How to Start Building a Profitable Affiliate Marketing Business

I remember when I first started out online. I had no clue about how to get customers and how to construct a website that would magically pull in cash from the internet. I thought then that it would be as simple as I had been lead to believe. Just click a few buttons and you will have a website, click a few more and you will have so many customers that you will wear out your shoe leather with all too frequent trips to the bank as you cash your affiliate cheques.

Just a quick note on that point. When signing up with affiliate networks, always be sure to have them pay directly to some form of online bank that you have, it saves time cashing cheques.

It is fine to accept US dollar cheques if you live in the UK as all banks will accept dollar payments, however they will charge you a fee.

Affiliate marketing is a great business once you get it right. You can shorten your learning curve and miss out most of the wasted time associated with a poor apprenticeship by following a few guidelines.

Earning money online by affiliate marketing requires three things. You need a product, you need a website and you need customers that are looking to buy what you have to sell.

It is also possible to do what is known as direct linking, in which case no website is needed, however by direct linking to the vendors website that you are promoting you lose the ability to capture the customers email address which means that you will be unable to offer similar products to that client at a later date. By setting up your own websites to capture leads, you are building the foundations to a solid, long term business.

Template websites are all that is required in order to promote most affiliate products and capture emails whilst being flexible enough to allow a newcomer to easily edit it as required.

Starting your online business by building a search engine optimised website is the right way to begin. You will avoid the cash sucking cost per click trap and attract free, organic customers to your site which is therefore 100% more profitable.

Choose profitable affiliate products by carrying out simple research and determining which ones to promote.

You will also need some website editing software, an FTP client and an auto responder package. All of these are fairly simple to use once you get the hang of it. Sign up to various CPA networks and a few article publishers also right away and your affiliate marketing business will begin on the right footing.

Six Simple Practice Building Tips That Are Guaranteed To Lead To Exponential Practice Growth

The following article contains six simple practice building tips that you can easily incorporate into your own daily routine that are guaranteed to lead to exponential practice growth. In fact, these can be so seamlessly fitted into your daily marketing efforts that the only way you will know that you are doing them is by the tremendous numbers of patients that they bring in.

Because everybody loves lists you may even want to print this out and pin it somewhere where you can see it – ideally next to your marketing calendar and make sure that you have worked your way through the list daily without fail.

That said and without further ado, here we go.

1. Specialize. You cannot be everything to everyone and by trying to be a generalist you will only end up stressing yourself and suffering burn out. It is rightly reported that “create a niche and you’ll get rich” and by becoming an expert in your own area you avoid all competition.

2. Guarantee results and eliminate all risks from prospective clients. There may be may reasons why prospective clients may not want to experience what you do and the main one is the financial risk that if you can’t help them they will be out of pocket. If you remove this block from them attending you are far more likely to get people through the door and once they are in you can convince them to stay with your brilliance.

3. Show the benefits of your service not the features. People buy with their hearts and then justify the decision with their minds. They don’t care about what you do, they just care about how it makes them feel – so create some emotive selling points! It doesn’t matter what services you provide you need to understand that you’re in the outcome business. You are selling results, outcomes and life changing therapies whilst your competitors sell treatments.

4. Talk to at least five people a day about what you do. Get out and mingle with the local community and build up trust and rapport. Shop and eat in the surrounding neighbourhood wherever person people will realize that you are their local person to turn to in need. Get in front of groups and speak – give talks, demonstrations about what you do and you will discover that it’s the fastest way to establish authority and build a dedicated following of eager and knowledgeable clients.

Find the people in your community who know a lot of other people – church goers, members of clubs, gyms and get them to spread the word for you. According to the work done by Stanley Milgram we are only six people away from anybody else – so if you get a few community leaders on your side spreading the word who knows how many people (and who!) they may send your way!

Whilst you are building your numbers of interested prospects don’t forget that your current clients are your best source of referrals – and get them spreading the word! If you aren’t getting referrals from your current clients it is most probably because you aren’t asking them! Whilst they are excited about the improvements you have made for them simply ask for the names of a couple of other people that you can help as well…

…and if they can’t think of any names to give you get them to write you a testimonial. The more testimonials and the more social proof you have that what you do works – the greater the number of prospective clients that will be attracted to you.

