home to take up these jobs.

These Indians in USA and Europe would be exposed to the American and European style of work culture, which is very different from the working style in India. With many multinationals setting up branches in India, they are trying their best to incorporate the western working style in their Indian offices too. Earlier in Indian companies and corporate set ups, constructive criticism, training programs for employees, motivational meetings, teleconferences; employee bonding etc were unheard of and were considered alien and set aside for the American working style.

With the advent of multinationals, the tremendous growth of the IT sector and its allied BPO and Outsourcing services sectors, the American working style is fast being implemented in many of the offices here. But alas these are confined only to the large corporates and multinationals. Smaller and mediocre firms are still following the Indian working style.

Time management does not rank high on the priority list of Indian working styles unlike their American and European counterparts who are sticklers for punctuality and time management. Americans value their time and are keen that the employees are punctual at work and this permeates into their working environment too. In India, if an employee is late he or she always has a good convincing reason. It is common place event to find business meeting rescheduled or rather delayed by an hour or two in Indian companies.

The working style in India requires employees to be dressed in semi formals unlike their western counterparts who are all dressed in formals like blazers and suits. Here the weather does not permit such dressing. In the Indian work environment, everyone addresses each other as Sir or Madam, but addressing bosses by their first name is fast catching up in India, which is so commonly found in USA and Europe where everyone addresses one another by their first names. Indians are inquisitive about others and so take a lot of interest in gossiping about others, some will even try to pry into others lives and offer unsolicited advice. Certainly, this is not found in the American work environment where everyone at the office will keep to their selves and do the work they are allotted diligently.

Those who have worked in companies and firms in the US and Europe will find coming back to work in Indian companies and Indian working conditions really different from what they were previously used to. It will present a challenging task to those Indians in USA [] who are seeking job opportunities in Indian companies whether they are corporate business houses or multinationals.

Oil Rig Jobs – Working Aboard the Petronius Oil Platform

For a a few hardy, industrious men a 2,000 foot high metal behemoth of a rig in the Gulf of Mexico is home; well two weeks out of every four, that is. They work, sleep and relax aboard the Petronius oil platform, operated by Marathon Oil and the Chevron corporation.

The Petronius is one of the most mindboggling of all the giant oil platforms scattered across the oceans of the world. Named for the Roman writer it was the world’s tallest free standing structure until 2008 when it was suppassed by the Burj Dubai. The platform serves 14 different wells outputting millions of barrels of oil. At over 500 million dollars the Petronius is one of the most expensive offshore civil construction projects in the world

Working aboard the rig is one the most hazardous jobs there is. Oil rigs are usually dozens or hundreds of miles from land and bear the brunt of some of the harshest weather that mother nature unleashes. Rocked and rolled by waves, ripped at by gales and frozen by bitter cold – these are just some of the natural hazards an oil rig is subjected to. For the average rig worker the man-made dangers can be even more of a threat. Swinging cranes, the constant moving of heavy equipment, dangerous power tools which can rend a limb from a body in a second and being only a short drop from near certain death into an ocean seventy five metres below take more than a few lives each year.

So what attracts men to work far out at sea, living in cramped quarters of up to four to a room in one of the most hazardous jobs in the world? Well one thing is the money. On the Petronius salaries start at about $50k a year, which is a great starting salary for relatively unskilled work. Those with trade qualifications and skills, and those with several years of experience can command six figure salaries.

Another draw to oil rig jobs is the generous time off. Workers aboard the Petronius work a two weeks on, two weeks off schedule. This means that they typically work less than six months of the year and still earn a very competitive wage. While they are on board the Petronius the oil rig workers are also more than amply fed, noshing down on four hearty meals a day, all of which are included in their compensation package. Recreation facilities on the ‘floating town’ also include a gym and satellite TV to fill the few hours that the men are not hard at work. These oil rig jobs are tough, but they aren’t without their own rewards.

Even though this work is noisy, in a remote location and the work conditions are high risk, employment aboard the Petronius and other oil platforms still has a huge draw for a certain kind of man. Tough, resilient, hardworking and perhaps slightly thrilled by the threat of danger there is a constant stream of hardy men applying for these jobs. Although they work hard aboard the rig, most of them more than make up for it in their time off. If you have ever seen a rig worker on his frequent leave, you will know that they know how to ‘unwind’ in style.

