The Personal Costs of Obesity

People who are overweight and obese face many difficulties their normal weight peers do not. Frequent doctor visits are a fact of life for overweight and obese people, due to the development of weight-related disorders such as diabetes and osteoarthritis. Along with the daily difficulties associated with these diseases, the overweight or obese person may be personally affected financially as a result of weight-related expenses and reduced income.

The personal consequences and costs of obesity are serious, and the personal financial cost great. Multiple studies have shown that obesity significantly negatively affects personal and working relations, wages, and advancement, particularly for females.

While the health problems as the overweight/obese age may ravage savings, an overweight/obese person may have difficulty accumulating those savings in the first place. One of the earliest sociological studies of the overweight, in 1966, found that the heaviest students had a harder time getting into top colleges. The obese, particularly white women, are paid less. A study by Cornell University found that a weight increase of 64 pounds above the average for white women was associated with 9 percent lower wages.

I can personally attest to the ceiling placed on the obese; the jobs that are available to you based on your talents and abilities are often not received; there can be pattern of coming in second in interviews. This is particularly so when the job involves social context or a large amount of meet and greet.

Overweight people may or may not spend more than normal-size people on food, but their life insurance premiums are two to four times as large. They can expect higher medical expenses, and they tend to make less money and accumulate less wealth in their lifetimes. They can have a harder time being hired, and then a harder time earning promotions. People carrying as little as 30 to 40 pounds extra can be seriously affected.

In 2004, The Obesity Society created a Task Force on weight which found accumulating evidence of clear and consistent bias, stigmatization, and in some cases discrimination, against obese individuals in three areas of living: employment, education, and health care. They also reported that recent studies have documented automatic negative associations with obese people among health professionals and among obese individuals themselves.

In addition to the negative financial impact that excess weight carries, there is also impact on quality of life. People who are severely overweight may have difficulty performing simple daily tasks, such as tying shoes or walking up a flight of stairs. Many obese people have trouble sitting in, or can not trust the weight limit of, standard furniture. It becomes difficult to go to restaurants or theaters, or to utilize public transportation. Many bathroom facilities would be inaccessible to the obese were it not for the availability of the much larger handicap stall. While I was able to use the regular stalls when I weighted a little over 300 pounds, which is certainly obese but not gargantuan, there were many that were on the small size, and getting in and turning around to shut the door was awkward, if not difficult.

Think about all the places you might not go if you had to be worried about fitting in, or not breaking, the chairs; think of all the places that have booths, which have fixed distances from the table. Consider the size of the average subway turnstile. Go window shopping and mentally buy several stylish items; then go to one of the plus size departments or stores and try to replicate the satisfaction you had mock shopping in your size range. Tie a few gallon water jugs to yourself and see what it is like to sit in your own furniture.

If you are really looking to get an inkling of the reality, fill the jugs with water and carry in your groceries. Water weights about eight pounds a gallon, so you can see what it is like at 50 pounds overweight, 100, 150. I doubt many of us could handle carrying around enough jugs to bring our weight up to the 500, 600 or higher that some people live with; the obese put the weight on over time so tend not to realize just how much weight they are asking their backs and knees to support. There is no way to truly feel what it is like physically to be obese: things like raw inner thighs from chaffing and permanent raw indentations from bra straps can not be duplicated.

These problems may seem trivial to some, but they represent serious, multi-layered difficulties that can have both a cumulative and a rippling effect. If you are afraid you might not be able to use facilities, long shopping trips become less inviting. If your size affects your lung capacity, you may have trouble sleeping, which can affect your performance at work, which in turn may worsen the experience of day-to-day financial strains. So might the ability to keep up, literally.

Duke University Medical Center researchers reported in 2004 that obesity significantly impairs the sexual quality of life. Obese people report sexual problems such as lack of desire, lack of enjoyment, avoiding sex, and performance difficulty at a much higher rate than people of normal weight.

Overweight and obese people are frequently stereotyped as emotionally impaired, socially handicapped, and as possessing negative personality traits. Evidence of discrimination is found at virtually every stage of the employment cycle, including selection, placement, compensation, promotion, discipline and discharge, according to research presented by Western Michigan University. In addition, this bias extends to job assessments of overweight individuals in their various work related roles, both as subordinates and co-workers.