5. Build an email list of prospective clients and current clients and communicate with them often. Get your list to know, like and trust you and you are half-way there to getting them as clients – and keeping them as clients. Keep your mailings a mixture of educational material, entertainment, offers and reviews. Don’t try any hard selling and sales pitches as people will just not read what you have to say – the idea is to keep yourself at the front of their mind so that whenever they need someone that does what you do – yours is the name that immediately comes to them

6. Sell people what they WANT but give them what they NEED. Attract clients to you by offering what they want and whilst they are with you convert them to what you actual do.

For example any complementary therapist will argue that preventative treatments and maintenance care are the best solutions for everybody. Regular check-ups will prevent possible problems whilst keeping you in the peak of physical condition – but that isn’t what patients want (or at least they don’t realize it yet!). 99 times out of 100 they want relief from pain and they want it now – so get them in to relieve their pain and sow the seeds of how great it will be to never have this ailment trouble them again. Get patients in with pain relieve and keep them with prevention!

Above you have multiple marketing steps that will each bring in a few clients on their own. However, when combined they will lead to a massive increase in clinic numbers and these six incredibly easy to implement ideas are guaranteed to give you exponential practice growth – but only if you implement them and implement them on a consistent basis.

Management Tip – Building a Winning Team – Developing Self-Esteem

How important is self-esteem to your employee’s success? As managers, we all know that high self-esteem leads to high confidence and a high feeling of self-worth. These are critical traits in any employee’s success. Having said that, here is an important and introspective question: What kind of self-esteem does each of your employees have? If you do not know, I would challenge you to start observing your employees. Believe it or not, you can play a major role in making boosting their self-esteem and can change their attitude and performance in the process.

It has always been interesting to me that the term self-esteem starts with “self”. Our self-esteem is usually not determined, high or low, by ourselves, but by the feedback of those around us. We get a view of ourselves in our mind as to who we are, and our strengths and weaknesses, based on what others say to us and about us. As a manager, knowing this simple fact unlocks a key of opportunity for changing and improving our employee’s self-esteem every day. In essence, powerful words and affirmations can lead to a changed, more confident, self-assured and productive employee. I have seen this metamorphosis happen to thousands of individuals in my career. This is all possible through the power of words!

Have you ever had someone significant in your life (a spouse, parent, sibling, teacher, coach) who consistently told you that you weren’t good enough in certain areas of your life? Someone who tended to focus on your weaknesses instead of your strengths? Someone who was always correcting you? How did that make you feel? What was the impact and what were the long-term repercussions? Did it negatively impact your self-esteem, self-image and self-worth? Do you think your employees have had (or are having) the same experience in their life? As their manager, are you one of those critical people?

Now let’s look at it another way. Have you ever had (or have) someone significant in your life who told you could do anything? Someone who found the best in you? Someone who constantly built you up and focused on your strengths? If you have, and I hope you did, you know the positive impact that had in changing your view of yourself and building your confidence and self-esteem. That’s exactly the kind of influence you can be in your employees’ lives. No matter what negative feedback your employees are getting from others in their lives, you can counteract that with positive, encouraging words. By doing so, you will not only build up their self-esteem and confidence, but you will gain their respect, admiration and loyalty. These are qualities that make for great employees! It is all up to how you speak to and treat the people in your care.

Let me share with you some timeless words of wisdom and truth from the Bible that will support this point: “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouth, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs so it may benefit those who listen.” (Ephesians 5:29). You have the power to make a difference in your employees’ lives. Starting today, make that difference!

The 4 Components to Building an Author Platform

What is an author platform?

An author platform focuses on who you are as the author, and how many people you influence. It is what you represent. It is what comes to mind when people hear your name.

There are four components to building a platform as an author.

Authors should think of themselves in the same way as celebrities do. Becoming famous does not happen overnight. In fact, you don’t become famous without having a following.

And you can’t have a following without first having a presence. People have to come to know you as an author. They must encounter your brand in order to get to you.

Many new authors tend to believe that the only thing they need to focus on is writing the book; when that is so far from the truth. As an author, yes, you must write books; but, you also have to think about how you are going to get in front of the people who matter the most to your career: your readers.

What are the four components to building your platform as an author?

1. Presence. How will people find you if they don’t even know that you exist in the first place? You must spend time doing the things that will get you in front of the people who will be reading and promoting both you and your work. Having a presence opens doors for opportunities you may have never imagined in your life. Social media has made it easy to build your presence online.

