How to Take Back What Wall Street Stole

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Have you thought the American Dream was dead? By the time you finish this article you’ll have changed your mind.

Now here’s a way to get back some of the money you lost in the market.

If you’d like to sell hundreds of thousands of books and make a million dollars keep reading..

Here’s how to do it, straight from the mouth of someone who did…

I’ve been an entrepreneur for as long as I can remember. I grew up in a little place called Chardon, Ohio. That’s right outside of Cleveland.

When I was a boy, probably 8,10 years old, I sold seeds door to door. I wanted that set of walkie-talkies when I was a kid and if you sold enough seeds, you got a pair of walkie-talkies.

I saw a space ad on the back of a comic book. You see them all the time selling greeting cards or selling seeds. I lived in a farming community, so I thought that would be a good thing to do and sure enough it was a great…

When I ordered the little kit it came with a pitch. I just walk up and with a cold knock on the door I gave my pitch.

I got those walkie-talkies and my buddies and I played Army men with midnight missions with our walkie-talkies and had a blast. My career as an entrepreneur was set from that point forward. A space ad had changed my life.

I used to just pour over those ads in The Charles Atlas and Mike Marvel comic books. They motivated me so much and when I got a little older, I saw the ad in ’78, I guess it was, by Joe Karbo, The Lazy Man’s Way To Riches, and said that’s for me! That’s just what I wanted to do.

Today I consider myself the world’s foremost space ad guy. I’ve gone through a couple hundred old comics and copied all those space ads.

I got really serious about space ads when I was 12 years old. My dad was an engineer. He traveled all over the world and one summer he took us to Aruba. I knew no one there and had a stack of comic books that I bought from a local drugstore there in Oranjestad in Aruba and just stayed in my room and read these comic books.

Once again these space ads moved me a great deal. I liked the psychology that the copywriters were using to get right into the core of my soul.

They knew this was exactly what I wanted. It amazed me because they seemed to understand me so well. They never met me and I wonder how in the heck do these guys to this and understand me so well and know exactly what I want, when I want, to the depth that I wanted it.

I don’t think intellectually I completely understood that at the time. It wasn’t until the 70’s when I got the Karbo material, that’s when my desire to be able to write like that and sell things really started to develop.

I first saw the Karbo ad in a magazine called Free Enterprise, an excellent magazine that no longer exists, but at that time it was one of the premier opportunity mags. They were just loaded with opportunities. This was one of them.

So, I ordered his book. After I got the book, I devoured it.

The first part of the book with the attitude stuff was right up my alley because I’m kind of a spiritual guy to begin with. I like psychology and I kind of understood that inherent. I really didn’t have to be sold on that part of the book. I was reading Think and Grow Rich and all the self-help books, the Dale Carnegie stuff before I found Karbo. So, that was a natural for it. It just went right into my psyche.

After I read that book, I launched my first direct mail project. The rest, as they say, is history.

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