According to recent studies, wages of mildly obese white women were 5.9 lower than standard weight counterparts; morbidly obese white women were 24.1 percent lower. In contrast to females, the wages of mildly obese white and black men were higher than their standard weight counterparts. Men only experienced wage penalties at the very highest weight levels.

The potential effect of applicant weight, age, sex and race on ratings of job candidate acceptability in a laboratory setting was examined in 1988. Overweight candidates were rated significantly lower, but none of the other criteria manipulations had a significant effect. Michigan is the only state that prohibits employment discrimination on the basis of weight.

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal statute that protects qualified individuals with disabilities from discrimination on the basis of disability in the workplace. Since the enactment of the ADA, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has taken the position that people who are morbidly obese (body weight more than 100 percent over the norm) are disabled and protected under the ADA. This leaves a huge number of obese, but not morbidly obese, unprotected in forty-nine of fifty states. It also puts those who do qualify under obligation to bring an ADA law suit to rectify a qualifying situation. And you still have to prove it was discrimination due to obesity.

Compared to normal weight people, morbidly obese and massively obese people are more likely to incur instances of institutional and day-to-day interpersonal discrimination. Morbidly obese and massively obese persons report lower levels of self-acceptance than normal weight persons, yet this relationship is fully mitigated by the perception that one has been discriminated against due to body weight or physical appearance: a more palatable reason psychologically than character or personality defect, or a job not well done.

Unflattering portrayals of obese people pervade popular culture, while multiple studies document that children, adults, and even health care professionals who work with obese patients hold negative attitudes toward overweight and obese persons. Twenty-eight percent of teachers in one study said that becoming obese is the worst thing that can happen to a person; twenty-four percent of nurses said that they are repulsed by obese people.

Obese people who believe that their health care providers look down upon them may avoid seeking care; this reaction is potentially dangerous given that obese individuals are at an elevated risk for many health conditions.

Research conducted over the past 40 years shows that obese people are viewed as physically unattractive and undesirable. Obese individuals also are viewed as responsible for their weight due to some character flaw such as laziness, gluttony, or a lack of self-control and self respect. Obese persons may form negative self-evaluations as a reaction to the pervasiveness of negative attitudes toward obese persons and real or perceived discriminatory treatment.

Interpersonal consequences of severe obesity are most acute for members of higher socioeconomic strata. A number of studies suggest that upper-middle class Americans are less likely to be obese, more likely to adopt negative views toward the obese, and more likely to view thinness as an ideal body type; the belief that obesity is a consequence of laziness may be particularly common among those with richer resources and opportunities. Physical appearance and putting forth a positive image of your employer also may be a more critical aspect of job success in professional occupations than in blue-collar or service occupations. In all of our surveys, the only striking difference in obesity statistics was a drop in the obesity percentages in the shopping playgrounds of the wealthy.

The Employment Law Alliance (ELA) released findings from its America at Work Opinion Poll portending a rise in lawsuits alleging employment related obesity discrimination. The survey found 47 percent of obese Americans believe they have suffered discrimination in the workplace, while 32 percent think obese employees less likely to be respected and taken seriously in the workplace. Nearly 40 percent of those who identified themselves either as obese or overweight contend they deserve special government protection against weight-based discrimination in the workplace, though only 26 percent of individuals of normal weight echoed that contention.

Studies show that overweight and obese students, especially girls, are less likely than the non-obese to be accepted by the more competitive colleges. This is true even if their grades, standardized test scores, and other variables are the same as for other boys and girls.

Overweight people are less likely to attend college even though they score high on standardized tests and are academically motivated. Also, overweight women are more likely than other men or women to pay their way through college.

Overweight students are more likely to be refused letters of recommendation from faculty members.

There has been some change in the practices regarding hiring of the obese, as so much more of the employment force has become obese there is not often an option. Look at the number of employees you see in stores and businesses in a day, and you will notice that there are more obese employees than there were when you were a child. But it does not remove the ceiling or reduce the promotion restrictions that shadow the obese.

A study of 1200 doctors revealed that, although physicians recognized the health risks of obesity and perceived many patients as overweight or obese, they did not intervene as much as they thought they should, were ambivalent about how to manage obese clients, and were unlikely to refer them to weight loss programs. Only 18 percent of physicians reported that they would discuss weight management with overweight patients, and only 42 percent of physicians would have this discussion with mildly obese patients. I have lived and worked in five states in my lifetime, and have had jobs in six different counties in California, so I have had many different primary physicians in my adult lifetime, and I can tell you that most never broached the subject of my weight, and the few who did merely remarked that I should lose some.