2. Relationships. This has to do with the people who can help further your reach and exposure as an author. It is the bloggers, the radio show hosts, the newspapers, magazines, and other forms of media. What connections are you building with the people that can help you get in front of the people who will one day become your fans and supporters? The relationships you build determine how big you can play in the world.

3. Tribe. You have to become the person your reader wants and needs to meet. The person your reader wants to connect with. Take time to get to know your readers. Authors become their readers BFIMH (Best Friend In My Head). But you can’t become that, if they don’t know you, and you don’t know them. Once your readers have to come to know you, and love you, they will become a member of your tribe. They will be your biggest supporters, and will help spread the news of your works, appearances, and more. Tribe members don’t ask to be compensated; they support you because they love you.

4. Brand. What do you stand for in the eyes of your readers? Are you a hot male romance author? Do you write Christian erotica? Whatever it is that makes you unique, is a part of your brand.

Focus on building your platform as an author. It will determine the success or failure of your career. Though it may take time, effort, energy, and even finances, having a solid foundation is well worth the sacrifice.

Building An Environment Of Ethical Behavior Ten Tips From Your Strategic Thinking Business Coach

Business ethics has become and has remained a popular news topic in today’s world thanks to Enron, Tyco, WorldCom, Adelphia, et al. We have read and heard about the “waiving of the ethics code or standard” and where compromises were made to ethical standards for business advantages. And now we hear about zero tolerance for unethical behavior. It now seems as though the pendulum is swinging strongly in the direction of zero tolerance for unethical behavior based upon the reactions to ethics misconduct cases across the corporate landscape.

Good business leaders have ethics, character and integrity. To lead and operate an ethical organization, you have to create an environment for your people that allows them to operate in an ethical manner. Here are ten (10) tips from your strategic thinking business coach on how to build an environment of ethical behavior.

Tip #1: Create and adopt a formal written Company Code of Ethics for your business and distribute a copy to all employees.

Tip #2: Create and implement a formal system for reviewing, updating and enforcing the Company Code of Ethics.

Tip #3: Communicate the Company Code of Ethics and provide orientation and training for all employees.

Tip #4: Commit to ongoing training and reinforcement of ethical behavior and require employees to take refresher ethics course.

Tip #5: Lead by example and “walk the talk” of following the adopted Company Code of Ethics.

Tip #6: Reward ethical conduct.

Tip #7: Deal with unethical behavior swiftly, firmly and justly when it occurs. Everyone must be treated in the same fair and impartial manner.

Tip #8: Encourage all employees to take responsibility for their behavior and maintain a strong personal code of ethics.

Tip #9: Appoint an ombudsman or other confidential channel for employees to voice their concerns or report unethical behavior in a confidential manner and without fear of retribution. Appoint a formal committee to consider ethical issues in accordance with the Company Code of Ethics.

Tip #10: Promote zero tolerance for unethical behavior.

Building Rapport With Co-Workers

Communication and relationships are very important in the business world. Being able to work with others is often vital to getting assigned to high-profile projects, desirable transfers, and potential promotions. Relationship building starts with rapport among co-workers. Rapport is built with open communication, a positive attitude of interest in the other person, and exploration of their interests.

The most important relationship builder is frequent use of people’s names. Learn the name the individuals you work with prefer to be called by. Some people prefer their formal first name and others find this too unfriendly or have seen it as a part of a corrective action and therefore prefer a shorter version of their name. Since most nicknames are reserved for family and seen as unprofessional, you should not use a nickname unless the individual has asked that you do so.

To build on the professional relationship, ask someone about their day. If the person is working on an interesting project they will tell you about it and it can give you material for future work-related conversations without appearing bossy or nosy. If the individual is working on a hard project or behind in their work then they may feel comfortable letting you know this too. This will give you the opportunity to offer help to catch up if you have the time. You may also offer examples of similar problems you had and ways that you overcame obstacles in order to complete difficult projects.

To create a more personal connection, ask a co-worker about their weekend. In a few minutes, they will respond with what they did. Items like watched a sport, participated in a game, or attended a child’s program will give you ideas of what the individual is personally interested in. Then you can build upon this for future conversation to build a friendlier and more open relationship.