How To Start a Wood Working Business From Your Garage

Starting a woodworking business from your home could be an excellent way to earn an income. With right business plan and woodworking training system you could reach your financial goals with little or no woodworking skills.

As we all know financial times are tough in many areas of Canada and The USA. Their seems to be no stability working for various companies. Even if you employed the income you receive is poor. Consider starting a home based business that will create products that you can sell with very little effort. This home based business will be fun and easy to start.

Consider starting a business constructing and selling wooden furniture. Many people are often interested in purchasing wooden furniture for their homes. Good quality wooden furniture always has a way of being sold. Home owners will pay top money for this type of furnishing. This type of furnishing looks good and gives the customer a product that indicates that their money was well spent.

With proper business plan and correct construction method you might even be able to make money in your spare time building furniture and related products.

Of course you will need a place to work such as your garage. You could even construct a shed in your backyard to start your woodworking business. Constructing a shed, made of wood, could be a way of starting your woodworking business. After successfully building a shed in your backyard you could have people paying you to build a shed in their backyard.

There are a number of resources that will give you step-by-step instructions with regards to construction of various woodworking projects including numerous backyard shed plans. Types of sheds to consider are the pent roof shed and clerestory style shed.

The pent roof style shed is simple to build. It is a mono roof shed, which consists of a one piece roof sloping in one direction. It can be attached to your house or barn, giving it increased structural strength

The clerestory style shed ideal for use a place to work. The roof of this shed consists of row of windows which allows natural light to beam inside of the structure. Because of the roof its structure will mor complicated to build when compare with the pent roof style shed. However designs can be found on the internet that will help the construction process less problematic.

This type of business will require that you purchase various tools if you do not already own them. Their a number hardware stores likely in your area that will help you purchasing the tools needed in starting your woodworking business. You will also likely be able to purchase used woodworking tools in good working order.

Best Regards

Legitimate Home Business – Factors Militating Against Working From Home

* Going Half Way With The Office Management

Starting a home office on the dining room table is not a good idea, nor is committing only half-heartedly to making a guest room into a real office. If you don’t treat the office seriously, there’s better than even chance you won’t take your work seriously either. Carve out a separate space and dedicate it as the office. You’ll feel better and your work will benefit from that decision.

* Succumbing To Workaholic Syndrome

If, while working in an office setting, you’ve had a tendency to stay there until the work is done, operating from home is a workaholic’s dream come true. With the office only a few rooms away, there’s a temptation to “get one last thing done” after dinner or on a weekend. It’s important to be professional about your business, but it’s also important that you don’t let the office become your new home. Set hours, try to manage your work-flow into those hours, than shut the door and put up the “closed” sign.

* Family Issues

Lots of women see working at home as the answer to two issues- making a living and raising a family. If it were easy to mix kids and work, parents would have been doing it at their business offices long ago. That said, it isn’t entirely impossible either. The trick is balance. You can’t afford to be at the beck and call of your children, but you certainly don’t want them to feel totally ignored.

Racing from the office to untangle toys and do laundry every hour will soon turn your work world upside-down. Closing the door and ignoring the family will have an equally unfortunate effect. Obviously, day care is an option. Consider it for the days that you might schedule your most critical task. On days you set aside for errands, such as paying bills, bookkeeping, research on the internet, and so forth, you might more easily accommodate the family being around.

* Lacking Certain Office Skills

When working for other companies, you relied on others with jobs that complemented your own. As your own businessperson, at your own business office, you have a lot more duties besides the specific ones that “bring home the bacon.” You’ll be responsible for executive and marketing decisions, financial and administrative details and deadlines, as well as clerical and reception work. Until your business becomes profitable enough to employ other people, it’s all down to you.

This is where a business plan makes sense. You need to work out the detail of how you’ll charge for your products or services. Be careful to figure in the “cost of doing business,” which includes the clerical and administrative things, too. Add in a “fudge factor” and some profit. Assuming that you’ll work a 40-hour a week, set your sight on making a living in 30 hours, then use the other 10 hours to take care of other parts of the business- marketing, promotion, billing, bookkeeping, and business errands.

If you feel you lack the skills to juggle all those things, or don’t have the interest in becoming your own secretary, perhaps you’re not cut out for a home business. But if you want to give it a try, you can certainly learn what you need to start and maintain a home based business.

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