In a 1969 survey of physicians, obese patients were described as weak-willed, ugly, awkward, and selfindulgent. In a more recent physician survey, one of three doctors said they respond negatively to obesity, behind three other diagnostic/social categories: drug addiction, alcoholism, and mental illness. A survey of severely obese patients found that nearly 80 percent reported being treated disrespectfully by the medical profession.

Physicians are not immune to obesity. Ironically, physicians report fifty percent of their physician colleagues are obese. The Physicians’ Health Study reported that 44 percent of male physicians are overweight, and 6 percent are obese. Although there are no published data on obesity in female physicians, the Nurses’ Health Study demonstrated that 28 percent of female nurses in the United States are overweight, and 11 percent are obese.

Researchers at the Mayo Clinic recently released the results of a survey of more than 2,500 obese patients who went to their doctor for a regular checkup over the course of a year. They found that only one in five of those people were listed on their charts as obese.

Discussing weight becomes even more complicated with children. According to a 2005 study in the Journal of Pediatrics, doctors diagnosed obesity less than 1 percent of the time among 2 to 18 year olds, a figure far below the one-third of young Americans struggling with overweight and obesity.

Among physicians, 17 percent reported reluctance to provide pelvic exams to very obese women, and 83 percent indicated reluctance to provide a pelvic exam if the patient herself was hesitant. Given that overweight women may hesitate to obtain exams and that physicians are reluctant to perform exams on obese or reluctant women, many overweight women may not receive necessary medical attention or preventive care.

Overweight and obese people get waited on more slowly than normal weight customers. They often encounter more difficulty making returns or exchanges than their thinner counterparts. When I was obese, sales people rarely asked to assist, and I often felt I had to track someone down; I assumed this was a general condition of the loss of the ethics of service of the old days. One thing I noticed when I became a size 4 was that sales people began to come up to me and ask if they could be of help much more frequently.

Results of a study by the North American Association for the Study of Obesity revealed that obese children were liked less and rejected more often by peers. Obese boys encounter more overt victimization (verbalteasing or physical aggression) and obese girls reported more relational victimization (cruelty by friends and cliques) compared with their average-weight peers.

Obese girls were also less likely to date than their peers. Both obese boys and girls reported being more dissatisfied with their dating status compared with average-weight peers. The results suggest that obese adolescents are at greater risk for mistreatment by peers and may have fewer opportunities to develop intimate romantic relationships; this may contribute to the psychological and health difficulties frequently associated with obesity; during adolescence, a time of rapid change in body shape and size as well as dynamic interactions with peers and parents, weight control is a particularly sensitive issue.

Recently school nurses reported being more likely to label obese children as sad and lazy. They overwhelmingly agreed with the statement Childhood obesity is a significant cause of peer rejection. Another recent study found that children who are obese are absent from school more than other children, missing an average of two more days than their non-obese peers. Interestingly, obesity seems to predict absenteeism more than any other factor, including school performance and socioeconomic status, two of the top reasons cited in the past for poor attendance. As a former public school teacher (at both elementary and high school levels, and as an principal and superintendent of schools pre-K-12), I can tell you that the number of days of school missed severely effects a child’s learning, and can carry forward in terms of lesser jobs and less pay for the rest of the life of a child. That is a steep personal cost.

Social attitudes towards obesity are negative and usually result in the adolescent becoming withdrawn and isolated. Obese adolescents have feelings of low self-esteem, social isolation, feelings of rejection and depression and a strong sense of failure. Obese children are more likely to engage in high-risk behaviors such as smoking,or consuming alcohol. Obese adolescent girls are more likely to become sexually active at a younger age in an effort to achieve acceptance and attention.

The prejudice associated with obesity is intense. Fat teenagers are often disregarded and subjected to ridicule. Most comments about fatness have negative consequences. Young people are often humiliated and frequently suffer permanent emotional scars. Fat people become tired of being judged by weight first and personality second. Adolescent girls who are dissatisfied with their bodies frequently try to lose weight in unhealthy ways, including skipping meals, fasting, and smoking to ward off hunger. A smaller number of girls are even resorting to more extreme methods such as self-induced vomiting, diet pills, and laxative use. Strict food denial in an effort to lose weight often leads to late afternoon or evening binging episodes. More than one-third of obese individuals in weight-loss treatment programs report difficulties with binge eating. This type of eating behavior contributes to feelings of shame, loneliness, poor self-esteem, and depression, and these feelings in return can spur additional eating as a means of solace.