To make each other feel part of the same team, go to lunch with individuals or groups during a work day when you or they could use a break from the workspace. As appropriate, invite individuals to your home to eat dinner, watch a game, or see a new movie in which they may be interested.

A few simple questions asked and actively listening to the responses creates an atmosphere of open communication and increases rapport with co-workers. Key to better projects, challenging transfers, or promotions is being able to work with others. Good communication skills and the ability to build relationships will continue to be important in the world of business

Sensorial Branding – The Future of Brand Building

“People spend money when and where they feel good”
– Walt Disney

Most brands & products are now interchangeable. This sad statement emanates from one of the fathers of marketing, Philip Kotler.

For a brand to be identified, recognized and understood in its values is the core of every strategy, the nagging issue of every marketing manager.

However, in a competitive environment where the usage & functional value of a brand (a product or a service) can be easily copied or duplicated, what is left to stand out from the crowd? How can the customer’s preference be triggered to ensure their loyalty? How can the tie that will closely link your brand to the consumer and put you ahead of the competition be built, retained or strengthened?

These are questions to which sensorial branding answers: use senses (and their impact on the consumers’ perceptions) to enrich the brand experience and build up its uniqueness and personality, while ultimately paving the way to the consumers’ affection, preference and loyalty.

Sensorial branding (and sensorial marketing) fills the gap left by traditional marketing theories when it comes to answering today’s consumer mindset. This new kind of thinking finds its origins in the ’90s, with the shift from the rational mindset that formerly prevailed in the consumer’s decision-making process to the emotional and hedonist quest that now drives their desires and consumption acts.

In reaction to an increasingly virtual and pressurized industrial world, people have started seeking a way to reconnect to reality in their private sphere, for a pathway to re-enchant their world. The individual values of pleasure, well-being and hedonism rose along with a true new concept of consumption that exposed the limits of traditional marketing theories.

Consumption today is a form of “being”. Just like any leisure activity, it becomes a place to express a piece of your personality, where you share common values with a small group of other individuals (a tribe). And maybe more than anything else, consumption acts must be analyzed as “felt” acts, as experiences capable of providing emotions, sensations and pleasure.

Purchasing acts are driven by this desire for sensational experiences that re-ignite senses and drive emotions. No matter how effective a product may be, it is its hedonist and emotional added-value, as well as the distinctive experience it offers, that lead consumers to buy it and ensure its loyalty.

What does it mean from a branding point of view?

First, it means that price and functionality are now taken for granted (or, in other words, not sufficiently differentiating). It is now the intangible, irrational and subjective attributes of the brand offering that are the new factors of success.

Second, it highlights the fact that sensations, new experiences and emotions must be part and parcel of the brand experience. It is through these 3 channels that the brand can create greater differentiation, influence consumer’s preference and secure their affection.

In summary, focusing the brand strategy on rational arguments regarding its functional value is no longer sufficient to ensure success. What is clear is that empowered brands are the ones managing to deliver hedonist and emotional attributes throughout the brand experience. This is where brands can add meaning and, therefore, value and sense to products and services, transforming them from interchangeable commodities into powerful brands.

This is where sensorial branding is competent: exploring and unveiling how brands can connect with people in a more sensitive way, at this true level of senses and emotions. To put it more clearly, it focuses on exploring, expressing, and empowering the brand’s hedonist and emotional potentials.

In this theory, sensations prevail because they are a direct link to consumers’ affections. Senses are directly affected by the limbic part of the brain, the area responsible for emotion, pleasure and memory. In a way, it is no big surprise. This is all about going back to basics, to what actually appeals to a human being on an everyday basis. Sense is a vital part of our human experience. Almost our entire understanding and perception of the world is experienced through our senses. A growing number of research shows that the more senses your product appeals to, the greater the brand experience.

While communication & visual identity focus mainly on sight and sound, an accurate poly-sensorial identity integrating touch, smell (and taste when applicable), sends a more powerful emotional message to consumers, multiplying the connections or touch points through which the consumers can be attracted, convinced and touched by the brand. It enables and encourages consumers to “feel” and “experience” the brand (product or service) with their “emotional brain”.

As Martin Lindstrom, author of best-selling book Brand Sense states, success lies in mastering a true sensory synergy between the brand and its message.

The first brand to intuitively implement the sensorial branding theory was Singapore Airlines. Like any other airline company, Singapore Airlines’ communication and promotions primarily focused on cabin comfort, design, food and price. The breakthrough was made when they decided to incorporate the emotional experience of air travel. The brand platform they implemented aimed at one simple, but rather revolutionary, objective: to present Singapore Airlines as an entertainment company. From that moment onward, every detail of the Singapore Airlines travel experience was scrutinized and a new set of branding tools were implemented: from the finest silk and colours chosen for the staff uniform, to the make up of the flight attendants that had to match Singapore Airline’s brand colour scheme; from the drastic selection of the flight attendants that had to be representative of the “Asian beauty archetype”, to the way they should speak to passengers and serve food in the cabin. Everything had to convey smoothness and relaxation to transform the Singapore Airlines travel experience into a true sensorial journey. Right after turning the Singapore Airlines flight attendant into an iconic and emblematic figure of the brand (the famous “Singapore Girl”), they broke through the barriers of marketing again by introducing a new dimension to the brand: a signature scent. They specifically designed a signature scent, called Stefan Floridian Waters. This olfactory signature was used by the crew, blended into the hot towels served to passengers, and it soon permeated the entire fleet of planes. Described as smooth, exotic and feminine, it was the perfect reflection of the brand and achieved instant recognition of Singapore Airlines upon stepping into the aircraft. It soon became a unique and distinctive trademark of Singapore Airlines, capable of conveying a set of memories all linked to comfort, sophistication and sensuality.

Another example given by Martin Lindstrom is Rolls Royce. To recapture the feeling of older “rollers” and maintain the luxurious aura surrounding the brand, Rolls Royce analysed and recreated the unique smell made by materials like mahogany wood, leather and oil that permeated the interior of the 1965 Silver Cloud Rolls-Royce. Now every Rolls Royce leaving the factory is equipped with a diffuser in the underside of the car’s seat to convey this unique identity of the brand.

What we learn here is that only when all the sensory touch points between the brand and consumer are integrated, evaluated and leveraged can true enrichment of your brand identity be achieved. In the future, it can become the most cutting-edge tool to stand out from the crowd, boosting the brand experience and eventually influencing consumer loyalty.

Few brands today are truly integrating sensorial branding in their strategy, while forward thinking companies are already implementing it with success. Adding a sensorial dimension to the brand experience is surely about to become the next competitive asset.

In the future, brand building for marketers may lie in one simple question: what does my brand feel like?
To get more information about Sensorial Branding services, either in China or internationally you can come have a look at Labbrand website.

Vladimir Djurovic

Business Language – Building Your Business Knowledge

Image – It is important to take note of how the market views your services. Your image comprises the visibility of your business, your logo, the uniform of your employees, the signage on the road, your reputation on the market. Image is everything. I have seen small companies grown to large conglomerates all because they managed their image consistently and excellently. If there is anything that seeks to damage the image and outlook of the organization, there are people designated to repair and remove the impact of any such image dents. Your image speaks for you in your absence.

Impact – This refers to the positive effect your product, service or your company has made in the lives of others. The reason a company is to grow and make a positive impact on the lives of its stakeholders which includes the shareholders, customers and employers. Companies that spend on corporate social responsibility make so much impact even with the little they spend on the under privileged. After all, what is success if it does not touch one that has not access to success and also make them great.

Implementation – This is putting to action all that has been planned. In most situations, corporates emphasize planning and preparation and fail at the point of execution and actually doing the planned activities. Implementation is equally important. It requires a consistent follow through the suggested action plans. Most failure is not because there is no dream; it is at the point of putting all the dreams to action. When the rubber faces the road, when the pain comes in, when the unanticipated difficulties come, that is when quitting seems to be the only route to follow. However, those who decide to persevere and implement all that is carefully planned become successful. Start implementing what you plan and always finish implementing what you start.

Import – This is the movement of goods and services from one nation that has the resources into the nation that has need for the goods and services. In cases where it costs more to make the item within a country, most companies choose to bring in the items either as raw materials or finished products into their own countries. Every country has its own import regulations, duties, import levies and taxes for each category of goods. It is important to acquaint yourself with such laws as you may import substances or goods that are prohibited without your knowledge.