In a study by the University of California, San Diego, researchers were surprised to find that the scores of obese children on a quality of life survey were as bad as cancer patients in every domain of life.

One obesity study asked severely obese persons to take a forced-choice questionnaire; for each question, they had to make a choice between being at their present weight or having some other given illness. The results were astounding. Although there were some variations on some of the questions, every obese person said that they would rather be blind or have one leg amputated than be at their present heavy weight. Most interestingly, every person who participated in the study would rather be a poor thin person than a morbidly obese millionaire.

Little wonder that depression is commonly linked with obesity, and, having been overweight and obese from age 5 to 50, I can personally attest that this chapter understates the multitude and magnitude of the true personal costs of obesity.

Why Instagram Is So Powerful for Your Business and Personal Brand

Do you know how powerful Instagram is?

Most people by now have heard about the little app called Instagram; that has taken the world by storm. It doesn’t matter if you are a technology expert, that knows about the latest and greatest apps, or you can barely check your email. We can all agree that someone we know is always on Instagram. If you look around nowadays it’s a rare sight if you don’t see someone glued to their phone, completely unaware of what’s going on around them. It’s really interesting how much people use their phone while in the middle of a conversation, sometimes more focused on the phone than the conversation they are having with the person right in front of them. Has this ever happened to you, or maybe you even done this yourself?

It’s a different world we are living in now; as opposed to 10 – 20 years ago. Back then smartphones weren’t that smart, apps we not as prevalent, and people where not totally mesmerized by their phones, and more importantly, the apps they use on them. Nowadays you can use applications like Instagram to chat with friends whether by tagging them in something you saw, sending them a video message, replying to a story they posted, or even based on seeing something that reminded you of them. You can also get caught up exploring different cities, watching your favorite actor every day life, or your favorite comedian doing a live steam or some sport highlights from last nights game. None of this existed 15 years ago, back then people would turn to maybe the TV for entertainment but now people are spending more time one their phones than ever before and Instagram is where they are spending most of their time. Whether you own a business or want to build your personal brand… Instagram is definitely one of the platforms you need to utilized, here is why.

Did you know on Instagram you get access to over 800 million users every month. Instagram is quickly rising to the top of all social media platforms, and with a whopping 800 million users it has become one of the best platforms with which to reach your targeted audience. While Twitter has remained at 350 million users for a few years, Instagram has blown past that and will reach 1 billion users within the next year or two. As the old saying goes, “Meet your customers and people where they are.” And right now, they are on Instagram, and Instagram, is on their phone making it even more powerful. Take a look around, you can always find someone staring at their phone, and more importantly using Instagram.

Instagram makes Networking easier for you. The networking capabilities and extensive reach that Instagram has given us, on a global scale is unmatched. Smart people like yourself know they must take advantage of every opportunity to grow and expand their network. Instagram allows you to connect with people based on their interests, location, hash tags and mutual friends and contacts. The best part is you can build your network all around the world from your smartphone. Now this actually gives you a good reason for all the time you spend on Instagram.

Instagram maximizes your reach and engagement. Instagram has 58 times more reach and follower engagement than Facebook, and an astonishing 120 times more reach than Twitter. So building your Instagram audience is vital to your success now and even more so in the coming future. If your not building your targeted audience (people who are interested in your business or personal brand) it’s almost like not having a cell phone or email for people to contact you. It’s like a fisher men not having a fishing pole or net to catch fish, a barber not having clippers to cut hair, we’re sure you get the point by now. Start building your audience today so you can start gaining momentum and exposure fast setting you up for the future with a solid foundation to build on.

Instagram is fun and easy to use. For those who are familiar with Instagram, you already know how fun and easy it is to use. Whether you currently have a personal or a business account you probably already understand how powerful Instagram can be. People are able to explore different cities, countries, and continents right from their phone and also see and do live videos for their audience. You can join someone on a live video, interview style. and the possibilities are endless with new feature being added often. Instagram allows you to basically have your on TV network with out the TV network cost. Even better you are able to get live feed back from your audience with comments and engagement right as you are talking to them, that is more powerful than TV.