Incentive – this is an element that increases an employee to achieve more and increase in effort and delivery. Usually companies that provide production bonuses or other gratuities outside of salaries stand a better chance to retain employees and have consistency in production than places where no additional incentive is ever talked about or implemented. An incentive is not merely monetary but can be a gesture such as giving an employee time off, extra recognition of good performance etc. As leaders, you need to be creative about how to incentivize your employees. In countries where access to basic commodities is a problem, leaders choose to procure these items in others countries and make them available to employees thus adding the convenience employees need.

Income – This is money that is received on a consistent and regular basis either through salary payments or through interest accrued from investments made. In any situation, the endeavor is for the income to always outweigh the expenditure. Income should be budgeted. As a company you must be able to budget where all your income comes from or where the anticipated inflows are coming from. One way to guarantee regular income that is predictable is to go into sales and maintenance agreements which become a consistent form of income.

Incorporation – this is a process by which a company or organization is constituted as a as a legal corporation. In some countries, companies have Inc after their name which means Incorporated. A company is a legal entity which can be sued, it is a legal persona. It is therefore important to ensure that the organization sticks to the confines to the conditions of the incorporation or registration.

Independence – This is a state by which a company or business entity has capacity to stand on its own without the continual injection of capital by the shareholder. It is the dream and desire of every investor that at some point they get a return on what they have invested over time. When a company has enough funds to finance its orders, monthly expenditure and any such costs, it is independent and mature. There are varying durations that companies take to come to a place of freedom and independence. Some companies depend on the shareholder for many years. This can also refer to the state of a nation. When a nation is under colonial rule it is dependent. When the colonizer eventually leaves the nation then Independence is declared.

Industry – this is economic activity and structures that a focused on the processing of raw materials and manufacture of goods in factories and plants. The activities in the industries of any country determine the economic status of that nation. A nation will not be able to export or make goods for its own people if the conditions given to industry owners are not conducive for them to operate profitably. No economy can thrive based on goods and services imported from other nations. Only when a country or community begins to manufacture and sells its own goods do we see the standards of living improve. They can then trade their goods for cash which is in turn used to sustain the communities and families.

Information – This refers to your access or exposure to facts and knowledge (information). Sometimes this is learned through attending formal education or in other instances information is obtained through news sources like radio, newspapers etc. Your access to information determines how far you go in life. Information is what separates the informed and the ignorant. The ignorant will never realize that they lack information until someone who has the information shares it with them. A company or country must always endeavor to keep its people informed of what is going on in the country or company so that no one is caught by surprise. People fail to move in the same direction in situations where the direction is only known to a few individuals. Only when education, explanation and illustration are done will people buy-in.

Infrastructure – these are basic physical and organizational structures (such as roads, buildings, drainage, etc) necessary for the operation of a country or society or business enterprise. Companies invest in immovable assets because of the nature of their stability and consistency to maintain value. It is wisdom for any corporate or country to invest in infrastructure. That is legacy for generations to come. Descendants after your will still find the company warehouse standing and not need to build one from scratch. Invest in infrastructure as much as possible.

Innovation – This is also referred to as creativity which is the ability to create new ideas, products and services. There is no limit set as to which products a company can make. Sometimes innovative ideas are simply modifications or remodeling of existing ideas. Innovation helps organizations to stay on the cutting edge of development. We can both make a bicycle but because I am more innovative, I will add value and put other small gadgets on the bicycle I make, my innovation will make me stand heads and shoulders above my competition.

Intentionality – This is a deliberate and calculated move by leaders of a company to do something for the benefit of stake holders. The leaders have to have intentionality in dealing with employees. They have to be deliberate about salary increments, benefits, health care of the employee and general welfare. There are things a country needs to be intentional and deliberate about for the livelihoods of its people to be lifted. It must be something that is imposed upon the leaders but something the leaders are willing to do without any coercion or force being applied.

Interest – In business this can mean the money that you get charged for borrowing money. Usually it is a percentage per annum. It can also relate to the areas concern or areas of focus. One can say “I have business interests in that country”. The same person can say “the bank charged me interest on the loan I borrowed”. In the case of money charged on borrowings, my advice is that the company finance staff has to keep an eye on this figure as oversight can actually lead to bankruptcy. I have watched with great shock how a company seems to be doing well until the lender demands their money and repossessions of property start.

International – this is when a business or service exists across nations. There is a need for a business to uphold high standards whenever there are international transactions. Companies strive to get into international markets as they may outgrow their own market within the country of origin. International existence of a company is governed by the respective laws of the land on which the company is registered. With the existence of the internet, companies’ resources and services are available to a more global client base. Import and export is the main activity in international business.

Internet – this is also referred to as the World Wide Web (www). This is the connection of computers all over the world for the purpose of information and resource sharing. It becomes the electronic way of handling information, news etc. With the advent of this technology, we now have e-news, e-business, e-health, e-commerce, e-education etc the e- standing for electronic. Businesses have been revolutionized as they have become available to international markets through websites or web pages. This phenomenon has changed the way business is done between nations and communities. News is transmitted faster and cheaper to the intended audience in a more efficient manner. Solutions to common problems one faces are available on the internet. One just has to search for the information. With the right keywords you can get access to all the information resources you ever need.

Intranet – this is almost similar to internet above except the fact the reach is more restricted to internal customers. It enhances intra company communication. This becomes the company notice board.

Invention – this is linked to innovation above. It is when something is discovered for the first time e.g. Thomas Edison invented the light bulb, Henry Ford invented the motor vehicle. There is no limit as to what can be invented. There are new things being invented every so often. Some are quite significant while others are not so significant and worth mentioning. Inventions make the life of mankind on this earth more pleasurable, smoother, more efficient and effective. There are also some inventions made which go against humanity’s existence e.g. some weaponry and poisons etc.

Inventory – this is a complete list of items such as goods in stock or the contents of a building. It is important to always take stock of what items the company owns or what items the company has in stock in order to enable leadership to make a decision on ordering more items to replace those lost, damaged or non functional. The inventory is then summed up in dollars on a balance sheet to reflect the residual value of equipment and also value of goods in stock which can be converted into cash through sales.

Investment – this is when someone put away money into something that has a promise to bring the same money back with return on it. No one puts away money expecting no return or growth on the initial investment. You always invest or put money into something that promises a good return in the future. No return promised, no investment otherwise is merely charity work. Some investment vehicles are more profitable than others. In some cases, the investment portfolios that promise a bigger return have a bigger risk factor. High risk, high turnover.

Invoice – this is a list of goods or services provided by a company or individual. The invoice has an invoice number unique in the organization where originating it, who is supposed to pay, a breakdown of the actual items that have been sold, quantities, unit price, taxes (if any) and all other charges such as handling, shipping etc. The full amount due is also reflected with payment options and conditions also spelt out. This is a legal document which can be used in the courts to demand payment. No invoices should ever be verbal as people tend to become a problem when time to pay comes.

List Building Through News Releases

You might think it incredulous, but having news releases can really help build your internet marketing career. In what way, you may ask? For one thing, it is part of that thrust of the business which constitutes article marketing. If you are having news releases regularly, there are a host of benefits you can expect from it while building your list:

It builds credibility.

This is the most obvious advantage of concocting your own news releases. You get to have more credibility when it is disseminated. The fact that it is a form of news article renders it with a sense of immediacy and eliminates the light perspective with which feature articles are viewed. When you have a news release, there will be facts, updated facts about your business and will have more people interested since it is urgent and in the news.

It builds links back to your site.

Since you will be giving out information about your website, your updates and your business within a news release, it really helps build links back to your site. People who will be administering those news releases to their readers will be compelled to link back to you so that your readers will be able to reach you if they have additional questions. Since interests are to be raised when the information is disseminated via a news release, you will find that there will be more links to your site.

It is a good way to acquire media attention.

The free publicity is what makes news releases so appealing to the internet marketer. If you are able to make your news releases more viable and attractive, the media will be really committed to getting updates on you and keeping tabs on you on a regular basis. It all boils down to how “news worthy” your news release is.

It is an alternative to fullblown advertising attempts.

Fullblown advertisements are unwieldy, tedious and not to mention extremely expensive. If you are really after maximum exposure at minimal cost, then go ahead and make that news release available. It is a very suitable alternative to advertising campaigns, and I am telling you that it will yield the same effect.

It is shorter than press releases and more up to date.

Press releases contain some sort of history of your business and all those other stuff few people would take the time to read. Some people do not like press releases because it is time-consuming as reading material. On the other hand, news releases are shorter and pretty much gives you a bold introduction to those who may not have heard of you prior to seeing the news release.