People love pictures now and always have and always will. For those who have never used Instagram before, it can be an amazing way to connect with people and build a targeted audience that is highly focused. You can build an audience that is local, nationwide, or international depending on your preference; brand, professions, or passion. There is an old saying, ” A picture is worth a thousand words.” Start using Instagram today, and let your pictures say thousands of words for you. People have always loved pictures for generations so you know Instagram is going to be here for the long haul.

Using Instagram you can create meaningful connections. Most people know by now that Instagram has been growing by leaps and bounds. Especially in the last several years, now the timing is perfect for you. Everyone knows someone that’s always on their phone checking their Instagram, and more importantly Instagram holds people’s attention. It has become one of the most powerful platforms that people and businesses can utilize to connect with others. Can you imagine connecting with new people and potential customers everyday simply from using Instagram. What if you were able to develop a rich, meaningful, connection with your audience. At the same time create and develop your own brand and presence in the minds of people all over the world. Not to mention also to stay up to date with friends and family, Instagram truly allows you to do it all and more.

The Business of Personal Training – Your Very Own Fitness Business

Time and again, I find myself talking with trainers who work for a gym, and are planning on “going independent”, or “taking their client’s private”.

Sounds great doesn’t it, but it’s always important to start with the end in mind, so I have to ask; Do you mean “make a little extra money and have a little more freedom” or do you mean “build a business from the ground up that can support the achievement of my life’s greatest ambitions”?

Obviously, there is a big difference between these two answers, and chances are you fall somewhere in the middle. But I want to encourage you to dream big and meditate on the possibility of achieving something much greater then “a little more money and freedom”. There are too many who need our help and too many societal and environmental factors that are working against them; we trainers need to start thinking big. Real big.

I am talking about complete freedom. I am talking about REAL money, not a little extra. I am talking about helping more people, in less time, with less physical effort and a little more mental effort.If you are really serious about pushing our industry forward and redefining what it means to be a trainer, 1-on-1 training is only the beginning. Now that’s what I am talking about!

So the question changes, from “When should I go private?” to “How do I build a Successful Fitness Business?” Remember, a better quality question will lead to a better quality answer. Always. If you can answer the latter question, you’ll already know when to go private, how to raise rates, how to define your ideal client and attract them, how to manage and grow your business etc…

Don’t fall into the “PRIVATE TRAINER TRAP”. For the love of god, please.

There are way too many trainers who are content to run around the city chasing money and burning them out doing 8+ sessions/day 6 days/week, instead of building a business, attracting money, and working smarter. There is a BIG DIFFERENCE, especially in the quality of life you will have.

If you can’t be completely healthy for your client, a living and breathing example of what a balanced lifestyle can achieve, well rested, focused, and in control, then what the hell is the point anyway?

Here are some of the basics you will need to address, so that you can hit the ground running with your business.

The alternative is to run all around town training at 5 different places, teaching classes here and there, with no exit strategy and no understanding that all that travel time and lack of direction cuts directly into your profit per hour and the growth of your business. At the same time, these “private trainers” are developing poor habits that will create more inertia that will need to be overcome when they finally decide to take the next step.

I am serious. If you are at least aware of all of the questions below and can honestly give a good answer to half of them, you are already ahead of the curve. So read on and don’t fall into the “PRIVATE TRAINER TRAP”.

Shift Perspective- There are two central tenets that should form the foundation of every decision you make in regards to your job as a personal training. Everything else is secondary.

#1) You own a training business.

If you just think of yourself as just a trainer, you are limiting yourself. How many times have you been at a party, introduced yourself as a trainer, and met with this response? “Oh, wow, really what exercise can I do to lose my stomach?” This person usually will not have the money or real desire to commit to a trainer, so they probably are not a great prospect for a “trainer”. But they probably are a great prospect for fitness entrepreneur who sells a $10 PDF titled “The biggest factor for a Flat Stomach” being sold on his website.

If you own a business, you can have multiple price points for various services, which means even the person at the party with the belly and the martini glass can be a “client”. Sell to everyone! That way, as a fitness entrepreneur, you can say “I have just the thing, go to my website and get this product” and be done with it, instead of wasting your time at a party explaining why cardio and diet is more important for having a toned stomach then any one exercise.

#2) Your clients are your product.