A news release can be very challenging to make. You have to strike the balance between sticking to the facts and promoting yourself. The good thing about news releases is that it costs little for you to make use of. If you are well able to incorporate this with other styles of building site traffic, then you are definitely on your way to becoming a master list builder.

Advantages Of Building Bulk Email Lists for Marketing Your Business

Sending bulk email for acquiring new clients is a strong and effective marketing strategy. For businesses that are reluctant to even try bulk email marketing you might benefit from this read;

“The complaint I receive from many entrepreneurs, and marketers alike, is they have considered email list marketing for their advertising needs but have not found a good starting point I have found that that most first-time email marketers do achieve success within the first 30 days and ongoing email marketing only builds your email lists bigger and more relevant with each campaign sent”.

Email List Marketing Works For Big Brands, It Drives Traffic And Revenue

Let’s take a look at some recent stats that highlight why email list marketing is something to consider moving into 2016

  • Over 70 percent of marketers agree that email marketing is core to their business.
  • 60 percent of marketers claim that email is a critical enabler of products and services, versus 42 percent of marketers in 2014.
  • 20 percent of marketers say that their business’ primary revenue source is directly linked to email operations.
  • 43 percent of businesses have email teams of 2-3 people.
  • 74 percent of marketers believe email produces or will produce ROI in the future.
  • For 69.7 percent of US internet users, email is the preferred method of communicating with businesses.

5 Practical Reasons You Should Consider Bulk Email Marketing for 2016

Let’s put aside the stats and data for a second and talk about the real practical reasons you should be sending email for your business.

Here is practical advice and what this author believes to demand from your email list marketing company;

  1. Some bulk email software’s allow you to send an unlimited amount of email and it can be fully automated, and work in compliance with responsible email marketing practices and can-spam act of 2003 to remove opt-outs and non-deliverables, spam score checkers, and more features added automatically with any web based bulk email software platform.
  2. With web-based software there is nothing to download or install, you can simply log into your online software account from anywhere to manage, send, and monitor your campaigns. This is an advantage as the email campaigns do not send from your internet connection or email account and you can add and remove domains and IPs for perpetual campaign longevity.
  3. No setup cost and no contracts are almost expected these days; you want to choose a month to month billing that offers you the control to cancel at any time, but more importantly and a pro-rated billing system so you can upgrade or downgrade at anytime only paying the difference in pricing. This is very important as this will keep your overall costs under control and you can grow with your new sales strategy.
  4. Purchasing email lists from a credible email list provider can allow you to choose targeted categories further for pinpointing your demographic before sending. This provides an excellent opportunity to try different categories that you might have previously overlooked with other advertising allowing you to realize new marketing opportunity.
  5. Build exclusive opener and clicker lists. This is extremely effective as it builds new email list databases for future campaigns and is a great marketing strategy to implement right from the start. These contacts can automatically be added to new separately named email list databases and can build automatically for you each time you send an email campaign.

3 Things To Look For When Starting Email Marketing For The First Time

An email marketing campaign might be sounding more exciting by the second but not so fast! Well if you think you’re ready to dive into email marketing you might just be, however here are a few additional considerations to explore before you start sending out your first email marketing newsletter.

  1. Email marketing is not easy requires some additional learning like any software. Excellent email marketing takes practice and just be to properly check your ad copy for spelling and grammar, formatting, and other errors. Always split test trying out a few different ads and subject headers then run with your best performer. Many make the mistake to blast out one ad to 100 percent of the list, break it up a bit and think more about longevity.
  2. Basic feature you should demand from the email list, and bulk email Software Company you choose to send and manage your campaigns: No Setup Fee, Month to Month billing, Pro-Rated so you can increase/decrease the sending volume when desired, provides both email lists and email software under one brand, offers support and easy to contact via phone and email, a company with some online history and credibility. Choose your email marketing company wisely.
  3. When shopping around be sure you choose a company that offers everything email marketing under one roof, this makes them accountable and provides consumer confidence. There are many companies that provide email marketing services, but most do not offer the email lists and ability to send using a web-based software all under one umbrella.

Now you are prepared for sending your first email campaign even if you’ve never done it before, throw caution to the wind and test it out for 2016.

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