Cultivating a successful and empowered roster of clients is critical to attracting quality opportunities and the foundation of a solid business model. There are 3 major competencies- ways to grow your business, expand your sphere of influence, and make shit happen. Each has several sub-competencies. You don’t have to be a master at all of them, in fact, you should focus on what you are great at and enjoy, and outsource everything else. You should, at least, be aware of all of them so you can account for them one way (doing it yourself) or another (outsourcing to someone else).

A great exercise is to give yourself a grade from 1-10 for each of these competencies, a self-assesment based on how well your business model can account for each of these 18 sub-competencies. Grade yourself hard and layout a plan to emphasize strengths and address weaknesses!!!

#1) Business Skills

A) Branding – What is your brand? Who is your market? What niche do you fill? Who are the high quality clients that you want to attract? What kind of client to you enjoys the most? What distinguishes them? What are there goals?

B) Marketing -How will you penetrate your market and get leads? What relationships have you built with experts in complimentary industries? What is your web strategy? What PR/media contacts have you established?

C) Prospecting Skills – What is your elevator pitch? What is your 30 second commercial? Can you adapt and improvise your pitch to the individual prospects needs? What are your qualifying and disqualifying questions?

D) Sales Skills – Do you know how to uncover the emotional needs of your prospect and close every qualifying client? What other revenue streams have you created? Do you up sell, cross sell, or down sell your clients to other services? Do you have a network of health professionals you can work with as a team to achieve optimal health for your clients? How will you collect payment and keep track of packages?

E) Policy Development/Business Model – When are you going to incorporate?What is your referral system? How and when will you raise your rates? What is your self-investment strategy and educational path for creating more value for your clients? How many hours a week will you schedule to work ON your business? What is your budget and time commitment each month to continuing education? How will you organize your business into a automated system, so that it can run on its own? How will you keep track of client information, workouts, and programs? What sheets and/or software will you use?

F) Advisory Board – What other professionals and business owners are on your advisory board? Do you have an accountant, lawyer, business mentor, computer programmer, etc? How many people do you know that are successful, trustworthy, and willing to listen to your business ideas and give you valuable feedback?

#2) Interpersonal/Customer Service Skills

A) Personality/Compassion/Communication- How good are you at building strong relationships using these 3 qualities?

B) Leadership/Accountability/Education- How good are you at teaching your client new information that they will retain? Will they be more knowledgeable after they stop training with you? Do they consistently workout intelligently on their own? Do they follow your lead or take control of the relationship? Do you give them exercise Homework, and follow up with them to make sure they did it, so that you teach them to be self-accountable and empowered?

C) Motivational/Psychological Skills – How good are you at unlocking the motivation inside the client? Do you know how to utilize their psychological frame of reference and personality to ignite their drive?

D) Response Time/Attentiveness – How fast do you return phone calls and emails? How good are you at focusing your undivided attention on the client when you are with them? Are you always ready for the workout, with a workout already designed, and the gym floor set up to meet your needs?

E) Exercise Experience – How will you balance what the client needs with what the client wants? How do you use creativity to keep the client engaged, stimulated, and having fun?

#3) Exercise Knowledge-

You do not have to master all of these, but A, B, C, and D are essential. Obviously, this list is not exhaustive, but it is a great start. If you have no personal interest in something in particular, like nutrition, then don’t focus on it, just find a nutritionist to work with.

A) Exercise Mechanics and Bio Mechanics

B) Physiology

C) Anatomy

D) Program Design

E) Nutrition

F) Psychology

G) Energy Medicine

So are you ready to build a business much bigger then you or your clients, and make a real difference? Are you ready to attract money and opportunities?

Or are you going to choose to be just another “private trainer”, running around the city chasing money? Again, you don’t need to answer all of these questions before you get started, but you should keep them in mind and continually work on them, so that you don’t fall into the “PRIVATE TRAINER TRAP!”

If you can’t answer at least half of these questions, It may be more productive to continue working for someone else, while you develop an evolved business model, test different policies and referral systems, develop some media contacts etc etc. It may seem like you are ready, but look at these questions for an answer to how ready you are.

Don’t get excited by all the trainers out there charging $150 running around the city. Fight the urge to jump into the fray if you don’t feel confident about the answers to the preceding questions. I promise you, in 3 yrs, most of those trainer will still be charging $150, and/or will be burnt out and switching industry’s. When they look back they will say, “Yeah, training was fun, and it seemed like good money at the time, but man was it hard running around, I just could do it anymore”.

No one can keep that pace for long, but it is not the only way, it’s just the easiest way, the path of least resistance. We all know, what is easiest is rarely, if ever, what is best for us.

Be honest with yourself. Think bigger. Develop these different skill sets on someone else’s dime (in other words, stay at your gym and work on your business), so you don’t have to lose money when it is time to implement them in your business. Yes, no matter what, you will and should make mistakes. But jumping into the fray without a plan is not a recipe for success. I had to say something, I am getting tired of watching trainers sell themselves short and develop bad business habits that will limit their future. Do you know how to utilize their psychological frame of reference and personality to ignite their drive?

I had to say something, I am getting tired of watching trainers sell themselves short and develop bad business habits that will limit their future.

Time to Save Ourselves – Personal Business Stimulus Has Arrived – Unless You Work at AIG!

As we complete the first quarter, how are we all doing? Many of you are getting there and making it happen and others are still trying the old ways with some success. My hat is off to the hard working business owners and ultimate survivors.

We decided to ask our customers what has been working for them and here is what we found….

More Hours – Many of you are working harder and longer hours. This works for a while, however you must watch your health in this! Our personal machines are designed to work at a certain pace and distance. Make sure your other balance factors are considered no matter what!

Less Pay – Yes we all know that business owners are taking less pay, however many employees are willing to take less pay as long as the company can survive and make the distance. Extra hours for less pay, personal work time and straight time instead of overtime are just a few. It’s good to see the world pulling together to make it work!

Cut Extra Costs – Many businesses have to forgo the extras. Outings, food supplied meetings, extra supplies and high end extras are just a few examples. Companies are also shopping smarter for regular items. This seems to be making our purchasing decisions count. It’s good to be conscious, just don’t be foolish. Newspaper should only be read in the bathroom! (Sorry could not resist! – LOL)

Lower Cost Per Sale – We still have most of our businesses marketing to some degree, they are just being smarter about it. Sometimes this forced exercise is a good one. They are more conscious about lowering the cost per lead or cost per sale. Many of you are joining forces on generating business with Online Social Networks. This is one way. The next is to work customers for referral programs. This has always worked, and we are starting to see a lot more of this effort. Also, more structured programs and intentional efforts are becoming more popular to reward customers for brining in those referrals. Referral Agent and Affiliate Programs are also on the rise. We had half dozen inquiries last week alone on helping to structure these! Also, we are seeing an increase in Joint Venture programs where vendors and partners are joining forces to share resources to accelerate business. If you venture down any of these paths, make sure you have agreements in place. This helps keeps everyone real!

Government Bailout Monies – I am sure most of us have not received ours, although I did hear about some good news for small business in the “Big Package”. However, let’s wait and see what really gets signed and passes through the channel. Now, if you work at AIG – congratulations on the bonuses! Maybe you could spend some of that hiring our small business customers, or shopping and hitting the retail sector. It sure would help out the economy and get us back on track.

In any event, we should not wait for the trickle down effect of this bailout plan, instead, just remember the heart and soul we used when we started our businesses and wake up every day and motivate the troops to focus on what will bring in the most business for the lowest amount.

You know what to do – stop waiting for things to change and make it happen!

Great News, Business Credit Has No Impact on the Business Owner’s Personal Credit

When done properly, business credit is obtained without the SSN being supplied on the application.

This means there is no credit check from the business owner to get approved. This also means that anyone who has bad, even horrible personal credit can still be approved for business credit.

Reports to the business credit reporting agencies, not the consumer reporting agencies.

So as it has no adverse impact on the owner’s consumer credit because it’s not reported to consumer agencies.

This means utilizing the account, even over 30%, won’t have any adverse impact on the personal scores.

And there are no inquires on the personal credit when you apply for business credit as long as you don’t supply your SSN.

30% of your total consumer score is based on utilization, so if you use your personal cards for your business and if you use those cards you will lower your scores. Using more than 30% of your limit WILL result in a score decrease

So if your limit is $1,000, having a balance above $300 lowers your scores. This means 40% of your total score is damaged. With true business credit, 0% of your score is affected.

10% of your total consumer score is based on inquiries, so if you are using your personal credit to apply for business loans and credit, your scores will go down as a result of those inquiries.

Plus, those inquiries can remain on your for an extended period of time affecting your ability to borrow more money.

And some unsecured business lending sources won’t even lend you money if you have two inquiries or more on your personal credit reports within six months.

The credit doesn’t report to the consumer agencies, so neither inquiries nor utilization have any effect on your consumer scores.

How to Devalue Your Business

Anyone who has sold or bought a business will tell you of the importance.

All potential buyers can easily obtain extensive information about your business, just by obtaining your business credit report… that anyone who wants it can get.

This means they’ll quickly know details about your business including:

• Credit scores

• High credit limits

• Past payment performance

• Employees

• Revenues

And much more…

Now that you know how easy extensive credit and financial information is to get for a company, if you were a buyer wouldn’t you get it?

Based on what’s on your business credit report, would you want to buy your company?

Does your report reflect that your company is “established”, does it show that you pay your bills, do you look like a successful company from your report?

If you could choose from two companies to buy that were the same in every way except business credit, which one would you buy…

… The one with a very limited or no credit profile… or one with a credit profile that reflects good payment performance, and one with available credit.

The Business of Speaking for Profit, Pleasure, and Personal Growth

I believe that public speaking can be rewarding in many ways. First of all it can provide you with an opportunity to earn a fantastic full time or part time income working from home. Groups, organizations and businesses are always looking for informative, entertaining speakers to address their members at banquets, annual meetings, conferences etc. As you become well known as a speaker the invitations increase. Word of mouth is still the best form of advertising. As your reputation spreads you will find people from outside your local area approaching you to present to their group. Since I began my speaking career I have spoken to numerous groups throughout Canada and the United States. Not only are the financial rewards terrific, but I get to travel, all expenses paid, meet new people and see new country. What a great life and what great rewards for doing what I love to do.

Another appealing feature of a speaking career is that you control your own schedule. You accept only those engagements that fit nicely into your other family duties and obligations. If you want a month off, you just don’t accept bookings during that time. When you add this to no traffic jams to face twice a day and no boss to contend with it starts to hit you just how appealing this career is.

Not only do you determine how many speeches you would like to give per month but you also can negotiate how much you will charge per speech. When just starting out in the speaking business you will receive in the neighborhood of $200.00 per presentation. Within a year you could be receiving between $500 and $1000 per talk. Not bad part time money for doing something you love.

I like to have a fee range to accommodate the various budgets of different groups and to provide room for negotiation. I am in the business of opening doors of opportunity not closing them because my fee is rigid. This is entirely up to you. I know speakers who will not negotiate their fees. That is their choice.

If you just want to speak locally you can. If you want to spread your vocal wings across the region and the continent the possibilities are endless. Marketing yourself and your service will bring opportunities galore. If you have a computer and are online you can advertise on your own web site. This brings inquiries from all over the planet and spreads the word about your speaking topics and availability to millions of potential clients.

Added Benefits of a Public Speaking Career

1. Public speaking builds confidence. When you experience the thrill of holding an audience in the palm of your hand and receive their appreciative applause your confidence soars.

2. Public speaking boosts your self esteem. When you see the audience relate to you as someone who really knows what you are talking about your self esteem increases. And we all can use an increase in self esteem.

3. People start looking at you in a more positive way. Even if you never use your public speaking skills in giving formal presentations, people will notice that you are more articulate and confident in expressing an opinion or sharing an insight. You will discover that they begin looking to
you for advice and opinions on many issues.

4. It helps you become a more organized thinker.. Planning, writing and delivering a well researched , well organized presentation has an overflow effect in other areas of your life. You begin to plan and organize your thoughts more effectively.. This is especially helpful in your
career or business. When your manager or supervisor asks your opinion on some work- related issue you are better able to express your ideas in a clear, concise and well organized manner.

5. Public speaking begins to alter your self perception. As you begin to use the skills involved in public speaking you will notice that you begin to start talking to yourself in a more positive way. You begin to see yourself as capable and confident.

6. By accepting the challenge to speak in public you begin to explore and actualize your own potential. Many of us go through life not realizing how much we are capable of achieving. Public speaking is an effective tool in the process of self discovery.

7. Public speaking gives you the courage to break out of your comfort zone. I believe that the comfort zone is the enemy of human growth. When we are too comfortable where we are we tend to become stagnant. Speaking in public pushes us out of the comfort zone and reveals to
us our enormous capabilities.

If you feel compelled to share your expertise or message with others do so. Start slowly and start small but start. The benefits and rewards are tremendous.

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